Why would the UK want to do that? Doesn't seem like they are interested in preserving life! In fact the libs over there say 30 million people got to go.
Despite the widespread impression created by some politicians and pundits, the controversial decision by President Bush in August, 2001 did not ban embryonic stem cell research. It merely limited government funding in the US to the 72 embryonic stem cell lines already in existence. Embryos can be destroyed in the process of extracting stem cells. The limitation was put on government sponsoring of research that involved further destruction of embryos. Unregulated embryonic stem cell research continues outside the US, and inside the US with private funding.
• To date, in spite of extensive private research, embryonic stem cells have not been found capable of healing anything! That is why little private research money is currently being allocated to embryonic stem cell research. It never produces any useable results.
• The problem is that embryonic stem cells tend to go wild and do not multiply into the kind of cells that researchers want them to.
• Embryonic stem cell research would require killing fertilized human eggs. In other words, human beings would be killed. A tiny human being must be destroyed, so its cells can be extracted.
• The use of adult stem cells does not require killing human babies and has been found to work quite efficiently in effectively treating many physical problems.
There are five sources of stem cells. The first two, below (embryonic and fetal stem cells), require the destruction of a human being:
1. Embryonic stem cells - are harvested from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst seven to ten days after fertilization, during early cell differentiation. The embryo at this stage may be up to 200 cells in size.
2. Fetal stem cells - are often taken from the germline tissues that will make up the ovaries or testes of aborted fetuses.
The following three types of stem cells are categorized as "adult stem cells," because they do not require killing small humans. Therefore, in this present report, they are included in the phrase, "adult stem cells."
3. Umbilical cord stem cells - Umbilical cord blood contains stem cells similar to those found in the bone marrow of newborns.
4. Placenta derived stem cells - Anthrogensis Corporation recently announced the development of a commercial process that can extract ten times as many stem cells from a placenta as from cord blood.
5. Adult stem cells - Tissues, like bone marrow, lung, pancreas, brain, breast, fat, skin, and even tooth pulp contain stem cells that have been isolated.
Of all the above five types of stem cells, only the last three are useable in the treatment of disease. The first two, when removed from their normal location, "go wild" and do not grow into something predictable.
You guys do ever love "theories" don't you? Global Warming, Embryonic Stem Cells, socialism actually works....etc.