The Bible is a reliable science text

There is a lot of evidence of things in the bible actually happing.And explanations by science to back it up.
Jesus told his disciples at Emmaus that he would return, "before the last of you has tasted death".

And then he did not return, did he?

Or do you believe that there are any two thousand year old disciples still schlepping about?

Google "prophesies in the Bible", and you will see that there are very few that came true.
There is a lot of evidence of things in the bible actually happing.And explanations by science to back it up.
Sure, things of a common nature like Floods
But nothing backs up the supernatural claims like Noah and 2 of every animal for example
The Egyptians wrote their history on walls and monuments, but no one has yet found even one mention of a huge number of Hebrew slaves escaping across the Red Sea. You would at least expect to read something about how the Egyptians drove a bunch of undesirable immigrants out of Egypt.

There is no evidence that there was a village called Nazareth during the time n which Jesus lived.
The Bible is a very poor source of scientific information. Wikipedia has it beat by many a furlong.