Sen Robert Byrd is at it again!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Sen. Byrd calls dog fights 'barbaric'

WASHINGTON - Allegations of a vicious dogfighting ring prompted an unusually emotional speech in the Capitol Thursday, as the Senate's longest-serving member fought tears and called for God's judgment on those who promote such activities.

"Barbaric," Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., shouted four times in a Senate chamber that was mostly empty except for two dozen somewhat startled tourists.

"Let that word resound from hill to hill and from mountain to mountain, from valley to valley across this broad land," he thundered, raising his right hand. "May God help those poor souls who would be so cruel. Barbaric! Hear me!"

Federal agents have charged Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick and three others with procuring and training pit bulls for fighting in Virginia and elsewhere. Investigators say some losing dogs died in the pit or were later electrocuted, drowned, hanged or shot.

Byrd, 89, said he would not prejudge the men's guilt or innocence, but he left no doubts about his sentiments.

"I am confident that the hottest places in hell are reserved for the souls of sick and brutal people who hold God's creatures in such brutal and cruel contempt," he said.

"One is left wondering," he said. "Who are the real animals: the creatures inside or outside the ring?";_ylt=AtFA6CPhbM11_aSnf49XxOJp24cA

Robert Byrd is a RACIST!!! Why you think he got re-elected after he said the word NI****R on the senate floor 10 years ago? Wanna know why he was re-elected because 60% of west virgina residents are with the KKK.
What does him being a racist have to do with him criticizing dog fights, which actually are pretty barbaric?

Although I think he's gone a little too far in his rhetoric. The hottest places of hell? It's just dog fighting. I always thought the hottest parts of hell were reserved for child molestors and people who talk at the theater.
People change. I find it interesting that the same people who believe George W. Bush can change from being a crackhead alcoholic to a man of God refuse to allow for Byrd to change from being a racist KKK years ago?? to what he is now. He's a good man - a sincere politician - and he has done wonderful things for a very poor state.
People change. I find it interesting that the same people who believe George W. Bush can change from being a crackhead alcoholic to a man of God refuse to allow for Byrd to change from being a racist KKK years ago?? to what he is now. He's a good man - a sincere politician - and he has done wonderful things for a very poor state.

Really just about 5 years ago he said the -N- word right on the senate floor and he got re-elected wanna know why? Cause most west virginans are with the KKK.
Really just about 5 years ago he said the -N- word right on the senate floor and he got re-elected wanna know why? Cause most west virginans are with the KKK.

So he referred to white trash as N - who cares? It's not as if he called a black person that. Frankly it was making a mountain out of a molehill and does not a racist make.
People change. I find it interesting that the same people who believe George W. Bush can change from being a crackhead alcoholic to a man of God refuse to allow for Byrd to change from being a racist KKK years ago?? to what he is now. He's a good man - a sincere politician - and he has done wonderful things for a very poor state.

I can accept that all of that is true. But he is senile.
Sheets Byrd? The guy makes me giggle with the stories he tells on the Senate floor. I don't agree with his politics, but he's fun to listen to.
But he's right on this dog fighting thing - it ain't right. They should have midget fighting instead. I'd pay money for that.
I saw Byrds outrage on the senate floor and I thought he was going to burst a vessel or somthing. I wonder how he feels about cock fighting his name being Byrd and all ;)
Sen. Byrd is a righteous man. We have all done things when we were young that we are ashamed of. And at least no one has to lead him off the floor babbling to hemself like the Republicans used to do with Thurmond. And they don't prop him up in front of a lectern and tell him, "now say yes Strom."