Tasteless use of yellow stars at the United Nations


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Holocaust survivors and scholars are appalled at the trampling of their sensitivies and memories of the Shoah.

This shows that there is no blow too low, no attempt too brazen to re-direct attention away from the bombing of
hospitals, schools and ambulances in Giza, killing thousands of women and children.

Shame. Shame. Shame.

Luckily, the masses of the world no longer accepts the canard that only jews can be victims, and left and right are
uniting against the pernicious evil that is modern day zionism.

Comrade Stalin
Victorious against the Hitlerite filth
Holocaust survivors and scholars are appalled at the trampling of their sensitivies and memories of the Shoah.

This shows that there is no blow too low, no attempt too brazen to re-direct attention away from the bombing of
hospitals, schools and ambulances in Giza, killing thousands of women and children.

Shame. Shame. Shame.

Luckily, the masses of the world no longer accepts the canard that only jews can be victims, and left and right are
uniting against the pernicious evil that is modern day zionism.

Comrade Stalin
Victorious against the Hitlerite filth
Tribal savage barbarian Palestinian supporters of genocide no longer have a right to discuss foreign affairs at conferences of civilized nations.

"In the latest publicity stunt of its kind, with rapidly diminishing returns, the representatives of the Israeli state at the United Nations have taken to appearing with the gold star on their lapels reminiscent of those used during the Nazi persecution of European Jews in the 1930s.


The rhetorical implication is clear: political opposition to Israel is antisemitic. Subtlety is apparently not a priority of Israeli diplomats.

In a similar vein, the ADL, while it’s running its censorious political operations in the United States, routinely conflates legitimate political speech with antisemitism and all other manner of verboten -isms.

Related: Anti-Defamation League Capitalizes on Hamas Attacks, Pushes Censorious DEI Fascism

It’s time we stopped playing these semantical games. Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are two distinct concepts:

· “Antisemitism” is defined as “hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group”

· “Anti-Zionism” is defined as “opposition to the establishment or support of the state of Israel”

The former is a millennia-old religious/ethnic prejudice; the latter is a political ideology in opposition to a political entity called Israel.

Opposing the activities of the Israeli state is not tantamount to hating Jews any more than opposition to the Kremlin is to anti-Christianity. Indeed, a large contingent of Orthodox Jews -- although they do not receive much corporate state media coverage due to the obvious narrative difficulty they present -- oppose the state of Israel on religious grounds.

Again, the point must be emphasized: these anti-Zionists are not just Jews, but among the most hardline, dogmatic, fundamentalist Jews on the planet. No one in their right mind, even if they think their political views on Israel are misguided, could honestly conceive of them as antisemitic.

This is basic stuff, such that a child could easily understand.

Of course, it’s not that the purveyors of this conflation don’t understand it; they cynically weaponize the memory of the Holocaust to use as political cover for the activities of the state of Israel.

Could not have said it better myself

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in the Donbass

"In the latest publicity stunt of its kind, with rapidly diminishing returns, the representatives of the Israeli state at the United Nations have taken to appearing with the gold star on their lapels reminiscent of those used during the Nazi persecution of European Jews in the 1930s.


The rhetorical implication is clear: political opposition to Israel is antisemitic. Subtlety is apparently not a priority of Israeli diplomats.

In a similar vein, the ADL, while it’s running its censorious political operations in the United States, routinely conflates legitimate political speech with antisemitism and all other manner of verboten -isms.

Related: Anti-Defamation League Capitalizes on Hamas Attacks, Pushes Censorious DEI Fascism

It’s time we stopped playing these semantical games. Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are two distinct concepts:

· “Antisemitism” is defined as “hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group”

· “Anti-Zionism” is defined as “opposition to the establishment or support of the state of Israel”

The former is a millennia-old religious/ethnic prejudice; the latter is a political ideology in opposition to a political entity called Israel.

Opposing the activities of the Israeli state is not tantamount to hating Jews any more than opposition to the Kremlin is to anti-Christianity. Indeed, a large contingent of Orthodox Jews -- although they do not receive much corporate state media coverage due to the obvious narrative difficulty they present -- oppose the state of Israel on religious grounds.

Again, the point must be emphasized: these anti-Zionists are not just Jews, but among the most hardline, dogmatic, fundamentalist Jews on the planet. No one in their right mind, even if they think their political views on Israel are misguided, could honestly conceive of them as antisemitic.

This is basic stuff, such that a child could easily understand.

Of course, it’s not that the purveyors of this conflation don’t understand it; they cynically weaponize the memory of the Holocaust to use as political cover for the activities of the state of Israel.

Could not have said it better myself

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in the Donbass
When barbarians of the world advocate the annihilation of Israel, they expose themselves as animals who must be caged or destroyed.
Israel is a racist failed state that should be dismantled and a free democracy installed in it's place.

Comrade Stalin
more logical fallacies...

There is no free democracy in Israel or the US for that matter.

Politicians in both countries are bought and sold by drug companies, armament manufacturers and religious criminals

Comrade Stalin