Putin jumps the gun and his forces are in retreat

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Yes old numb nuts Putin with the huge ego overestimated his military and underestimated the Ukrainian forces. Just think if we sent then a few Abrams tanks and some outdated f 16 and f 18 fighters.

Putin is acustomed to people jumping to his wishes but you can not force men to fight when they have no motivation and facing a dedicated force on their home ground and when they have superior weapons and modern tactics.

Ukraine is awash with the latest gear and US soldiers on the ground.

In case you have not noticed, russia and NATO are at war.

Putin spent eight years trying to stop the need for the operation.


You should try it.

Comrade Stalin
Ukraine is awash with the latest gear and US soldiers on the ground.

In case you have not noticed, russia and NATO are at war.

Putin spent eight years trying to stop the need for the operation.


You should try it.

Comrade Stalin
Lol us soldiers on the ground lol. What have you been putting in your rock gut vodka or did you get a pump knot on your head from some one with a slap jack. ?
yeah..right..the us would NEVER send it's soldiers somewhere and not tell anyone.

tell it to the marines..

ukraine will be infested with all manner of WarParty apparatchiks..

you can bet the dacha on it

Comrade Stalin
Fighting us and nato special forces in the donbass
yeah..right..the us would NEVER send it's soldiers somewhere and not tell anyone.

tell it to the marines..

ukraine will be infested with all manner of WarParty apparatchiks..

you can bet the dacha on it

Comrade Stalin
Fighting us and nato special forces in the donbass
Only think your fighting is trying to get your breath as you run backwards
Ukraine is awash with the latest gear and US soldiers on the ground.

In case you have not noticed, russia and NATO are at war.

Putin spent eight years trying to stop the need for the operation.


You should try it.

Comrade Stalin

Time to institute order 227 comrade. Any Russian soldiers seen retreating need to be liquidated!

Not one step back!
I'm watching CNN(No sound) while working out at Planet Fitness and they were talking about Iran supplying Russia with weapons.

What world power needs help from Iran? Usually it is the other way around. Is the Russian military that pathetic? Perhaps comrade Stalin can order more T34 tanks and Yak-3 planes for the conflict.
Time to institute order 227 comrade. Any Russian soldiers seen retreating need to be liquidated!

Not one step back!
or Stalin is very mistaken if he thinks the war in the Ukraine will end well for Russia or Putin in a good way, don't think that China isn't watching close along with the middle east,
Order 277 was an excellent solution to the threat posed by the hitlerite filth and their extermination battalions.

It did its job. The wehrmacht was stopped.

As Koba reportedly said, you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.

Once it had proven its effectiveness, order 349 was instituted.

Comrade Stalin
Still fighting fascists in the Donbass
I'm watching CNN(No sound) while working out at Planet Fitness and they were talking about Iran supplying Russia with weapons.

What world power needs help from Iran? Usually it is the other way around. Is the Russian military that pathetic? Perhaps comrade Stalin can order more T34 tanks and Yak-3 planes for the conflict.

let us all fail to remember when reagan and his egregious war profiteer oliver north ( who never served any hard time for selling weapons to iran ) sold weapons to iran in the iran-contra scandal

looks like the US was quite cosy with iran and weapons sales when it suited.

Comrade Stalin
let us all fail to remember when reagan and his egregious war profiteer oliver north ( who never served any hard time for selling weapons to iran ) sold weapons to iran in the iran-contra scandal

looks like the US was quite cosy with iran and weapons sales when it suited.

Comrade Stalin

That is not the point Koba.

I'm wondering how pathetic the Russian army must be to need Iran's help. They need more WW2 caliber weapons? Iran is not exactly on the cutting edge when it comes to military technology.