Study of Human Behavior/Politics


New Member
Apr 12, 2011
The study of human behavior has taught us valuable and seemingly contradicting lessons. While incentives and survival are our primary motivators there are also negative aspects of human character that are not well amended by the "will" of the individual. It is the case that any successful system of government contains instances both of these theories, yet instead of a employing both of these concepts in crafting and supporting policy, we are perpetually pitting them against each other. Conservatives are seen as "anti-populist," with exclusionary policies, while liberals are seen as "socialist" because of a benefit of more-for- many doctrine. It is my humble opinion that neither of these positions is worthy of sweeping use and defense, but there is nothing more certain in life than blind adherence to this dichotomy. I challenge the conscientious participants of this discussion to analyze how there own understanding of human behavior impacts their politics.