Obama's Reparations


New Member
Jun 23, 2008
Barack Obama is the greatest hope for us to finally rise above our past and be able to take our rightful place in society. No other act or event, be it affirmative action or programs for the underprivileged, has come close to evening out the playing field between the races. There is no doubt that the first African-American President will lift our people up and finally give us our due: Reparations for Slavery. Obama understands how our people have struggled, how our people have been oppressed, and how our people have not been able to defeat small-mindedness and racism in America. No other president has ever known our pain and this is our first chance to reverse course.

Of course, Obama cannot simply say that he will compensate African-Americans for centuries of slavery and inhuman treatment because the forces of racism are still running the show. But when Obama speaks of giving back to the people, of giving us hope, and of creating change, he is speaking to his people and we must read between the lines. Obama won’t simply sign checks, but change the entire power structure to finally benefit our people. This includes investing in education in our neighborhoods, taking away ingrained privileges and ingrained racism in government. We will no longer be swept aside when Obama becomes the face of America. We cannot fail him.

Bush may have destroyed confidence in government, but Obama’s rise won’t be very easy. It won’t be easy to turn the tables against the racists that pretend to represent the nation. As president, he will be in the best position to destroy the idea that only the racial majority should be represented. He will combat special interests and small town prejudice that have hijacked government. Obama is not a revolutionary, a Black Panther, a Malcolm X, or a Farrakhan, but he has brought us closer to taking back from history what history took from us. America owes us.
Barack Obama...
Reparations for Slavery...
our first chance to reverse course...
finally benefit our people...
We cannot fail him...
America owes us.

Let me translate the message from propaganda to English:

White America must vote Barack Obama for president as Reparations for Slavery. Then we can reverse course and abandon such failed policies as Capitalism and the free market. Embracing in their place Communism and Socialism, Finally benefiting our people by making everyone equally miserable. We cannot fail Obama, we must use guilt and threats of racism to force White America into accepting Socialism. America owes us.

I wish these race baiter's would explain how Asians and other minorities (that don't wallow in self pity blaming Whitey) do so well in America. How is it they overcome such widespread and systemic racism, as is alleged to exist. How is it that such a system can "hold the black man down" but let other minorities cruise right by?
The sad thing is there is a portion of white America who buys into this crap; they lap it up like my puppy laps up milk. They think some how they can rid themselves of their white guilt by voting in a 1/4 black racist for president.
I'm very sorry if my comments have been taken as disingenuous or as absurd, but lately this is something that I have been thinking about very carefully. I do not dispute that we have made advances in race relations and the treatment of African-Americans over the years. Of course, given the words written on the Declaration of Independence and the spirit of the Constitution, these corrections came much too late.

What did emancipation and civil rights actually do for African-Americans? Basically, it finally gave "equal" opportunities to all Americans regardless of race. I will not get into the "equality" as practice, which is not the same as theory as any black person can attest to. I am not here to discuss every grievance nor to highlight what some think is only a social problem, but that most in the black community think is an institutionalized type of racism that goes by a different name. I will take the question of equal opportunity at face value for the purpose of making my point.

While I agree that in this country hard work and ingenuity can pay off and that immigrants that came to this country haven't been asking for compensation... this view that African-Americans should just get in line like the rest of those who came to the new world is intellectually naive. Like entrepreneurs, immigrants that came to this country were escaping political or economic conditions and taking a big risk, hoping that they could achieve the American dream. They knew what they were getting into and they worked to get here. African slaves had no such luxury. They were forcibly removed from their homelands, bought and traded like mere commodities, had to endure humiliation and forced labor... and now, the nation that enslaved them and denied them this "American Dream" is asking us to get in line like everyone else, to suck it up because we now have opportunity. Is this right?

Immigrants wanted to take a chance and start at zero. African slaves were denied every opportunity and treated as second class citizens. That's a huge difference. And don't think that this is simply asking for a handout, personally I worked hard and do very well in life, but look at the disproportionate representation of blacks in prisons and performance in education. This is a general social problem that... ultimately requires a general social solution. Does that mean penalizing European immigrants who had nothing to do with slavery? I don't think that it should. Does it mean that the nation as a whole must understand that being American is to take responsibility for your brother? I think that the concept of "nation" means that we must consider old sins that are of a national or universal character, than simply saying "I wasn't there... deal with it." I am not spewing hatred or racism... in fact, nowadays people like Rev. Wright are condemned for what's considered "reverse-racism"... which is a slogan that is so often used to censor or silence legitimate (and sometimes illegitimate) grievances from a certain perspective. Come on... we haven't had it easy, why can't we explain what we feel, especially when we attribute family problems, drug problems, crime problems, education problems to these things we view as a continuation of a racist policy aimed against us. I don't think that white or brown or yellow America is as racist as in the past today... but then why should I fear taking a wrong turn in Texas or Mississippi? Americans should feel included in America... and lots of us don't. Basically, reparations, while not necessarily meaning emptying everyone's pockets for the benefit of African-Americans, will show that as a nation we are willing to repair this rift between what continues to be a divided America.

