Supreme Court strikes parts of Voting Rights act

no just need a brain. i realize lefties are all too often willing to forego considering the validity of assumptions. its ok to think outside the box p.

Your like the idiot that would say we don't need speed limits, see the cars are not going to fast on the street ( that has a speed limit on it)...thus the limit is not needed. I think you fail the first part of your own post.
Your like the idiot that would say we don't need speed limits, see the cars are not going to fast on the street ( that has a speed limit on it)...thus the limit is not needed. I think you fail the first part of your own post.
Yes pocket the idiots have landed... Do you know the difference between myself and most idiots, is that I know I'm an idiot. This gives me a leg up on the competition. It allows me to attain a level of consciousness and in fact , it is my secret weapon... It is a weapon that not one person has ever tried to wrestle from me.. Why must you call people names? It is childish, I can clearly see you are a little above average for a liberal...So stop getting angry.
Yes pocket the idiots have landed... Do you know the difference between myself and most idiots, is that I know I'm an idiot. This gives me a leg up on the competition. It allows me to attain a level of consciousness and in fact , it is my secret weapon... It is a weapon that not one person has ever tried to wrestle from me.. Why must you call people names? It is childish, I can clearly see you are a little above average for a liberal...So stop getting angry.

because I gave up on facts mattering to the flat earth society or republicans..
Yes pocket the idiots have landed... Do you know the difference between myself and most idiots, is that I know I'm an idiot. This gives me a leg up on the competition. It allows me to attain a level of consciousness and in fact , it is my secret weapon... It is a weapon that not one person has ever tried to wrestle from me.. Why must you call people names? It is childish, I can clearly see you are a little above average for a liberal...So stop getting angry.

Theyre here


because I gave up on facts mattering to the flat earth society or republicans..

Facts to a Liberal:
1. Global warming will destroy the planet, if unchecked by government.
2. Evolution is fact.
3. Rs are dumb and hateful.
4. Ds are nice and helpful.
5. The welfare state works.
6. Socialism is the best form of government.
7. White rich males are evil and racist.
8. The Tea Party is a bunch of racists.

If those statements are FACTS in your mind, you likely are not very intelligent and could have a mental disorder.
Gipper one is a fact to me. That YES Evolution is fact. Theres no mention of dinosaurs in the bible. And its been proven Man did come from ape. I do believe in GOD but some of the things in the bible is false. Like the virgin Mary who delivered Jesus isn't a virgin. Science proves theres no way a girl can get pregnant without a man. And Mary was a prostitute so which is it? I believe Jesus came to earth from another planet, Because who witness Jesus being born from Marys womb? Theres nothing says in the bible they saw Mary gave birth. I believe Jesus came to earth from that story of Superman
That's how Jesus really came here
That's right!

And anyone who questions or disagrees with the dogma or so called facts believed by the Left, is an idoit. When it is clear, the beliefs held by the Left are idoitic and unproven.
It is always the opposite when it comes to leftist thinking.

Just like repealing the Voting Act of 1965 .... Where is all the real voter fraud? Not in the southern states ....

Who are the real racist concerning the George Zimmerman case ....

I can go on and on ..... it is always the opposite of reality!
