I Respect the Rebellion

Symptoms of schizophrenia

Do any of you stop to think that I was chosen for a reason?
Symptoms of schizophrenia: Flight of ideas; the central theme progresses in in endless succession. Loose association; the endless succession of ideas is not tied together logically. Paranoid delusion; the feeling that the government has singled you out for observation. Delusions of grandeur; the feeling of being special or chosen. Do these remind you of anyone?

What we can do to help. Do not participate in his delusions...it reinforces the delusion. Keep re-orienting him to reality..."These feelings are not real, you are ill."
That is what makes this so hard hermit... It is called a stigma. I suppose your content with those who repersent you adapting the art of war?
The diagnosis is Bi Polar... "They" claim delusions are an excess of dopamine. I have explained the miracles to the doctors... when I admitted myself into the hospital for a vacation after playing with hackers and switching medication, there was alot of controversy surrounding my treatment because I knew what they would claim beforehand. Even the doctors called me unique. Some even told me I inspired them, but to not tell the others... Before I dropped out, I had A's in all my classes, so clearly I'm not a delusional idiot. I don't expect any of you to respect my thoughts... how can I expected grounded peers to understand a brother in deep waters? I know my thoughts are loosely associated... I know I am grandiose... I know this is part of Bi Polar... but a diagnosis does not make my claims any less real or significant. But your right... I have to sacrifice a gift, and take medicine so people can follow me?
If you really want to help me... believe what I am saying... If you don't believe something, ask me, and I will confess whether I am certain or not in the claims I profess. If you want to help me, care about your ****ing country. We are on the verge of the end... how could I switch themes? Don't just spread the news they give you, speak your minds.
Here are my drunken words to our government (I'll give you something else to judge)

Considering they could no longer handle my comments, they obstructed my internet access… Should I feel sorry for them? If they were in my shoes, they would exploit weakness, because they follow the art of war… but me, I really do feel bad for our government.

I love Osama Bin Laden as much as I love you. You think your cool by controlling property… you love to be envied, and refuse to accept that your putting our country at risk… you see no threat, when you are surrounded by threat. The people of America… the people that hate you… are the only reason your safe… but you target them, despite the fact that they protect you. When will you understand? Poor Bush… it is not his fault… he could have been a good leader… you reminded him how fun it was to be a child… we don’t need a childish leader, we need a man. Hilary. Well she is cute. She is a smart girl. Very imperialistic aura… but what respect has she shone for the Middle East? You can’t expect military will solve your problems? You can’t expect me to give up when you insult me… that only reveals your fear of me… and I’m the tyrant? Why because I communicate? Communicational tyranny? Hahaha… well at least you realize advanced power is harder than soft power. (What you call hard power) At least you’re brightening up. I’m trying to teach you… once you understand me, we can solve problems together. You can take claim for my ideas… I don’t care… It will upset me… but to demand otherwise would be selfish… grow up you little girls. I’m really not a bad guy… but you have no respect for me when I don’t talk with any color. I need to get drunk to do so… true… I realize I am lost now… but I intentionally ran away to find you. You think of children’s stories when you hear that… well children’s stories bestow more wisdom than the complexities of your childish political propaganda, and destructive law. America is baffled. No one agrees but they don’t feel the need to put in the energy to change you… this is the way you intended it to be, is it not? Everyone has color. Even our beloved brother Jesus Christ, God Bless him… You shouldn’t be offended if those spewing the hatred intend to help, not hurt… you shouldn’t call him a terrorist, or a threat, when he is the opposite… Didn’t you call me the destroyer? What made you think that? How can an innocent child be capable of destruction? Maybe I have fooled myself. I don’t understand either… I don’t know how I should act now that I’ve witnessed miracles… I try to be myself… but I’m confused… I just don’t understand people anymore… No one makes sense to me… and I just bore him or her. This is a waste, but you read it all? You obviously Love me, so why not communicate with me respectably, like a normal person, face to face. I will meet you anywhere. I am not afraid. I do not fear the damage man can inflict, only the judgment of our Father… I pray he forgives me for what I am… same with you… I pray he loves us both, but as for you… how can he Love someone so phony? So artificial? So deceptive? You’re lucky you’re alive… Just talk to me damnit!!! I go crazy wondering why you tried to mess with my mind… I can’t hate you because I know you Love me… It doesn’t make sense… How could you hurt someone you Love? Are you just afraid? What do I have to do to make you feel comfortable? I try to be like you, but I only lose respect in doing so… I’m only trying to get us to belong… for once we all belong, we will succeed.

I’m asking you the same question… Why can’t we be friends?