Will Obama be the answer? I hope he can start this dialogue again in America and explain why it’s necessary. He's brilliant. And I couldn't imagine that the first African-American (half white... touché) president would ignore the centuries old original sin of this country... this is what I feel and I wonder what everyone else thinks.. I don't hear too much about this in the MSM.
The sad thing is there is a portion of white America who buys into this crap; they lap it up like my puppy laps up milk. They think some how they can rid themselves of their white guilt by voting in a 1/4 black racist for president.

they should be more level headed like you, who gets all excited at the slighting hint Obama did something wrong, even if there is zero basis to believe it at all. Living in your dream word where he has gay sex while doing coke and videotaping his wife attacking whitey.

Then again you still almost cling to scandals I just made up with no proof just as fast with McCain.
Let me translate the message from propaganda to English:

White America must vote Barack Obama for president as Reparations for Slavery. Then we can reverse course and abandon such failed policies as Capitalism and the free market. Embracing in their place Communism and Socialism, Finally benefiting our people by making everyone equally miserable. We cannot fail Obama, we must use guilt and threats of racism to force White America into accepting Socialism. America owes us.

I wish these race baiter's would explain how Asians and other minorities (that don't wallow in self pity blaming Whitey) do so well in America. How is it they overcome such widespread and systemic racism, as is alleged to exist. How is it that such a system can "hold the black man down" but let other minorities cruise right by?

Great response!!! :D
Let me translate the message from propaganda to English:

White America must vote Barack Obama for president as Reparations for Slavery. Then we can reverse course and abandon such failed policies as Capitalism and the free market. Embracing in their place Communism and Socialism, Finally benefiting our people by making everyone equally miserable. We cannot fail Obama, we must use guilt and threats of racism to force White America into accepting Socialism. America owes us.

I wish these race baiter's would explain how Asians and other minorities (that don't wallow in self pity blaming Whitey) do so well in America. How is it they overcome such widespread and systemic racism, as is alleged to exist. How is it that such a system can "hold the black man down" but let other minorities cruise right by?

What do we say to those who were held down? To the millions of slaves that lived under fear of the whip and the noose? That others made it, so can you. That all minorities face discrimination, stop using the race card, you're a race baiter, you're an instigator? When unfair comparisons and accusatory terms such as "race baiter" are used to deflate a legitimate argument, a disservice is done to debate. Maybe I started off too far flung, but I clarified my meaning.

I can say that racism existed because.... racism existed. I can say that they held the black man down because... they held the black man down. Do we always blame whitey? Maybe we do so, as a community, too much. But when centuries of enslavement under the boot of white masters is all that you know, is it so outrageous when a person says it out loud, or types it publicly?

I read responses that imply that the black community should pick itself up and forget about the past. I agree with the former and vehemently oppose the latter. Our country has done something wrong, let's try to fix it. One group damaged another... let's not take an eye for an eye, let's make it so that the injured party can stand up again. Immigrants started from zero, African-Americans started from a negative number. We didn't cross rivers willfully to get here... Plymouth rock landed on us.
I'm very sorry if my comments have been taken as disingenuous or as absurd, but lately this is something that I have been thinking about very carefully.

Well, you're behind the curve. Conservatives have been saying this for months: that upscale white liberals think voting for Obama will absolve them of white guilt.

Which is why, if he weren't black, no one would take him seriously as a Presidential candidate.

What do we say to those who were held down? To the millions of slaves that lived under fear of the whip and the noose?

They're dead, chum, we don't say anything to them.

