Origin of Earth

This is where humans came from

I thought the comment by that scientist was ironic and even funny, given recent events. But, I don't much care about the debate one way or the other. I learned evolution in school, and it didn't kill me, even though it's as meaningless as anything else, when you get right down to it.

All I care strongly about is the idea that some of you think you know how the universe began. I am a Christian there for I know how it all began....

BUT, that's not the issue for me. It's not about intelligent design vs. evolution; it's about private vs. public schools. I think all public schools should be shut down. I think the federal Dept. of Education should be abolished, and the taxes that pay for it returned to their rightful owners. Then, parents can send their kids to whatever private school they want. That way, the parents get to decide what b.s. their kids will be brainwashed/indoctrinated with, rather than giving that power to the state and to the NEA. Right now, the state/NEA have a virtual monopoly on their social relativist, secular humanist, multicultural, politically correct, "outcome based," self-esteem focused, gender-biased, race-biased, anti-intellectual, Orwellian Newspeak brand of mind-numbing indoctrination.

just sayin

Yeah I miss Numinus. He really knew his stuff and was very funny. He really destroyed my two lib buddies Duh-hermit and THC in this thread...and I mean he just riped them to shreads...hahahahaha


And, I agree with you about the failing p-schools.
There's my buddy from the beautiful clean town of Ludington Michigan.

I wish Numinus was here to teach you another lesson.

Man...oh man!!! He really steam rolled you and THC too! And he did with some very biting humor, which I really love.

Everyone can check it out in this thread...


If you would bother to click on your that thread, you will find that it makes as much sense as you do. It is a link to this thread.
Another example of circular logic, perhaps?
My reference to circular logic was evidently too subtle for him. He repeated the link again. Then I have always known that not only is he is not the sharpest of tacks in the box, but he is somewhat bent also.
If you would bother to click on your that thread, you will find that it makes as much sense as you do. It is a link to this thread.

Thanks for the heads up...good buddy.

Here is the link to that wonderful thread where Numinus pretty much turns you and THC into mush. I loved it too. And, I want all our wonderful new members here at the HOP to see it.


Thanks for the heads up...good buddy.

Here is the link to that wonderful thread where Numinus pretty much turns you and THC into mush. I loved it too. And, I want all our wonderful new members here at the HOP to see it.



Here are the exchanges between me and Numinus on the thread you cited:
Originally Posted by numinus
Appeal to authority -- plain and simple. What do you not understand about that, hmmmmm?

Appeal to authority = citing an expert, as opposed to pulling your opinion out of thin air, hmmmmmmmm????

Originally Posted by PLC1
Appeal to authority = citing an expert, as opposed to pulling your opinion out of thin air, hmmmmmmmm????

Nonsense. You do not even know what the hell you are talking about.

If duh-hermit were merely citing an expert, he would have provided SPECIFIC arguments or texts -- and not merely name-drop stephen hawkings and pretend that is enough to debunk everyone that disagrees with him.

But he did not, did he?

Oh, I do not form my opinions out of thin air. I have already provided numerous published and peer-reviewed scientific papers in quantum cosmology in the other thread. The fact that you cannot make any sense of it is not my problem, now, is it?


I can see where you would think that he had turned me and dahermit "into mush" by his trademark of making fun of the screen names we have invented and ending his posts with "duh."

That and making outlandish claims about his own accomplishments.

What i can't see is how anyone else would possibly agree.
Okay...you really want to play this game? I'm in...I like these...

Why do you persist on making provocative comments against 'creationists' based on what people have repeatedly explained to you as a serious flaw in the way you think, hmmmm?

The news article you provided is ambigous at best. It begs the question -- is it even possible for the material world to 'spontaneously' spawn itself? If so, then we are looking at the conclusion that the laws of nature, are not, themselves laws, but mere properties of the material world. That is circular -- matter giving rise to the laws that govern itself????

What you need to make up your mind on is whether the material world is a consequence of the laws of nature or its cause? Is stephen hawkings even clear on that one?

I understand perfectly. You are hoping hawking's 'authority' would counter any of the forum's creationist claims.

Appeal to authority -- plain and simple. What do you not understand about that, hmmmmm?

This one is particularly sweet...
Nonsense. You do not even know what the hell you are talking about.

If duh-hermit were merely citing an expert, he would have provided SPECIFIC arguments or texts -- and not merely name-drop stephen hawkings and pretend that is enough to debunk everyone that disagrees with him.

But he did not, did he?

Oh, I do not form my opinions out of thin air. I have already provided numerous published and peer-reviewed scientific papers in quantum cosmology in the other thread. The fact that you cannot make any sense of it is not my problem, now, is it?


and this is sweet too...
If matter is capable of spawning itself spontaneously, then we wouldn't even have a principle of conservation, now, would we? Even within that scientific method you pretend to know, that idea is simply preposterous. You might as well say god did it rather than imbue the material world with supernatural powers.

You really need to make up your own damn mind about it because your assertions are descending to absurd nonsense.

Its getting better...
What dishonest nonsense! As if being a dumb, bigoted redneck isn't bad enough!

You said:

"However, Stephen Hawking, arguably the most brilliant theoretical physicist since Einstein, has made his case in a recent book that would counter this forum's conservatives' advantage in the "God created the universe", argument."

Clearly, you meant to prejudice the opinions of the 'forum's conservatives' by providing a link to an article about a book you do not even have the iq to comprehend.


Too sweet...
When someone impugnes facts and logic by ineffable twaddle, one can do nothing but persist on facts and logic.


What, indeed, can anyone expect from you?

For starter, maybe you should refrain from stating opinions on matters well beyond the reach of your iq.


I really miss old Numinus. He was so cool!
Just because one doesn't believe in a creator doesn't mean that life has no meaning. I dare say that for those who don't believe, there is much meaning in their lives. I think Einstein said it best when he said:

"A human being is a part of a whole called by us 'universe'; a part limited in time, space, and human consciousness. He sees himself and his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. While no one can acheive this completely, the striving for such acheivement is a part of the liberation, and a foundation for inner security."

But einstein ultimately believed in a creator.

That is why he inserted the cosmological constant in his field equation. That is why he spent the remainder of his days trying to derive a unified field theory. That is why he cannot accept the copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.
But einstein ultimately believed in a creator.

That is why he inserted the cosmological constant in his field equation. That is why he spent the remainder of his days trying to derive a unified field theory. That is why he cannot accept the copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.

Hey Numinus is back! Man have we missed you...well some of us have missed you. Those who you have turned into mush (see above) with your biting logical posts probably do not miss you.

Glad you are back.
Hey Numinus is back! Man have we missed you...well some of us have missed you. Those who you have turned into mush (see above) with your biting logical posts probably do not miss you.

Glad you are back.

Thanks. I finally got some time to while away. I see that some people still miss the point.
Okay, I figured it was.

I have studied the theories of evolution and intelligent design and I believe whole-heartedly that when the facts are studied objectively, the only truly rational conclusion I can perceive is that our universe was created by an intelligent being.

I'm not, so I guess I don't then. ;)

I cannot see how there could be anything but intelligent design at play.
But the science worshipers can not see things objectively as it would rock their world to do so. They also don't seem to be able to understand why evolution could not fit easily into the full mix.
But einstein ultimately believed in a creator.

That is why he inserted the cosmological constant in his field equation. That is why he spent the remainder of his days trying to derive a unified field theory. That is why he cannot accept the copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.

But he was wrong on all three conclusions.