NYPD bust Alec Baldwin for going the wrong way on a bicycle. Another rogue cop


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Alec Baldwin arrested and cuffed by NYPD after wrong-way bike ride
Actor Alec Baldwin was arrested in New York early Tuesday after riding his bike the wrong way and apparently becoming belligerent with police officers who stopped and questioned him, the New York Post reported.
The “30 Rock” star was cycling in the wrong direction on Fifth Avenue and was stopped close to East 16th Street, the paper said.
In addition to swearing at the female police officers, Baldwin was not carrying an ID and was handcuffed and taken to the 13th Precinct station house for a warrant check, according to reports. He has since been charged with disorderly conduct and cycling the wrong way on a one-way street and has been released.
The incident is only the latest kerfuffle for Baldwin, who was photographed last year scuffling with a paparazzo days after his wife gave birth to his second daughter, Carmen.


Why didnt he just take his fist and punch that cop in the face? I already made a warning to Sheriff Dept in Florida. Next time they dont have a good reason pull me over he or she is going to the ER. What ER? Thats the Emergency room. He or she might not be able see out of that eye again cause im going make him or her blind perminly. Im sick n tired of cops getting you for petty stuff. Why dont they get the real crime like Murder,Muggings,Rape,Armed robbery Auto theft and burglary? And what about NYPD cops who break the laws what about them?
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I wish he had taken a swing too. It would be funny hearing what happens to him in the hoosgow. Cops there must love seeing him as they KNOW he will do something stupid. Steve get over this cop thing, you dont need a record. Put a cop in the ER and you will see the pen. You dont want to see the pen.
My Lawyer will argue,,You Honor,,If Patrick Murphy an united states senator representing state of Florida can get away with assulting an Miami Dade police officer, why cant my client here?
Ask this Juror,,Have you recived any tickets or been harrassed by a police officer ever in your life? If he says yes,,Ill tell my lawyer i like him.