Rember when I said this would happen?

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
When cali proposed a 20 a hours pay for fast food workers I claimed it would cost jobs hours and business would close .
Now Im not well educated as NEWSOM or cultured like him and I sure and not popular, however I did say this would happen.

Its amazing how stupid liberals are , they are unable to comprehend for ever action there is a reaction so to speak and they tend to make the most stupid choices nd decision's possible for AMerica.
When cali proposed a 20 a hours pay for fast food workers I claimed it would cost jobs hours and business would close .
Now Im not well educated as NEWSOM or cultured like him and I sure and not popular, however I did say this would happen.

Its amazing how stupid liberals are , they are unable to comprehend for ever action there is a reaction so to speak and they tend to make the most stupid choices nd decision's possible for AMerica.

easy for you to say, not being a fast food worker depending on your salary