Obama announces federal pay freeze

No - Gitmo follows the hundreds of years old custom of detaining POWs and war criminals for the duration of a war.

Sure - in wartime, you kill the enemy, and targets of the drones are generally the absolute worst of the enemy - war criminals.

Not if it's for torture by proxy.

Only as a temporary measure.

Yes, but a >>QUALIFIED<< judge should rule on its application on a case by case basis in a secret hearing.

Yes, in the cases where it's actually been used: U.S. citizens speaking to the alqaeda enemy overseas.

Obviously - are the 100,000 military in afghanistan, with tanks and artillery and attack helicopters and aircraft carriers merely "law enforcement"? :D

Under the circumstances spelled out in the constitution.

With your responses here, you have now openly admitted to supporting some of the policies of the Obama Administration.
With your responses here, you have now openly admitted to supporting some of the policies of the Obama Administration.

Someone, probably Gates, talked a little sense into obozo at least regarding national security. Whooppee doo. He's still fighting a no-win war with a deadline, therefore every american who dies till he calls a retreat is a wasted life.