NYC is turning into a Communist City


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Read this Stupid Noise law

Shhhh: New NYC noise code to take effect

NEW YORK - At a busy Manhattan corner, a cabbie lays on the horn as he struggles through rush-hour traffic. A few blocks away, sirens blare as an ambulance races down the street. In the subway below, trains screech to a halt and an amateur dance troupe blasts hip-hop music on the platform.

New York can be earsplitting.

But city officials say Gotham is about to get a little quieter when new regulations governing jackhammers, barking dogs, barroom music and other auditory menaces take effect July 1.

Even Mister Softee will have to keep it down: The ice-cream chain must now stop playing its maddening jingle — the tinkling tune that gets stuck in your head — when the trucks are stopped in residential areas.

The new regulations represent the first revisions in the city's noise code in more than three decades.

Some New Yorkers are wondering whether the City That Never Sleeps can change its ways.

"Last time I checked, this is New York," said Erik Foss, owner of a bar and gallery called Lit in Manhattan's East Village. "I don't know how you make it quiet around here. It wouldn't be New York if it were silent."

Noise-related calls to the city's hot line have been increasing steadily the past few years and are the top complaint. There were 38,660 noise complaints in 2005, and 41,856 in 2006. The main gripes during the day were construction. Barking dogs and loud air conditioners topped the list in later hours.

This past Saturday and Sunday, the hot line received 4,942 calls about noise — a weekend record.

"Noise is so pervasive in the city that people don't even realize it's happening," said Robyn Gershon, a Columbia University expert on occupational health and safety. "But it affects your health. It has a cardiovascular impact, causes sleep deprivation. Plus, you can go deaf."

The Environmental Protection Agency says people should not be consistently exposed to more than 75 decibels. Heavy city traffic is regularly 85, an ambulance siren is 120, and the subway averages in the 90s.

Now you really want Micheal Bloominberg for President. He just proved HES NO REPUBLICAN! Hes more like A Socialist Democrat like Nancy Pelosi is. Lets face it if Micheal Bloominberg Wins the White House thats like putting Vladimir Putin in Charge of America.If another Republican Rudy Guiliani wins the White House It would be like Hugo Chavez running america. So i choose the Freedom Lady HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON!!
Now you really want Micheal Bloominberg for President. He just proved HES NO REPUBLICAN! Hes more like A Socialist Democrat like Nancy Pelosi is. Lets face it if Micheal Bloominberg Wins the White House thats like putting Vladimir Putin in Charge of America.If another Republican Rudy Guiliani wins the White House It would be like Hugo Chavez running america. So i choose the Freedom Lady HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON!!

This is the most incredible paragraph I have ever come across on this site. "Guliani would be like Chavez" but Hilary Clinton is the "Freedom Lady". Stunning.
Yeah when those two clowns enter the white house say hello to our new flag.
Shes gonna do whats right. Not what coperate business wants us to do. I have strange feeling Bush is taking orders from the Vatican.
How are laws concerning noise equate to communism? Show me a city or town that doesn't have noise ordinances. The government requires mufflers on cars, jets engines have restrictions on noise levels as do many other types of machinery.
Sgt Schultz said:
How are laws concerning noise equate
to communism? Show me a city or town that doesn't have
noise ordinances. The government requires mufflers on cars,
jets engines have restrictions on noise levels as do many
other types of machinery.

Steve...Steve. I do not find a Communist flag to pleasing,
and I don't like the jester behind the thought. Did you put salt
(instead) sugar in your corn flakes? Really the article sounds
like a bunch of political bullcrap, and you fail for it.

All Cities in America that have factories, buses, fire trucks,
police cars, etc,etc,etc, have noise. However the United
States dept of Environmental do have guidelines to be abide
by, and no way is noise classified as pollution.

Its a mandatory requirement that every city have a noise
ordinances. To control loud music, requiring cars & trucks
to pass the emission test, and other types of injuries that
can be created.

I think what your statement is about you trying to be a
comdy writer, and using politics at the sametime. Mike
Bloomingberg is no different then anyone else running
for President, and the bottom lines is we will vote for
the best lier.

Another thing is I do not think that the noise ordinances
is a stupid law as you call it, but the thing about it is....
will it be enforced, and THEN (only then) if its not going
to be enforced its a waste of time dealing with a issue
like the noise ordinances.

In closing, I think the ordinances would do alots of good.
Because it would help to save hearing loss which is caused
by loud noises.
Look at San Fran they dont have Noise laws.Besides San Fran is the most gayest liberal city in america.And they dont have noise laws. Did you know another communist law NYC has? You cant do puppet shows outside your window apartment.
Look at San Fran they dont have Noise laws.Besides San Fran is the most gayest liberal city in america.And they dont have noise laws. Did you know another communist law NYC has? You cant do puppet shows outside your window apartment.

Are you certain of that about San Fransisco? A quick Google search says differently:

Local noise control for the urban neighborhoods surrounding the Presidio is governed by the San Francisco Noise Ordinance (Article 29 of the San Francisco Police Code, 1994). Section 2909 of the Code restricts noise levels generated by fixed noise sources, such as industrial or commercial loading operations. This section states that it is unlawful for any person to operate any fixed machinery or equipment, or similar mechanical device, in any manner so as to create any noise that would cause the noise level measured at the property line of the affected property to exceed the standards for a given zoning designation, as described below.
Have you tried to enter a building in NYC lately?
Airport style security, x-ray machines, metal detectors, etc... ad nausum!
you gotta be searched, scanned, and have all your gear scrutinized
before you can enter.

maybe they should ask people to sign a statement that they are loyal subjects of MAD KING GEORGE .... (?) ... or?
Have you tried to enter a building in NYC lately?
Airport style security, x-ray machines, metal detectors, etc... ad nausum!
you gotta be searched, scanned, and have all your gear scrutinized
before you can enter.

maybe they should ask people to sign a statement that they are loyal subjects of MAD KING GEORGE .... (?) ... or?

If you have such a problem with it, then don't go into the buildings.
If you have such a problem with it, then don't go into the buildings.

*shakes head*

I'd like to send you the chest sign I have here. I removed the Repent, the end time is nigh, and replaced it with your Support a Police State message, perhaps more people will pay attention and support this if they see you wearing this in the street? WE HAVE TO GET PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND IT IS FOR THEIR OWN GOOD!

/need moar cameras
People can do whatever they want with their own private buildings. They can make it as safe or vulnerable as they want. No one's forcing you to go into them.

If the federal government begins to move in on people's private property, then you have a legitimate grievance. Until then....