Should marijuana be legalized?

Should we legalize it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 19 26.8%

  • Total voters
Like the Islam topic, this CANNOT go any further until you realise that you are turning down any evidence on pro-legalisation if it is written by someone who has smoked the stuff.

Whether or not they have smoked pot or not is irrelavent. When it comes to possible health risks of substances, I choose to accept legitimate research performed by highly educated researchers over "the book" which was written by a man who, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't even have an associates degree from a junior college.
No you have NOT
what you have provided are websites that contain alot of assumptions and words like "Could" "May" "might" "possibly" in some proof nothing of defenitive nature at all

Which is exactly the same language used in research that established that cigarette smoking causes cancer. Since it does not cause cancer in everyone who smokes, it can't be said that cigarrette smoking will cause cancer. Do you also want to argue that cigarettes don't cause cancer?

I have on the other hand Provided you with Documented proof of my position and all you have been able to do with it is call the author and myself names because your UN-able to Debate the issue ....why? because your limited education in this topic area does not allow you to debate the issue.I am sorry that your Agent Orange riddled brain keeps you from actually reading and debating the issue? maybe you should have that looked at?

Documented by who? A man who doesn't even have an associates degree. I am supposed to accept his word that a chemical substance can not cause me harm when teams of legitimate researchers say that it can?
I think we have some real evidence about the advisability of pot smoking embedded in the above posts.

Should marijuana be legalized? Yes, no doubt about it. Prohibition hasn't worked, and most likely never will.

Is pot smoking a good idea? Well, just try to wade through the incoherent rantings of Rokerijdude11, and ask yourself whether the effects are positive or negative.
Legalize it!

I won't lie, I did inhale...many many many times. The effects of marijuana are very much like alcohol. I've never heard of Marijuana causing the stomach problems that are associated with alcohol. Drinking alcohol straight sometimes hurts my stomach, even when I drink a little. Marijuana usually only makes me thirsty and hungry.

I think marijuana should be legalized. Arresting people for marijuana is a waste of Law Enforcement resources. The police should be out arresting the real criminals: Murders, Rapists, Child Molesters, "Hard Drug" Users and Dealers, Thieves, etc.

What drugs are probably the most dangerous and widely available?

Prescription Drugs.
I think marijuana should be legalized. Arresting people for marijuana is a waste of Law Enforcement resources. The police should be out arresting the real criminals: Murders, Rapists, Child Molesters, "Hard Drug" Users and Dealers, Thieves, etc.

That's what I'm talking about.

The police force shouldn't have to waste time catching people who smoke weed in their homes or at their friends house. They should go out there and save someone instead.
I do not believe harmful things should be legalized. I know people who smoke pot and can do it in moderation. I also know people who cannot do anything in moderation.
People who want to enjoy themselves cannot because of the majority of abusers.
Cigarettes and alcohol should not be legal. Both are harmful and ruin people's health.
It is not only the user who is harmed. It is his family when he prefers to get high instead of participate.
It is the innocent motorist driving home from work who is demolished by an intoxicated drinker.
For the majority of society it is better not to legalize any of these.
Do we want Bush controlling how much we smoke and drink they way he controls the budget?
Government control is never better.
I don't think it should be "legalized" per se. I do however maintain that it should DEFINITELY be decriminalized. The issue is not a black and white issue. Marijuana does have serious health risks, just like all vices, cigarettes, alcohol, none are without risk. I could go into the addictive properties and the marijuana withdraw effects (which are rather long 3mo - year for depression etc) I mean not everyone experiences problem from use, but then you can also say not everyone gets lung cancer, COPD, or even a cough from cigarettes, not everyone who drinks alcohol will end up with liver cirrhosis, an addiction, or under a bridge. I just think the big deal is less the physical dangers of the drug but rather the mental health risks associated with it. I think with it's decriminalization there still needs to be heavily funded (perhaps divert all the law enf. monies to this) mental health services to support the addictions that exist just as they have for alcohol. I'm sure I'll get some flames for this, but that's not the intention. I don't think it's right by any means that a single person even so much as pays a fine for a plant. Especially when the situation would be so much better served by mental health support not so called justice.

I do not believe harmful things should be legalized. I know people who smoke pot and can do it in moderation. I also know people who cannot do anything in moderation.
People who want to enjoy themselves cannot because of the majority of abusers.
Cigarettes and alcohol should not be legal. Both are harmful and ruin people's health.
It is not only the user who is harmed. It is his family when he prefers to get high instead of participate.
It is the innocent motorist driving home from work who is demolished by an intoxicated drinker.
For the majority of society it is better not to legalize any of these.
Do we want Bush controlling how much we smoke and drink they way he controls the budget?
Government control is never better.

Again, nothing is black and white. Rather than arrest and criminalization (and possible institutionalization for those involved with higher levels of posession etc.), all this war on drugs money should be diverted into mental health services, addiction itself is a disease, the poison involved with the addiction is secondary to the actual addiction. Addiction is genetic with environmental secondary roots. There are actual differences in the physiology of those with addictions (not just chemical addictions, but even gambling/sexual addictions show different parts of the brain that differ from those without addictions) So none of these should be treated criminally when they're suffering from a disease. Obviously the line between criminal activity and involvement with addictive substances is thin. This has to be kept in perspective, how to treat the addiction and punish for criminal choices made while under the influence. The fact an addiction is a disease does not lessen the fact that criminal actions are criminal.
I don't think it should be "legalized" per se. I do however maintain that it should DEFINITELY be decriminalized. The issue is not a black and white issue. Marijuana does have serious health risks, just like all vices, cigarettes, alcohol, none are without risk. I could go into the addictive properties and the marijuana withdraw effects (which are rather long 3mo - year for depression etc) I mean not everyone experiences problem from use, but then you can also say not everyone gets lung cancer, COPD, or even a cough from cigarettes, not everyone who drinks alcohol will end up with liver cirrhosis, an addiction, or under a bridge. I just think the big deal is less the physical dangers of the drug but rather the mental health risks associated with it. I think with it's decriminalization there still needs to be heavily funded (perhaps divert all the law enf. monies to this) mental health services to support the addictions that exist just as they have for alcohol. I'm sure I'll get some flames for this, but that's not the intention. I don't think it's right by any means that a single person even so much as pays a fine for a plant. Especially when the situation would be so much better served by mental health support not so called justice.