Don’t you realize, obstructing my internet access is only inciting passion for the Revolution? You are proving my point in everything you do… How could you target a child of God? You know I am not trying to cause harm, so why do you try to cause me harm? Is it because you can’t bear my message? You don’t like to be exposed, but your apt to expose others, don’t you see the inequity in that? Trust me, I do have respect for you, which I’m losing… I just don’t see how an entire nation stands by such corruption? Or even tolerates it… Do they believe your fallacies? You have purposely tried to drive me crazy because I’m a Revolutionary… Do you really think that is just? Do you not believe in God? Do you think I would be foolish enough to use God for my own benefit? I’m unaware of what I can say to awaken you to your blasphemy… The sins I commit I admit, confess, and usually apologize for… but you sin without acknowledging your own conscience? Are you all sociopathic comedians??? I could write till my face is blue, but you will feel nothing… Should I tell the things I like about you, in consideration of your senility to earn your respect? I expose the corruption, because that is what I want changed… complimenting what is right, will only make you content with corruption, but maybe I am wrong… How can we understand one another with such deceptive communication? You feel as though you will be studied, so your pride contents you? This is a Hitler frame of mind… but in giving time, even Hitler could have been saved… he just was not willing… all you have to do is listen… This pains me more than you… I’m not trying to disrupt your jobs, I’m trying to correct them… once you recognize me, and abide by my standards; I will then allow you to continue your jobs. What you claim as Idealistic, is the cries of rationality attempting to invoke Spirits to go to irrational realist, befuddled with past philosophy and history, even they don’t understand, but know more than I, to give them sight… I am trying to be on the same level, but I always pass you. Is it I who has been elusive, or is it you?
and hermit... did nothing in the original thread provoke you? Did you just search for a comment to discredit me? Your not helping me brother... I am going to take medication... so respect me. It makes me feel fake... it enervates me... it does nothing but make me feel worse... but just so you understand me, I am going to take it... My life is great right now, but because of this stigma that follows such an undeniable gift, I have to conform, temporarily, just so I can speak to you all, in the same frame of mind, only to make you understand that Revolution is plausible. Wake up... demand the power they have stolen from you... Maybe you all are not ready yet.
I'm still trying to figure that out... maybe just to tell the world the miracles God has bestowed upon me, and spread the wisdom of God as I know it.

Than again, maybe I was just chosen, so I would not be alone.

Nevertheless, I do not lie about this, and I wish society would take my experience seriously rather than neglect me, assuming my claims are the product of illness or insanity. I'm not nearly as intelligent, in terms of information, as most people, but I am enlightened, and when I am wrong, I realize it.
"Anything you say can be countered by a bombardment of disinformation and distractions that prevent effective dissent."

God Bless Al Qaeda!

I realize many of you are victims of the majority and american propaganda, but have any of you stopped to wonder the positive response such a bold statement like this would have if made by our beloved president? Saying this in no way supports violence, or hopeless attacks made by brainwashed souls as a means to make a statement against American imperialism, but it does make a statement about our level of maturity and spiritual credibility... Again, maybe this nation I love so much, this nation with a government that violates my rights humorously, is too closeminded to fathom such a change in morality... To Love thy enemy is not an act of retreat, is in an attempt at amends which aims at peace. Peace is a strength, not a weakness, so we should use the word more often.
The diagnosis is Bi Polar... "They" claim delusions are an excess of dopamine. I have explained the miracles to the doctors... when I admitted myself into the hospital for a vacation after playing with hackers and switching medication, there was alot of controversy surrounding my treatment because I knew what they would claim beforehand. Even the doctors called me unique. Some even told me I inspired them, but to not tell the others... Before I dropped out, I had A's in all my classes, so clearly I'm not a delusional idiot. I don't expect any of you to respect my thoughts... how can I expected grounded peers to understand a brother in deep waters? I know my thoughts are loosely associated... I know I am grandiose... I know this is part of Bi Polar... but a diagnosis does not make my claims any less real or significant. But your right... I have to sacrifice a gift, and take medicine so people can follow me?

Wow, He says schizophrenia, but I say Shizoaffetive Disorder. You seriously do exhibit, from what I can observer, quite the text book case, although I do not know you, so, I couldn't determine this save for assumptions of your personality based upon your posts. Bipolar disorder, is a Mood Disorder, your self-grandeurization, paranoia, and disarrayal of thought, etc, is definitely schizoid, the convergance of Schizophrenic/Mood disorders in a disorder which does not contain perhaps, complete symptomatic correlation to one, but has aspects of both, is Schizoaffeticve Disorder. Of course, also symptomatic, is paranoia of treatment. You refuse treatment because you assume that it will rob you of your "gift" to take meds, thus refusal is core ("Gift" is an aspect of the disorder, which technically it would "rob you" of this; however this shouldn't be problematic, as core personality would definitely be retained and itself is something I'd consider the gift, not, whatever you're defining it as) I'm not going to try to convince you, I doubt I'd be able to anyhow, I've dealt with enough schizoidal disorders to know better, but it is something you should think about.

