So much for 41

His vote was simply to allow the bill to be heard for a vote at all. (Something his party wanted to say "No" to out of what.....force of habit?)
Why vote to hear a bad bill? It's just a waste of time... Ditch the Keynesian policies and get to some real job creation, by cutting government spending and cutting taxes.
Thinking of what?

Government spending kills more jobs than it creates.

yes we know all government is evil....we all know that if the government builds a road....somewhere they have to kill a puppy to...Seems even quite a few Republicans and Independents...don't agree with your view. But don't worry I am sure if any of that money goes to areas where other Republicans are in power...they will be out in front taking credit for the money...and jobs


I thought you were referring-to Daddy Bush.....

He's a McCain replacement. His role is to placate unsuspecting dems and independents, to lull them into believing his platform is compromise. He is nothing but the usher for the service of the malignant right. He will bring people in and seat them before the doors are slammed and bolted shut behind them and the sacrafices begin at the bloody altar.
I always forget, we should give out liberty to for profit companies ...not the government who we ourselves Elect.

Don't cry little pocket... Those big bad corporations are helpless to violate your pweshus wittle rights without the government's sanction.

Maybe one day, when you're all grown up, you'll see that your "well intentioned" government, whom you elected, is handing your rights over to those big bad corporations in trade for campaign donations.