What do you propose we do to "fix" what's been done in the past? Besides voting for Obama, which you openly say will change nothing in the minds of race-baiters.
What plantation were you a slave on? :D

The only plantation you've ever been a slave on is the democrat party. ;)
What plantation were you a slave on? :D

The only plantation you've ever been a slave on is the democrat party. ;)

The Democratic Party passed civil rights legislation... while the Republicans passed the Patriot Act I and II, the biggest steps backwards in the history of western societies march towards freedom. Republicans keep preaching freedom here and freedom there. Freedom here means to them opening markets, markets that are influenced by a "democracy" of dollars, yet more dollars are controlled by the racial majority than otherwise... hardly a fair situation. Freedom there means dropping bombs across foreign lands until our objectives are achieved (Clinton did so too, but nowhere near the intensity and body count of the Bush dynasty).

Democrats want to spend money here to improve our nation. Republicans send money to Iraq to try and hopefully, maybe, possibly improve their pseudo-democracy (actually, its more like anarchy).

Plantation? They helped give me civil rights, tried to repair society through affirmative action, gave minorities a voice, opposed an illega/immoral war, and gave us the greatest orator of our time (Obama)... hell of a plantation. The plantation that exists today is reduced spending on domestic issues, levees breaking and cities flooded, bridges and infrastructure crumbling, and a president that makes it okay to wiretap my phone, arrest and detain me without a warrant or habeus corpus, and wants our troops to secure his business interests.

Need I go on?
The Democratic Party passed civil rights legislation... while the Republicans passed the Patriot Act I and II, the biggest steps backwards in the history of western societies march towards freedom. Republicans keep preaching freedom here and freedom there. Freedom here means to them opening markets, markets that are influenced by a "democracy" of dollars, yet more dollars are controlled by the racial majority than otherwise... hardly a fair situation. Freedom there means dropping bombs across foreign lands until our objectives are achieved (Clinton did so too, but nowhere near the intensity and body count of the Bush dynasty).

Democrats want to spend money here to improve our nation. Republicans send money to Iraq to try and hopefully, maybe, possibly improve their pseudo-democracy (actually, its more like anarchy).

Plantation? They helped give me civil rights, tried to repair society through affirmative action, gave minorities a voice, opposed an illega/immoral war, and gave us the greatest orator of our time (Obama)... hell of a plantation. The plantation that exists today is reduced spending on domestic issues, levees breaking and cities flooded, bridges and infrastructure crumbling, and a president that makes it okay to wiretap my phone, arrest and detain me without a warrant or habeus corpus, and wants our troops to secure his business interests.

Need I go on?

Affirmative action is an insult, a slap in the face. I was offered a free education to become a teacher because I was a minority. The person who gave me the paper work felt they were helping me and it was nice of them but for me to take it was like me saying.

I am too stupid to make it on my own

And worse, everyone who I worked with after taking this “charity” would have to wonder did I really earn this, deserve it, was I really bright enough on my own or was I an affirmative action project.

Every single minority that I meet in high places, I can not help but wonder, especially if they are idiots. Are you here because you were a project of some dumb liberal idea or did you make it because it’s in your make up to rise to the top?

The post office is full of affirmative action projects, there are all kinds of minority’s running around and they are for the most part morons! When taking their test to become a postal worker, you get extra points if you’re a woman, extra points if you are black, Asian, Spanish, native a vet. By the time its over you can be a complete idiot and still score high!

You should be totally offended by affirmative action. They are telling you that you are far too stupid to make it on your own; you need mommy government to walk you through it and rig the game so you can come out a winner. Because without them all you will ever be a dishwasher in some late night café
The Democratic Party passed civil rights legislation

Uh, that was a bipartisan effort friend. Recall that something like 80% of the members of the House GOP voted for the Civil Rights Act. Its biggest proportion of opponents were Southern Democrats -- you know, the descendants of the old pro-slavery, anti-black suffrage party, the one aligned with and, in some states, controlled by the KKK?

the biggest steps backwards in the history of western societies march towards freedom

I have to chortle at this. You are either ignorant of history or being deliberately dishonest.

Democrats want to spend money here to improve our nation.

You mean you want them to spend it improving the lifestyle of blacks. Well, they've been doing that for years. The long-term result has been the collapse of the black family and soaring rates of crime, illegitimacy, drug use, abortion, etc.

and gave us the greatest orator of our time (Obama)

Again, ignorant of history or being deliberately dishonest.

arrest and detain me without a warrant or habeus corpus

The fact that the US government was, until recently, throughout much of its history detaining foreign combatants captured on foreign soil without entitling them to a right they do not, as non-citizen foreign combatants, enjoy, provides absolutely zero basis for asserting that this can or has been extended to everyone.