Also, a dellusional idiot (true delusions, not those such a numunis or pale rider have at times) is a rarity, in the case of schizotypal disorders anyhow, the majority tend to be intelligent, sometimes extraordinarily (Beautiful Mind is a good movie, based on a real person, as an example, he was obviously HIGHLY intelligent, but also highly mentally disturbed) a lot of anecdotal evidence points to higher intellects in fact perhaps being largely associated with schizoid although the causative / symptomatic place of this association is not known.
The mixture of illusions and miracles can often make one seem delusional.

Good post... there is nothing schizoid about me though. Bi Polar 1 is what professionals say I have. I went to the number one ranked hospital in the world, so I trust their diagnosis, although I'd like further testing (neurologist maybe?). The miracles were real and “crackers” have, without a doubt, tormented me. Not to mention having my computer hacked, and other weird occurrences, like having work edited (not just by funny moderators) or erased in the process of me writing it. On a number of occasions, I have dealt with people who play into the symptoms of my condition. I'm going to try Lithium, but as for anti psychotics, they make me feel worse. (The cons outweigh the pros) Also, some of you may notice some irritation... well I just got satellite internet and the connections is intermittent, which is very annoying. Also, I still can't edit my post on this sight for some reason.

Now that I've been placed under the microscope can we revert to the problem at hand?
The mixture of illusions and miracles can often make one seem delusional.

Good post... there is nothing schizoid about me though. Bi Polar 1 is what professionals say I have. I went to the number one ranked hospital in the world, so I trust their diagnosis, although I'd like further testing (neurologist maybe?). The miracles were real and “crackers” have, without a doubt, tormented me. Not to mention having my computer hacked, and other weird occurrences, like having work edited (not just by funny moderators) or erased in the process of me writing it. On a number of occasions, I have dealt with people who play into the symptoms of my condition. I'm going to try Lithium, but as for anti psychotics, they make me feel worse. (The cons outweigh the pros) Also, some of you may notice some irritation... well I just got satellite internet and the connections is intermittent, which is very annoying. Also, I still can't edit my post on this sight for some reason.

Now that I've been placed under the microscope can we revert to the problem at hand?

Please explain in detail the "Miracles" and a much more detailed description of how and what occurred in these "hacks" and such. The problem is assumed miracles can be a manifestation of delusions, I'd like an entire list, don't leave anything out, of both things, hacks/weird stuff, and miracles....
Why, so you can attempt to refute everything I say? “Battle of Convinced Assumption” displays the gist of my experience, but it takes some effort on the reader’s part. After you read that, you can ask me a particular question, and I will elaborate for you. You can find it here, www.myspace.com/zmcbride. I've been doing what you have asked me to do for so long, but to no avail. Everything I say is responded to with contradicting inaccurate propaganda that makes me seem like a lunatic. The very purpose of asking me this question seems to be to openly discredit me in front of readers. “Anything you say can be countered by a bombardment of disinformation and distractions that prevent effective dissent.” Readers are usually conventional, and no matter how ridiculous psychiatry sounds it makes more sense than religion, at least to the mainstream minds of America. And in regards to the hackers, crackers, and enemies who I only occasionally hate, does it really matter if I would prove their evil tactics to you? Or a better question is, is it really possible to prove this to you? How would that help anything? I have my own validity, why do I need yours? People, who are not completely ignorant, realize the prominence of technological control and abuse. You sound like a smart individual, so you most likely are aware this is happening. Instead of me give you something to discredit me, why don't you tell me something I don't know? Like why is it so difficult for my to find anything on NSA capability, or any of the clandestine actions of our government? Am I not trusted? Is deception beneficial to security, or is it the reason our country is in reality, so vulnerable? Is it not true, that the only way to change course would be to evoke a Revolution, awakening the masses of America, to separate ourselves from corruption, ally with all forces, and gradually decrease our regressive use of primitive power, while advocating and restoring values our current government distort and neglect? Why do you refuse to stick to the initial topic? Is it not important to you? Are you a supporter of the government? Or worse, do you work for them? Even if you did, you should have some respect for my intentions. The Revolution is not a disruption to social unity; it is a remedy to conformity, devolution, iniquity, dichotomies, pending destruction and others.

I just got kicked off another former because my opinions didn't agree with the moderators? Don't you see a trend here? Attacking the opposition is the cause of most problems in the world today.