Regulate us lobbyists? No problem....

The war on Terror was dumb from the start...You can't win it. the war on terror would never end. A overseas contingancmy Operation, does not sound as cool and macho...but is something you can actuly win and in fact it what we are doing.

Calling it a "war on terror" is fine, as long as you establish some parameters. Perhaps the Bush Admin failed to so in an adequate manner.

Man made Desaster is dumb...also never head Obama US it, nor do I see Dems running around useing the term much, if ever outside of the case referenced most....Can't say the same about The Death Tax, Death Panals, the Death Book...all that where widly used.

As for "man caused disasters", that was first put forth by the Administration. The Homeland Security Secretary was the one pushing that, and she works for Obama.

Whereas those calling something the "death tax" are members of Congress who cannot single handily establish policy like the White House.