North korea & south korea on thin ice


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South

North Korea Says U.S., South Korea Drill ‘Inviting Nuclear War’

Dec. 25 (Bloomberg) -- North Korea said the U.S. and South Korea are “inviting a nuclear war” by conducting military drills, even as a Seoul-based think tank predicted that Kim Jong Il’s regime may hold another atomic test next year.

South Korea’s Dec. 20 artillery drill on Yeonpyeong Island near the disputed sea border was an intentional provocation, and North Korea is closely watching “the reckless behavior of the warmongers inviting a nuclear war,” the communist country’s state-run Korean Central News Agency said today, citing commentaries in the Rodong newspaper.

The comments follow a threat North Korea made yesterday to wage a “sacred war” using nuclear weapons if attacked. North Korea may conduct a third nuclear test next year as it needs to refine its plutonium bomb, South Korea’s state-run Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security said in a report posted on its website yesterday.

And Obama warned Hillary not to interfere. Remember last time a country was on edge on Nuclear War. It was Pakistan and India. And George Bush warned Colon Powell not to interfere, Well he did,,Then came his re-election he make Colon Powell to resign because he went over his boss head.Hillary better listen to Obama or Obama could make her resign
N.K. shows no ability to deliver a nuclear device 20 feet much less into another country. they are like my daughter's miniature pinscher, lots of barking until another dog gets ont he same side of the fence he's on.
The USA should leave North Korea alone. It is the USA that is the aggressor here. How many countries has the USA invaded or bombed in the past 100 years? And how many governments has the CIA overthrown?

In North Korea what is necessary is a political revolution by the working class to overthrow the Stalinist bureaucracy.

In South Korea what is necessary is a workers revolution to overthrow the capitalist class and their prostitute-politicians.
The USA should leave North Korea alone. It is the USA that is the aggressor here. How many countries has the USA invaded or bombed in the past 100 years? And how many governments has the CIA overthrown?

In North Korea what is necessary is a political revolution by the working class to overthrow the Stalinist bureaucracy.

In South Korea what is necessary is a workers revolution to overthrow the capitalist class and their prostitute-politicians.

So what form of government are you envisioning for each of these nations if it all went according to your statements?
So what form of government are you envisioning for each of these nations if it all went according to your statements?

A government similar to that which existed in the early Soviet Union under Lenin and Trotsky. In the early Soviet Union anti-sodomy laws were taken off the books in 1919. In the early Soviet Union women got the right to an abortion in 1919. Women also got the right to vote a year before they got in the USA. The Bolshevik revolution under Lenin and Trotsky also brought peace, the Soviet Union withdrew from World War I immediately. (The Russian soldiers were sick of the war!)
A government similar to that which existed in the early Soviet Union under Lenin and Trotsky. In the early Soviet Union anti-sodomy laws were taken off the books in 1919. In the early Soviet Union women got the right to an abortion in 1919. Women also got the right to vote a year before they got in the USA. The Bolshevik revolution under Lenin and Trotsky also brought peace, the Soviet Union withdrew from World War I immediately. (The Russian soldiers were sick of the war!)

You are going to need to be more specific as to why this is better -- surely abortion and anti-sodomy laws are not the sole foundation of your argument here?
A government similar to that which existed in the early Soviet Union under Lenin and Trotsky. In the early Soviet Union anti-sodomy laws were taken off the books in 1919. In the early Soviet Union women got the right to an abortion in 1919. Women also got the right to vote a year before they got in the USA. The Bolshevik revolution under Lenin and Trotsky also brought peace, the Soviet Union withdrew from World War I immediately. (The Russian soldiers were sick of the war!)
The failure of the Soviet experiment has definitely made you American Liberals more vicious and hate-filled than you use to be. The plain failure of what passed for ideas among you guy's has enraged rather than humbled you.
The failure of the Soviet experiment has definitely made you American Liberals more vicious and hate-filled than you use to be. The plain failure of what passed for ideas among you guy's has enraged rather than humbled you.

from someone who thinks that USSR Government and what American Liberals want are the same thing...that means very little.
from someone who thinks that USSR Government and what American Liberals want are the same thing...that means very little.

You do want the same thing. You and your pals attack traditional American values. You and your pals are weak and our enemies know it just as we who want to remain free know it. We don't want to be like anyone else. We want to be free. Take your Euro-metro-newage world and shove it.

You wanted my attention, you've got it. Now lets see what you can do with it.
Someone said something about the "failure" of the Soviet experiment. The planned economy of the Soviet Union was no failure! It helped the Soviet Union become the second most powerful and industrialized nation on the planet. The Soviet Union was the first to put a satellite into outer space, a man in outer space, and the Soviet Union provided all of its people with the right to a job, free medical care, affordable housing, free child care, etc. In the Soviet Union under Lenin and Trotsky women got the right to an abortion in 1919, and in the same year anti-sodomy laws were taken off the books. And when capitalism was reintroduced the result was massive unemployment, poverty, and a decline in life expectancy.

I was also called a liberal. I am not a liberal. Liberals support the Democrats usually. I feel that choosing between the Democrats and Republicans is like choosing between AIDS and cancer! Unlike liberals, I feel we must build a workers party!
Someone said something about the "failure" of the Soviet experiment. The planned economy of the Soviet Union was no failure! It helped the Soviet Union become the second most powerful and industrialized nation on the planet. The Soviet Union was the first to put a satellite into outer space, a man in outer space, and the Soviet Union provided all of its people with the right to a job, free medical care, affordable housing, free child care, etc. In the Soviet Union under Lenin and Trotsky women got the right to an abortion in 1919, and in the same year anti-sodomy laws were taken off the books. And when capitalism was reintroduced the result was massive unemployment, poverty, and a decline in life expectancy.

I was also called a liberal. I am not a liberal. Liberals support the Democrats usually. I feel that choosing between the Democrats and Republicans is like choosing between AIDS and cancer! Unlike liberals, I feel we must build a workers party!

Okay. So the USSR was wonderful because it was a powerful nation that provided all of its people with the right to a job, free medical care, affordable housing, free child care, abortion in 1919, anti-sodomy law. And when capitalism was reintroduced the result was massive unemployment, poverty, and a decline in life expectancy.

You are claiming that everything was wonderful until the Great One ended the horror show that was the USSR. And that every thing went bad when capitalism was reintroduced...(was it really introduce? did it ever exist in Russia? No and No are the correct answers). To think as you do, you must ignore the 50 Million Russians murdered by the state, millions more who suffered terribly, the conquering and subjugation of E. Europe, the vast Gulag system, the spying and insurrections the USSR did for decades around the world, the inability of the state to provide adequate housing and food for it's people, the police state that existed, the lack of any of the freedoms we Americans take for granted...such as freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, bear arms, equal justice, private property, travel, work, political party affiliation, etc...

How can anyone think as you do?
You do want the same thing. You and your pals attack traditional American values. You and your pals are weak and our enemies know it just as we who want to remain free know it. We don't want to be like anyone else. We want to be free. Take your Euro-metro-newage world and shove it.

You wanted my attention, you've got it. Now lets see what you can do with it.

Fight that straw man, kill it! I am perfectly fine without your attention..your not worth mine.