Supporters of anti-American displays at ball games whine that Americans do not support black racist displays at games

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
There is no question that not all Americans are supportive of traditional American views and values. Some tear down American monuments, trash traditional ceremonies and commemorations, and disrespect patriotic displays of American pride while demanding others join them in their divisive ideology.

Super Bowl Controversy: Rep. Steve Cohen Slams Fans For Refusing To Stand For The 'Negro National Anthem' - The Political Insider 2-12-24

re: colin kaepernick.
There are plenty of people like blacks that have no reason to support traditions. That does not include their views or values. For instance, blacks were represented in Vietnam at far greater rate as they were at home.
It's almost as if they were used for war. Their values and views to fight for USA was never acknowledged. You didn't mind them dying for the country and paying their taxes but to this day racism is virulent.
Maybe it was on display at the Superbowl.
There is no question that not all Americans are supportive of traditional American views and values. Some tear down American monuments, trash traditional ceremonies and commemorations, and disrespect patriotic displays of American pride while demanding others join them in their divisive ideology.

Super Bowl Controversy: Rep. Steve Cohen Slams Fans For Refusing To Stand For The 'Negro National Anthem' - The Political Insider 2-12-24

re: colin kaepernick.
Bring back traditional American values of slavery, gay persecution, women as second class citizens!
Professional sports is not a patriotic event, and playing the National Anthem is rather silly. No one has any obligation to salute or stand for any anthem.
There are plenty of people like blacks that have no reason to support traditions. That does not include their views or values. For instance, blacks were represented in Vietnam at far greater rate as they were at home.
Why was that? The Democrats started the war and were in charge of running it.
It's almost as if they were used for war. Their values and views to fight for USA was never acknowledged. You didn't mind them dying for the country and paying their taxes but to this day racism is virulent.
Maybe it was on display at the Superbowl.
Bring back traditional American values of slavery, gay persecution, women as second class citizens!
Those Democrat values of slavery and sexual promiscuity and depravity were never God Bless traditional Christian American values.
Professional sports is not a patriotic event, and playing the National Anthem is rather silly. No one has any obligation to salute or stand for any anthem.
If an American hates America he fancies himself free to burn the American flag, desecrate American monuments, torch American businesses, and loot the wealth from the rich in lieu of reparations payments.
There is no reason to consider pro sports to be any sort of patriotic event.
The idea that these privately owned teams have any obligation to the cities they ostensibly pretend to represent: often the owners, the coaches and the players are not from the cities associated with the teams.

There is no reason to have monuments to people who fought to keep slavery legal in our country and to dissolve the union.
To desecrate something, it needs to be sacred in some way first. Are Robert E Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest sacred? No way!
Those Democrat values of slavery and sexual promiscuity and depravity were never God Bless traditional Christian American values.
They were values in America run by Christians
They were traditional vales encoded in our laws
A fact you can't deny
There is no reason to consider pro sports to be any sort of patriotic event.
The idea that these privately owned teams have any obligation to the cities they ostensibly pretend to represent: often the owners, the coaches and the players are not from the cities associated with the teams.

There is no reason to have monuments to people who fought to keep slavery legal in our country and to dissolve the union.
To desecrate something, it needs to be sacred in some way first. Are Robert E Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest sacred? No way!
Leftists divide the country over racism. By encouraging blacks to exalt black lives above the lives of cops or whites the left is driving a racist wedge between them. By tearing down monuments to past Americans that have been celebrated for decades the left is driving racist divisions between Americans. By demanding modern Americans give modern blacks obscene amounts of money in reparations for past sins committed by a very small percentage of Americans hundreds of years ago is driving wedges of racism between Americans.
They were values in America run by Christians
They were traditional vales encoded in our laws
A fact you can't deny
You demonize large numbers of innocent Christians with your blanket condemnation of all Christians for your opposition to the views and acts of a select few.
It doesn't matter who started it. Slavery was wrong and racism is alive and well. Just because the Bible says it's ok, doesn't make it right but to godbotherers it would.
Past slavery was wrong and modern race baiting driven by modern racists attempting to keep the slavery issue alive today are just as wrong.
You demonize large numbers of innocent Christians with your blanket condemnation of all Christians for your opposition to the views and acts of a select few.

i condemn christians as a group for actions taken by a majority of them, like supporting slavery. not "all christians" as you claim, since that's a lie. it was not a "select few" that supported slavery. duh.

or which "select few" managed to get it into the constitution over the objections of the majority of christians? lol
Past slavery was wrong and modern race baiting driven by modern racists attempting to keep the slavery issue alive today are just as wrong.

slavery is a good example of how religion can do evil things, as a constant reminder to today's christians.