Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad...

As a side note, I wasnt able to get this on youtube, or if someone else knows how to link the clip directly to the forum board I would appreciate it.
I've seen it earlier on People and it's a good mockery of McCain's ad. But I really don't know if I can take Paris seriously.
The strange thing is that her proposal is almost identical to McCain's -- basically an "all of the above" approach.

She more or less just endorsed the guy's energy policy.
Hilton cracks on McCain for being old and out of it and says he's OLD & WRINKLY! Yep Paris you are not only hot but very observant with keen eyesight!!!:D


That might as well be right off the Obama talking points print out. That's exactly what he's been saying.

Oil won't cut it long run and we need to be honest with the American people and tell them we need to move to more hybrid and electric and new technology vehicles. But if we have to add some "limited additional drilling sites" with the environment being our key concern to get the Republicans to stop blocking every single motion on the major goals of energy independence... then I would of course try to work with them to see that movement in a positive direction takes place.

Here's Senator Obama's exact statement...

So yet again Senator Obama is the clear and pragmatic thinker telling us the truth. I love it!!!

Grampy McSame... Drill Drill Drill. Everything will be just like the 1950's if we just DRILL! :D Oh Grampy Simpson. Tell 'em to get off your grass... I mean get to work!

McCain is unafraid to look insane! THESE ARE TOO GOOD>>> MUST SEE TV! You'll see the comparison right off between the two of them.
that would also be Obama who has said he would be open to drilling if it was part of a bigger picture plan.

I can point to speeches within the last few months in which his energy plan has firmly excluded drilling.

It was not until McCain started hammering him on it that he changed his mind.
that would also be Obama who has said he would be open to drilling if it was part of a bigger picture plan.

Why exclude it at all? Sounds like he's not looking at the big picture, economies need energy to expand and grow. If you can point to policy specifics where Obama's plan has a better likelihood than McCain's to provide for America's energy needs, I'd love to see it.
PLC thread merged.

Overall, to this point I think McCain has handled it well. Whoever thought up the idea of her to put something like this out is a marketing wizz thats for sure.
I can point to speeches within the last few months in which his energy plan has firmly excluded drilling.

It was not until McCain started hammering him on it that he changed his mind.

You know as well as anyone people like the easy way out. If people are lied to that they can get something for nothing a lot of people until they see the folly will bite. That's all John McSame is doing here... selling snake oil.:eek:

And Senator Obama stated why very clearly & rationally.

He does not think another big give away of drilling leases when Big Oil already holds millions of acres of undrilled leases they haven't even touched yet makes little sense.

He knows that the comparatively small amount of oil derived from these wells wouldn't even hit the market for 7 to 10 years and then the United States doesn't even get to keep that oil because it is mandated to be poured into the world market. So most probably ends up in China. So the total effect for the US consumer is a few pennies off 7 or more years down the road.

This also promotes the idea (for the stupid) that we really can continue to drill our way out of what in reality will be a world wide shortage and slows advancement in the alternatives. It's the old "Necessity is the mother of invention" approach in reverse. It's... see we can still find oil... no big rush.

Then you also have the greater possibility of a catastrophic effect on coastline (and overall) economies when there eventually is a disastrous oil rig break up in a hurricane or terrorist attack. An Exxon Valdez "type" of oil spill kills a California or Florida tourism industry for years & years.

But with Republicans blocking real advancement in every way Senator Obama has said he would compromise "some" to get the greater job done.

That's just good realistic leadership.

You know as well as anyone people like the easy way out. If people are lied to that they can get something for nothing a lot of people until they see the folly will bite. That's all John McSame is doing here... selling snake oil.:eek:

And Senator Obama stated why very clearly & rationally.

He does not think another big give away of drilling leases when Big Oil already holds millions of acres of undrilled leases they haven't even touched yet makes little sense.

He knows that the comparatively small amount of oil derived from these wells wouldn't even hit the market for 7 to 10 years and then the United States doesn't even get to keep that oil because it is mandated to be poured into the world market. So most probably ends up in China. So the total effect for the US consumer is a few pennies off 7 or more years down the road.

This also promotes the idea (for the stupid) that we really can continue to drill our way out of what in reality will be a world wide shortage and slows advancement in the alternatives. It's the old "Necessity is the mother of invention" approach in reverse. It's... see we can still find oil... no big rush.

Then you also have the greater possibility of a catastrophic effect on coastline (and overall) economies when there eventually is a disastrous oil rig break up in a hurricane or terrorist attack. An Exxon Valdez "type" of oil spill kills a California or Florida tourism industry for years & years.

But with Republicans blocking real advancement in every way Senator Obama has said he would compromise "some" to get the greater job done.

That's just good realistic leadership.

And still a departure from his earlier promise that he would not support drilling. Much like his earlier departures from his promises to filibuster the FISA bill, reject special interest money, accept campaign financing, etc.

BTW, trees tend to take several years to mature into usefulness as well. The best time to plant a tree is always years ago. The second best time is now.