Pete Buttigieg blames Trump for Ohio train derailment

It should be obvious what Pet's agenda is here. He wants to be president and that is hard for him because a big part of the democrat base do not like gays. That is why almost everything he has said since taking that job pertains to blacks and victimization.

Pete has no regard for his job or the people he is supposed to be serving. This is just a stepping stone to his ultimate goal.

I would like to remind Pete that balls to the wall black victimization speak did little for Corey Booker who actually is black or Kirsten Gillibrand in the last democrat primary.

Black and Latino voters will never support an openly gay candidate enough for them to win.
It should be obvious what Pet's agenda is here. He wants to be president and that is hard for him because a big part of the democrat base do not like gays. That is why almost everything he has said since taking that job pertains to blacks and victimization.

Pete has no regard for his job or the people he is supposed to be serving. This is just a stepping stone to his ultimate goal.

I would like to remind Pete that balls to the wall black victimization speak did little for Corey Booker who actually is black or Kirsten Gillibrand in the last democrat primary.

Black and Latino voters will never support an openly gay candidate enough for them to win.

or he's already thrilled to have achieved a cabinet post, and he knows his chances of being president are low at this point.

but you know best, you can read his mind. lol
First thing out of peter puffers mouth other then his husband was to blame trump . When a over heated bearing was the culprit.
Like a good little trained monkey he blames climate change or racism or trump for the nations problems.