"Surprise" McCain victory will be put down to latent racism


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Being a bit of a part-time conspiracy buff I would like comrades to consider the idea that McCain will win and the win be put down to the fact that when they entered the voting booth, some US citizens did not vote as they sadi they would to exit polls and such.

There must be a statistical way of demonstrating this is very unlikely and I would like to know if this is possible.

If Obama does win, especially in the states where the insecure and hackable voting machines are operated by companies owned and operated by Republican activists ( not voters..activists ), then we can safely assume that the voting process in the US is fair.
Being a bit of a part-time conspiracy buff I would like comrades to consider the idea that McCain will win and the win be put down to the fact that when they entered the voting booth, some US citizens did not vote as they sadi they would to exit polls and such...
........its termed the "Bradley Effect"..........

Then there is the much-discussed “Bradley effect”. Many experts still think that white voters will tell pollsters that they might vote for Mr Obama, but secret racism, concealed for embarrassment, will have them voting for Mr McCain instead. No such across-the-board effect could be seen in the primaries, as, in most states, he outperformed the polls. Where he struggled in the primaries, however, could be important for the presidential election: he did worse than his polls in Rust Belt and Appalachian states. A few of those remain in the balance; Ohio, in particular, broke heavily away from Mr Obama in the primaries, even more so than polls predicted.

Being a bit of a part-time conspiracy buff I would like comrades to consider the idea that McCain will win and the win be put down to the fact that when they entered the voting booth, some US citizens did not vote as they sadi they would to exit polls and such.

There must be a statistical way of demonstrating this is very unlikely and I would like to know if this is possible.

If Obama does win, especially in the states where the insecure and hackable voting machines are operated by companies owned and operated by Republican activists ( not voters..activists ), then we can safely assume that the voting process in the US is fair.

This has already happened, and happens a lot. Many people go in to vote and tell the pollster one thing, vote the other way, and then tell the pollster they voted for the original person when they really did not.

I believe it happened to Mondale or Goldwater, I cannot really remember at the moment.

I grew up in the South and always hear about how my state is a red state and are in the tank for the GOP. We had a democratic governor until recently, my city has had democratic mayors and councilmen for years, and the state legislator has many democrats as well. The state also went blue for Clinton.

If that is being in the tank for the GOP, it is kind of sad. If Obama wins in the South it means he just won in the south, not that the voting process was never fair before that moment.
Being a bit of a part-time conspiracy buff I would like comrades to consider the idea that McCain will win and the win be put down to the fact that when they entered the voting booth, some US citizens did not vote as they sadi they would to exit polls and such.

There must be a statistical way of demonstrating this is very unlikely and I would like to know if this is possible.

If Obama does win, especially in the states where the insecure and hackable voting machines are operated by companies owned and operated by Republican activists ( not voters..activists ), then we can safely assume that the voting process in the US is fair.

I think if Obama loses every person who is happy about it will be labled a racist even if they have never voted for a socialist in their life.

I think if Obama wins especially because of Ohio, it will be a win because of voter fraud. and if anyone says he won with voter fraud they will be labled a racist.

One thing that would be cool though, if Obama just has to win, its because he won states that has those hackable voting machines.

If obama wins by a landslide I will believe there is some serious strong delusion pourn out on earth from Heaven.