No wonder the left supports them they are sexual perverts

They had sex with the dead.
I have been looking at what they did. They are scum and Palistine resident of Gaza .the vast majority of the Palistine Gaza supports Hamas and agreed
You and your boyfriend sure spend a lot of time obsess about perverts
That sounds perverted
You seem drawn to obsessions
My God you spend all this t8me desperately searching out this stuff and rushing to post it
That's perverted
No its perverted to rape and kill behead baby's and cut baby's out of women alive burn babys alive rape the dead and living . Democrats like you do not want to hear the truth about what they support
No its perverted to rape and kill behead baby's and cut baby's out of women alive burn babys alive rape the dead and living . Democrats like you do not want to hear the truth about what they support

well its hateful to do those things like killing people.
but you obsess about sexual "perversions" over and over which is just plain weird and creepy and perverted.
well its hateful to do those things like killing people.
but you obsess about sexual "perversions" over and over which is just plain weird and creepy and perverted.
No I do not obsess about them. Unlike you I do not support them so who the pervert. The person who exposes perversions or the people supporting them
No I do not obsess about them. Unlike you I do not support them so who the pervert. The person who exposes perversions or the people supporting them
yes you do. look at all your posts about gays and trannies etc.
its perverted to obsess about so many people who have no effect on you or anyone else.
What effect do people being gay or trans have on you personally, pervert?
Democrats embrace sexual perversion and then lie and hide to cover up the horrific consequences of their perverted policies.

Biden DOE to probe Wisconsin school district after claim trans woman showered with four high school girls ( 12-1-23

Biden DOE to probe Wisconsin school district after claim trans woman showered with four high school girls

Dan Lennington, WILL Deputy Counsel, added, "By no means is what happened in Wisconsin an isolated incident."
Democrats embrace sexual perversion and then lie and hide to cover up the horrific consequences of their perverted policies.

Biden DOE to probe Wisconsin school district after claim trans woman showered with four high school girls ( 12-1-23

Biden DOE to probe Wisconsin school district after claim trans woman showered with four high school girls

Dan Lennington, WILL Deputy Counsel, added, "By no means is what happened in Wisconsin an isolated incident."
So that's all you've got is someone in the shower? All that whining and complaining and laws passed about gays and trans and that's all you've got? That's your idea of horrific consequences? LOL you guys are such snowflakes

So how about gays? Anything about gays
So that's all you've got is someone in the shower? All that whining and complaining and laws passed about gays and trans and that's all you've got? That's your idea of horrific consequences? LOL you guys are such snowflakes

So how about gays? Anything about gays
Yes, all I have is irrefutable evidence of Democrat promotion of depravity of the worst sorts on our nations' schools.