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Seymour Hersh, Professional Liar
Monday, August 23 2010 @ 02:38 AM BST
Views: 1,538
Originally posted on: August 13 2008
The work of Seymour Hersh, journalist extraordinaire, often comes in for praise for its fearless revelations about the covert criminality of the US government. Hersh, reads the blurb on the back of his latest book, “reveals the stories the others can’t -- or won’t -- get.”
Yet an intelligent reading of Hersh’s work, especially his most recent books dealing with JFK and 9/11, will expose this Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for what he is: a professional liar for the Zionist establishment.
In “The Dark Side of Camelot” (1997), Hersh spends some 450 pages savaging the reputation of slain president John F. Kennedy, based largely on the words of not-very-credible-sounding sources more than thirty years after the fact.
But Hersh’s disgusting hit-job on Kennedy -- who, by the way, opposed both the Federal Reserve and Israel’s budding nuclear-weapons program -- is not the point here. Rather, I would draw the reader’s attention to what Hersh writes in the epilogue (p. 451 of the paperback version) regarding Kennedy’s death:
“Over the next thirty-five years, the nation would remain obsessed with the Kennedy assassination. Hundreds of books would be written, full of feverish speculation about Oswald and Ruby and their possible links to organized crime or Soviet intelligence. In five years of reporting for this book, I found nothing that would change the instinctive conclusions of Julius Draznin, or the much more detailed findings of the Warren Commission -- Oswald and Ruby acted alone
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Seymour Hersh, Professional Liar
Monday, August 23 2010 @ 02:38 AM BST
Views: 1,538
Originally posted on: August 13 2008
The work of Seymour Hersh, journalist extraordinaire, often comes in for praise for its fearless revelations about the covert criminality of the US government. Hersh, reads the blurb on the back of his latest book, “reveals the stories the others can’t -- or won’t -- get.”
Yet an intelligent reading of Hersh’s work, especially his most recent books dealing with JFK and 9/11, will expose this Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for what he is: a professional liar for the Zionist establishment.
In “The Dark Side of Camelot” (1997), Hersh spends some 450 pages savaging the reputation of slain president John F. Kennedy, based largely on the words of not-very-credible-sounding sources more than thirty years after the fact.
But Hersh’s disgusting hit-job on Kennedy -- who, by the way, opposed both the Federal Reserve and Israel’s budding nuclear-weapons program -- is not the point here. Rather, I would draw the reader’s attention to what Hersh writes in the epilogue (p. 451 of the paperback version) regarding Kennedy’s death:
“Over the next thirty-five years, the nation would remain obsessed with the Kennedy assassination. Hundreds of books would be written, full of feverish speculation about Oswald and Ruby and their possible links to organized crime or Soviet intelligence. In five years of reporting for this book, I found nothing that would change the instinctive conclusions of Julius Draznin, or the much more detailed findings of the Warren Commission -- Oswald and Ruby acted alone
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