Obama leads in 4 key states


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
A new Quinnipiac poll shows Obama looking good in 4 key states:









Not looking good for the old man in Minn. and Wisc. particularly. I know it's early but falling behind by double digits in any state is not a good idea. Ah well, McCain supporters can always blame these polls on "liberal bias" their favorite fallback excuse for everything and anything they don't like.
Minnesota and wisconsin being historic lib redoubts - surprise, surprise. :D

What next?

It's not news that candidates bounce in the polls after winning the nomination. Likewise after the conventions.

Recall McCain experienced a bounce as well after it was clear he'd won.
Minnesota and wisconsin being historic lib redoubts - surprise, surprise. :D

What next?


way to show your brains...What State Just because our current Gov is Republican and a leading guy on the VP short list for McCain..(by the way, we have not had Dem Gov since the early 1980's .And WI was under Republican control for some times as well and was the first to start some of the new welfare reforms past in the 1990's....And if you ever looked at the demographics, at least Mn for sure has got more and more moderate to Right wing...But we where smart enough to not vote for Bush...but even that idiot had it close...McCain a guy with a brain could win MN...but thing is MN likes its own Republicans...not the National ones.
All states are key this time around. Senator Obama has the funds to campaign aggressively and get out his positive message to everyone. Senator Obama will bring in the purple states and even some that had been red.

The momentum just keeps growing for Senator Obama. Additional campaigning is about to start with Senator Clinton and there will also be the bounce after Senator Obama's VP pick.

On the Republican side... you can just see it. They are just going through the motions. There's no real enthusiasm. Many Republicans themselves have severe doubts about McBush.

I seriously look for lower than normal Republican turnout and a noticeable increase in Democratic turnout.
umm Minnesota and Wisconsin are not what we call "key states,"...key states are Ohio, and Florida.

They are key states in the sense that along with Mich., the McCain campaign has targeted them as states they could possibly turn red this Nov.

You can see why they think that way, look at the final numbers from 2004:






They are key states in the sense that along with Mich., the McCain campaign has targeted them as states they could possibly turn red this Nov.

You can see why they think that way, look at the final numbers from 2004:







damn look at those Liberal numbers lol
We had some good ones in the Pacific NW in 2004 too:




Both of these states are full of the left of left type of people.

Both of these states are full of the worst anti American type of scum buckets.

Both of these states are full of voter fraud on the democrat side, especially Oregon where they each vote by mail a few times.

Of course these states go left and until they fix the voter fraud problems, they probably always will.

What I am wondering why these polls are so close?

For 4 years all I have heard is its the Dems to lose in 08.

It will be the biggest political win in decades.

The Dems can’t lose this time, it will be a blood bath, a killing.

The Dems will sweep the whole country.

That is the garbage I heard constantly (pre primary) but the polls are closer now than they were with Bush Kerry?

Both of these states are full of the left of left type of people.

Both of these states are full of the worst anti American type of scum buckets.

Both of these states are full of voter fraud on the democrat side, especially Oregon where they each vote by mail a few times.

Of course these states go left and until they fix the voter fraud problems, they probably always will.

What I am wondering why these polls are so close?

For 4 years all I have heard is its the Dems to lose in 08.

It will be the biggest political win in decades.

The Dems can’t lose this time, it will be a blood bath, a killing.

The Dems will sweep the whole country.

That is the garbage I heard constantly (pre primary) but the polls are closer now than they were with Bush Kerry?

We vote by mail in Wa. too, it's the only way to go. BTW, I think I might have asked you this but, if you hate where you live so much, why don't you move? I'm sure you could find both a job and adequate living arrangements in some fascist redneck state somewhere. How about Mississippi or Utah ? They sound right up your alley.
Both of these states are full of the left of left type of people.

Both of these states are full of the worst anti American type of scum buckets.

Both of these states are full of voter fraud on the democrat side, especially Oregon where they each vote by mail a few times.

Of course these states go left and until they fix the voter fraud problems, they probably always will.

What I am wondering why these polls are so close?

For 4 years all I have heard is its the Dems to lose in 08.

It will be the biggest political win in decades.

The Dems can’t lose this time, it will be a blood bath, a killing.

The Dems will sweep the whole country.

That is the garbage I heard constantly (pre primary) but the polls are closer now than they were with Bush Kerry?


So they are full of Liberals, but when they just win buy a few percent you claim fraud?

Also Anti American? IE people who don't agree with Republicans ....Sad how many times some douche on the right has called me anti American...Sometimes I think its the way they know how to debate.
We vote by mail in Wa. too, it's the only way to go. BTW, I think I might have asked you this but, if you hate where you live so much, why don't you move? I'm sure you could find both a job and adequate living arrangements in some fascist redneck state somewhere. How about Mississippi or Utah ? They sound right up your alley.

I have too many years in my job to walk away and the little girl I adopted has family near here so I can not take her to far away, it would not be nice.

Oregon is the most beautiful state, it really is. And we have lush and green and mountains and the Ocean and no tornados or hurricanes or even really many earth quakes.

The only thing wrong with Oregon is the politics. Hopefully people will wake up, I can always hope. I do plan to leave in the next 5-10 years but I like Montana or Wyoming better than the places you named.

Does all of Washington vote by mail? My grandmother did not in the primary.
I have too many years in my job to walk away and the little girl I adopted has family near here so I can not take her to far away, it would not be nice.

Oregon is the most beautiful state, it really is. And we have lush and green and mountains and the Ocean and no tornados or hurricanes or even really many earth quakes.

The only thing wrong with Oregon is the politics. Hopefully people will wake up, I can always hope. I do plan to leave in the next 5-10 years but I like Montana or Wyoming better than the places you named.

Does all of Washington vote by mail? My grandmother did not in the primary.

I believe parts of King and Pierce counties still might have some poll sites but otherwise the entire state is now voting by mail.

Don't you like it? I think voting by mail is great. You can sit down with your partner and go over the candidates and the initiatives in a nice leisurely way.