Obama Demogoguery


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
One of the chief built-in advantage of democrats is that their ideology is perfectly amenable to demogoguery. Eg, they capitalize on most people's ignorance of economics to promote class warfare notions such as the minimum wage. To a dufuss, it sounds good - a higher wage, just like magic out of thin air. Republicans have to counter by pointing out that such an action is likely to put people out of work, a counter-intuitive notion without resonance to a undereducated victim of america's government schools.

Likewise, Obama is capitalizing on the current credit crisis to claim "unregulated capitalism", and of course John McCain, are responsible for it - the complete opposite of the truth. Just like the Great Depression was the consequence of cheap money and cheap credit due to the >>>GOVERNMENT<<< machinations of the federal reserve, so the Failure of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac to prevent banks from issuing vast numbers of loans to uncredit-worthy individuals created the current mess. Who created Fanny Mae? The New Deal democrat congress. Who created Freddie Mac? the democrat congress of 1970.

See how it works? Obama can just blare out to all the ignoramuses with a vote that, "Duhhhhhh it's unregulated capitalism" - fits into a nice slogan and within the five-second attention span of morons, also soundbites on the lib media. Explaining hoiw that is EXACTLY ass backwards takes at least a few paragraphs, but by then the mob is gone, with their latest bit of economic stupidity ingested.
One of the chief built-in advantage of democrats is that their ideology is perfectly amenable to demogoguery. Eg, they capitalize on most people's ignorance of economics to promote class warfare notions such as the minimum wage. To a dufuss, it sounds good - a higher wage, just like magic out of thin air. Republicans have to counter by pointing out that such an action is likely to put people out of work, a counter-intuitive notion without resonance to a undereducated victim of america's government schools.

Likewise, Obama is capitalizing on the current credit crisis to claim "unregulated capitalism", and of course John McCain, are responsible for it - the complete opposite of the truth. Just like the Great Depression was the consequence of cheap money and cheap credit due to the >>>GOVERNMENT<<< machinations of the federal reserve, so the Failure of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac to prevent banks from issuing vast numbers of loans to uncredit-worthy individuals created the current mess. Who created Fanny Mae? The New Deal democrat congress. Who created Freddie Mac? the democrat congress of 1970.

See how it works? Obama can just blare out to all the ignoramuses with a vote that, "Duhhhhhh it's unregulated capitalism" - fits into a nice slogan and within the five-second attention span of morons, also soundbites on the lib media. Explaining hoiw that is EXACTLY ass backwards takes at least a few paragraphs, but by then the mob is gone, with their latest bit of economic stupidity ingested.

Funny Onion video to go along with this.