Again, nothing is black and white. Rather than arrest and criminalization (and possible institutionalization for those involved with higher levels of posession etc.), all this war on drugs money should be diverted into mental health services, addiction itself is a disease, the poison involved with the addiction is secondary to the actual addiction. Addiction is genetic with environmental secondary roots. There are actual differences in the physiology of those with addictions (not just chemical addictions, but even gambling/sexual addictions show different parts of the brain that differ from those without addictions) So none of these should be treated criminally when they're suffering from a disease. Obviously the line between criminal activity and involvement with addictive substances is thin. This has to be kept in perspective, how to treat the addiction and punish for criminal choices made while under the influence. The fact an addiction is a disease does not lessen the fact that criminal actions are criminal.

Bravo. Well-stated.
It's just a pretty staple way of looking at things, everyone loves the bipartisan views, go left or right, right or wrong, or whatever. Problem is people lose objectivity, become mob mentalities and forget about the reality of the issue at hand. Nothing is black and white, not even old TV (that's more of a grayscale, right?) everyone should remember that before approaching issues.
It's just a pretty staple way of looking at things, everyone loves the bipartisan views, go left or right, right or wrong, or whatever. Problem is people lose objectivity, become mob mentalities and forget about the reality of the issue at hand. Nothing is black and white, not even old TV (that's more of a grayscale, right?) everyone should remember that before approaching issues.

I think I'm gonna like you.
I think we have some real evidence about the advisability of pot smoking embedded in the above posts.

Should marijuana be legalized? Yes, no doubt about it. Prohibition hasn't worked, and most likely never will.

Is pot smoking a good idea? Well, just try to wade through the incoherent rantings of Rokerijdude11, and ask yourself whether the effects are positive or negative.

Incoherent Ramblings................hardly what is more likely is the conversation was 3 levels above yor intellect level so the best you were able to muster was a weak insult upon my information which is non-debatable

Everything I have posted here is Conclusive,and well documented. on top of that i have provided you with insight from a 30+ year user.......and the best you have to bring to the table is a shot like Incoherent ramblings?......

you have got to be kidding us here right? Im sorry that so many of you are Not Familiar with the Realities of Hemp and Marijauna Prohibition.....perhaps had you been educated in this area youd be qualified to debate it Ill just add you to the list of Un-Educated Know nothings when it comes to Hemp and marijauna Prohibition and legalization

thats ok though dont feel bad your in the majority. come on back when you think you might have something of value to debate or add

Ill be looking forward to it

have a nice day
Incoherent Ramblings................hardly what is more likely is the conversation was 3 levels above yor intellect level so the best you were able to muster was a weak insult upon my information which is non-debatable

Aha! Another great example of incoherent ramblings. Did you really mean to say that my "weak insult" was non debatable? I agree. Thank you for the confirmation.

Everything I have posted here is Conclusive,and well documented. on top of that i have provided you with insight from a 30+ year user.......and the best you have to bring to the table is a shot like Incoherent ramblings?......

Yes, you have given all of us a great example of the results of 30+ years of smoking pot. If that doesn't scare the kids away from toking up, nothing will.

you have got to be kidding us here right? Im sorry that so many of you are Not Familiar with the Realities of Hemp and Marijauna Prohibition.....perhaps had you been educated in this area youd be qualified to debate it Ill just add you to the list of Un-Educated Know nothings when it comes to Hemp and marijauna Prohibition and legalization

I, for one, am quite familiar with the results of hemp and marijuana prohibition, and I've said that I'm against the continuation of such prohibition. What you've done for us once again is to confirm that long term pot use can scramble brain cells. For one thing, you are arguing against a point I never made, and don't seem to realize it. For another, what's up with the random capitals and lack of punctuation? Have you forgotten the conventions of the English language?

thats ok though dont feel bad your in the majority. come on back when you think you might have something of value to debate or add

Ill be looking forward to it

have a nice day

No, I don't feel bad that I'm in the majority. Why would I?

Or, have you once again posted a point you didn't intend to make?

Keep it up. You're confirming my point with every post.:)
Incoherent Ramblings................hardly what is more likely is the conversation was 3 levels above yor intellect level so the best you were able to muster was a weak insult upon my information which is non-debatable

No. Incoherent ramblings more accurately describes your rants. That and denying and distancing yourself from every point you try to make.
I think the ultimate thing about marajuana prohibition in terms of who is right or wrong is that the prohibition isn't working successfully, and never really has since it came in.

So what do you propose, because a radical step is needed. Cut peoples hands off for smoking the stuff, or relax the laws and let the police deal with the high crime rates.
No. Incoherent ramblings more accurately describes your rants. That and denying and distancing yourself from every point you try to make.

I havent distanced myself from ANYTHING in this post ..I dont have to I own You. your simply not educated in this area of expertise .its ok I understand completly.

Im sure the treaders do too you do realize that everyone who has participated in this post has told you that you have been soundly beaten in debate

Rants.hardly .........................Conclusive documented Proof


have a nice day