The Biden and Harris effect on America

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

They refuse to enforce the law and protect America
They have done nothing to stop this and in my opinion don't want to that's why Harris is in charge of the issue now .

Record numbers of illegals , record number of terrorist crossing bent on destroying America .
Record number of drugs resulting in more crime and overdoses .

The only thing they care about is trying to get enough illegals in to vote democrat and they do vote that's why democrat are against ID for voting .

Their lust for illegals voting is hurting America and endangering American lives .
The next President need to round up these illegals and do a mass deportation like we did in the past . or make them all live in Delaware dc and san fran
Biden and harris could care less if we are flooded with illegals . terrorist and drugs resulting in a sharp increase in overdoses crime and terror events unpaid medical bills and Competition for jobs and housing lowering pay .
As long as they increase the illegals to vote.

They refuse to enforce the law and protect America
They have done nothing to stop this and in my opinion don't want to that's why Harris is in charge of the issue now .

Record numbers of illegals , record number of terrorist crossing bent on destroying America .
Record number of drugs resulting in more crime and overdoses .

The only thing they care about is trying to get enough illegals in to vote democrat and they do vote that's why democrat are against ID for voting .

Their lust for illegals voting is hurting America and endangering American lives .
The next President need to round up these illegals and do a mass deportation like we did in the past . or make them all live in Delaware dc and san fran
Trump had 4 years to make yo MAGA but nothing, now its suddenly joes fault.

Hows that wall going? 400 miles and it blew over in a storm. Well done Donny.
Way to go.
Trump had 4 years to make yo MAGA but nothing, now its suddenly joes fault.

Hows that wall going? 400 miles and it blew over in a storm. Well done Donny.
Way to go.
Yea but hurt boris liberals in congress didnt fund it enough then biden stopped construction. So its trumps fault lol. You sure learned from lying biden . Blame anyone .
"record number of terrorist crossing bent on destroying America"


how did you measure the number of "terrorists bent on destroying america"? using mind reading powers? or what?
"record number of terrorist crossing bent on destroying America"


how did you measure the number of "terrorists bent on destroying america"? using mind reading powers? or what?
No but the amount they have caught so far 50 more in 6 months then in several years
were they "bent on destroying america? as you claimed?
or just another lie from you?

list all the "terrorists" caught the past 6 years and compare to the last 4 years.
go for it :)
were they "bent on destroying america? as you claimed?
or just another lie from you?

list all the "terrorists" caught the past 6 years and compare to the last 4 years.
go for it :)
He only uses the truth on special occasions and emergencies. This isn't one.
and this shows that biden is much better at stopping terrorists than trump was. lol.
and this shows that biden is much better at stopping terrorists than trump was. lol.
Lol no not at all .it shows more are coming in the nation because its easier to get in. Just as more fentanyl is being caught if biden was so good at stopping it then why are the deaths up over 200 percent from overdoses on this drug that liberal logic for you lol
you can prove that more are coming into the nation?
go for it.

so far you've failed every time!
ps - "liberal"? didn't we already go over this. don't ASSume what I am, politically. that's moron logic :)
you can prove that more are coming into the nation?
go for it.

so far you've failed every time!
It up your self . joe has released about 1.2 million 8nto the usa and ctheycest8mate
you can prove that more are coming into the nation?
go for it.

so far you've failed every time!
easy and I have but will again just to help you look clueless .

Now I can post even more links but it wot matter because you seem unable to accept the fact, sure if its because you just cant bear the truth or refuse to believe the truth .