The January 6th Indictment Of Donald Trump!!!!!

"On December 20, 2019, Facebook took down more than 600 accounts connected to The Epoch Times. According to an NBC News report, “The network was called ‘The BL’ and was run by Vietnamese users posing as Americans, using fake photos generated by algorithms to simulate real identities. The Epoch Media group, which pushes a variety of pro-Trump conspiracy theories, spent $9.5 million on ads to spread content through the now-suspended pages and groups.”
Facebook is now in trouble after having been exposed for such blatant 2020 election interference on behalf of Biden,
Yes, people obsess with crooks who rob them blind with the blessings of cops bought and owned by Soros.

soros robs people? what crimes has he been convicted of *****
present your evidence of his illegal activities *****
but you wont lol
soros robs people? what crimes has he been convicted of *****
present your evidence of his illegal activities *****
but you wont lol
You might think crooks and thugs who never get arrested for their crimes must not have committed the crimes, but you would be wrong.
You might think crooks and thugs who never get arrested for their crimes must not have committed the crimes, but you would be wrong.
You might think you would sometimes proves your stupid obsessive claims, but you would be wrong
I doubt that much will come of the Jan 6 indictment. As for the Georgia inditenents It's a 50/50 crap shoot.
Some of the charges like racketeering he will be found not guilty of .Others maybe not.
The federal mishandling of secret documents he's guilty as hell.
But so is Biden but nothing will happen while he is in office .
Or while a liberal is in office.
Good you're point is.
Soros is a very wicked man.

The Real Migrant Crisis: Venezuelan Gold, WW4 and George Soros Plan to Destroy the Dollar – The Shad Olson Show

George Soros’ long career has been richly made on the malicious destruction of sovereign currencies, in sequential calculation, not simply for the lining of his own fetid Nazi pockets, but to make of himself the world kingpin in coronating a global currency that is necessity to a one world empire, at long last. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the Podesta family and a laundry list of familiar henchmen have sworn eternal allegiance to that goal, with Hillary herself undoubtedly chosen in 2016 to strike that devil’s bargain as the coup de grace against the American nation.