Obama - elitist?? Naaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
After the Oregon primary Obama made a speech - excerpts:

And tonight, Iowa, in the fullness of spring, with the help of those who stood up from Portland to Louisville, we have returned to Iowa with a majority of delegates elected by the American peopl and you have put us within reach of the Democratic nomination for president of the United States of America.

Us? We???

There are now ....lesseee......THREE people in the world who refer to themselves with the royal "we":

- Pope Benedict XVI

- Queen Elizabeth II

- Hussein
This is a new level of grasping at straws here.

I think it quite clear he is referring to the campaigners and supporters as being inclusive in the resounding success he has had to this point. Any other interpretation is nothing but a wet straw man.
But for fun, lets have a look at a few others...
"They hate US for our freedoms"-GWB
“I think WE finally have a poll without a margin of error, ... WE have sent a powerful message to Washington: Change is coming.”-JMC

For the record, I am not going to have 50 posts of finding quotes taken out of context becuase they have US or WE in them. Someone else might, but this will probably be my last post in this thread.
This is a new level of grasping at straws here.

I think it quite clear he is referring to the campaigners and supporters as being inclusive in the resounding success he has had to this point.

"you have put us within reach of the Democratic nomination for president of the United States of America."

Yaaaaaaa - all his campaigners are within reach of the democratic nomination - a lot more competitive than I thought! :D :p

Any other interpretation is nothing but a wet straw man.
But for fun, lets have a look at a few others...
"They hate US for our freedoms"-GWB

Riiiiiiiiiight - Bush is the only one in the US with freedoms - and YOU call strawman??? HA HA HA :D
This is a new level of grasping at straws here.

For the record, I am not going to have 50 posts of finding quotes taken out of context becuase they have US or WE in them. Someone else might, but this will probably be my last post in this thread.

Couldn't be just a baseless attack thread??? ;)

I think it's pretty clear both Senator Obama & McCain are just two Americans running for election that are trying to let their supporters truly feel they are important to the process.

While attacking Senator Obama (for nothing) :)... the same (nothing) could be said about John McCain and his incessant, repetitious... My friends, My friends, My friends... every time he speaks.

I kinda doubt any of these people he's repeatedly calling "My friends" are really in his "Fave 5" or often stop by his house just to hang out.

It's all just political speak. No harm no foul.:D
I think we are all dumber, having just read that First post.

really...we are going to talk about how is said we are back? My Freaking God, go play in Traffic with Clinton ( Bill) and maybe debate the word "is" as well

I guess I thought maybe Health Care, the Economy, the war, Terrorism, Schools....all those may be more important issues to care about...Some times I think people act like we voting for what hot chick gets on the Maxim 100 list...not President of the US, for how dumb the arguments against some people are.
I think we are all dumber, having just read that First post.

In YOUR case, you were at a minimum before you got to it. :D

really...we are going to talk about how is said we are back? My Freaking God, go play in Traffic with Clinton ( Bill) and maybe debate the word "is" as well

The above is the constant refrain of the Obamoonies - Hussein's attitude toward people, occurences that reveal his character, past actions, and highly questionable associations, all things that would be of interest to a potential employer about a candidate for any significant job, are off limits for the most important job in the country.

I guess I thought maybe Health Care, the Economy, the war, Terrorism, Schools....all those may be more important issues to care about

HUSSEIN hardly talks about that, why should others? He gets up in front of his tens of thousands of Koolaid Kult Kids and repeats his magic word "change", and all the acolytes screech and dance around and faint, in a paroxysm of adolescent hysteria. :)
yea keep using his middle name, maybe I will start thinking he is a Muslim Terrorist. That only works on the dumb ass 70% of Americans who actually believed 911 was done by Iraqis in Polls. Also shows you have nothing better then ,,,,,,oooo look at his middle name....scary

When they have no bullets in their debate gun... they just cuss, character assassinate, throw the gun and run. :D

People aren't gonna look at the sorry state Bush and his cronies put America in and McCain wants so hard to continue and fall for the BOO there's a guy with a Muslim sounding name over there. Granted we've screwed you all over but he has the Muslim sounding name.

Not gonna fly this time.

Hey as if it makes any stinking difference at all McCain's full name is John Sidney McCain III.

Maybe we should start a thread. John Sidney McCain III. Sidney sounds kinda girlish and the III means he must be elitist.

It's sad when all certain groups have are personal attacks on someone's given name.
yea keep using his middle name, maybe I will start thinking he is a Muslim Terrorist. That only works on the dumb ass 70% of Americans who actually believed 911 was done by Iraqis in Polls. Also shows you have nothing better then ,,,,,,oooo look at his middle name....scary

If 70% of Americans are going to be influenced by that line then he would be a fool to stop using it.
If 70% of Americans are going to be influenced by that line then he would be a fool to stop using it.

What they will be influenced by is Obama's lack of competence and his very questionable "mentors". The Koolaid Kids may want "Jim Jones" for president, but normal americans want someone up to the job - which would be McCain, or even, as much as I dislike her, Hillary.
What they will be influenced by is Obama's lack of competence and his very questionable "mentors". The Koolaid Kids may want "Jim Jones" for president, but normal americans want someone up to the job - which would be McCain, or even, as much as I dislike her, Hillary.

see now that is what is known as a legit question and issue. Where as His middle name is not....you should try sticking to those issues, maybe a few may even listen .
Ohh and whomever votes for McCain needs to get their head checked out because he is a warmonger its a guarantee to expect the same sh*t for the next 4 years.

Just real quick youtube search on McMadman!







Don't take my word for it, take his!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA ~LOL~ When are the american people going to open their eyes?


Ohh and whomever votes for McCain needs to get their head checked out because he is a warmonger its a guarantee to expect the same sh*t for the next 4 years.

Just real quick youtube search on McMadman!







Don't take my word for it, take his!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA ~LOL~ When are the american people going to open their eyes?



I'll say this... and everyone knows my support falls elsewhere... but Ron Paul was DEAD ON in the debates and with his stance that America can't legally just go around the world Nation Building without a declaration of war by Congress.

And now the chickens are coming home to roost as our economy falters under the strain of $12 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH WAR OCCUPATION SPENDING.

Add to that the countries of the Middle East refusing to pump more oil for us and smile as our gas prices here in the United States go through the roof and we see just how right Ron Paul was about this issue.