[SIZE=-2]Computing News[/SIZE]New chip may replace flash memory, hard disk drives
[SIZE=-1]Computerworld - 27 minutes ago[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]December 11, 2006 (IDG News Service) -- Flash memory and hard-disk drives could face a challenge from a new chip technology, dubbed phase-change memory, being developed by a group of companies led by IBM Corp.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]IBM says new alloy will lead to better computer memory chips [SIZE=-1]International Herald Tribune[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]New type of memory chip may replace flash, HDD [SIZE=-1]ITworld.com[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]VNUNet.com - IT News Online - Hemscott[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]all 35 news articles[/SIZE]