from CNN:
God knows how many millions of dollars were spent on this study, but damn! I could and would have told them what the results of this study would have been for free . . . . :banana: :banana:
NEW YORK (AP) -- People who took an illegal drug made from mushrooms reported profound mystical experiences that led to behavior changes lasting for weeks -- all part of an experiment that recalls the psychedelic '60s.
Many of the 36 volunteers rated their reaction to a single dose of the drug, called psilocybin, as one of the most meaningful or spiritually significant experiences of their lives. Some compared it to the birth of a child or the death of a parent.
Such comments "just seemed unbelievable," said Roland Griffiths of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, the study's lead author.
But don't try this at home, he warned. "Absolutely don't."
God knows how many millions of dollars were spent on this study, but damn! I could and would have told them what the results of this study would have been for free . . . . :banana: :banana: