The New US Plan For Iraq


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
The South
It seems that arming the Sunni insurgents to fight al-Qaeda is part of the new plan in Iraq. Maliki is sweating.

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki warned that US troops sometimes create new militias by arming Iraqi tribes, urging that such decisions be left to his government, in comments published Saturday.

"Some field commanders make mistakes ... by arming tribes sometimes, and this is dangerous because this will create new militias," Maliki said in an interview put out on Newsweek magazine's website.

"I believe that the coalition forces do not know the backgrounds of the tribes. It is a job of the (Iraqi) government," he added.

The premier said his administration seeks "to arm some tribes that want to side with us, but on the condition that we should be well aware of the tribe's background and sure that it is not connected with terror.";_ylt=Au2jiIM0cJdTAHUKP5gVdVxX6GMA
"I believe that the coalition forces do not know the backgrounds of the tribes. It is a job of the (Iraqi) government," he added.

That's an accurate statement. IMO. In our rush to war we have made a lot of mistakes because we didn't understand the tribal mentality of Iraq.

I hope this isn't another miscalculation.
That's an accurate statement. IMO. In our rush to war we have made a lot of mistakes because we didn't understand the tribal mentality of Iraq.

I hope this isn't another miscalculation.

I'm sure our regime will let the Iraqi semi-puppet government try it their way. Bush and Co. will do anything since with their overabundent brain trusts and think tanks coaching, they have screwed it up with every inch of the way with their hare-brained schemes. But stayed tuned boys to your Sunday chattering yack news shows. Those same pathetic cymbal clashing windups will be enlightening you with their know-it-all wisdom. Why some of you may be able to regurgitate it on these boards!
Well, let us ay that they, the Sunnis, defeat al-Qaeda, who do you think willo be the next logical enemy for them to deal with? This is ma dreadful idea.
Sorry, I was unclear--the Sunni.

Sooo when "the Sunnis, defeat al-Qaeda, .... the next logical enemy for them to deal with" will be the sunnis???? And what make the Sunnis an "enemy"? Are you shiite? It's still a little cloudy. MARK
That's an accurate statement. IMO. In our rush to war we have made a lot of mistakes because we didn't understand the tribal mentality of Iraq.

I hope this isn't another miscalculation.

I think we didnt understand Al Qaeda's willingness to blow to bits as many Shiites as they could. MARK
Qalam, correct me if I'm wrong, but you meant that once the Sunnis are done putting down Shiite death squads, they'll turn on us - right?

That idea seems to have gotten mixed up in here.
The New US Plan For Iraq

It seems that arming the Sunni insurgents to fight al-Qaeda is part of the new plan in Iraq. Maliki is sweating.

"US PLAN"??? From the article
The premier said his administration seeks "to arm some tribes that want to side with us, but on the condition that we should be well aware of the tribe's background and sure that it is not connected with terror."

I dont see anything indicating that its anything other than Maliki's plan, or that its new. MARK
Hello... It's a CIVIL WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: That's what happens in CIVIL WARS... especially if you deny there even is one.
I have just read two different articles one from time, the other from NBC, the NBC one is reporting that violence is down so far in June which is a good thing, and the Time piece is saying that more time needs to be given before the September report card that is due concerning the effectiveness of the surge.
All this being said, I find it sadly laughable that Al-Maliki is telling the US what its role should be when it is the Iraqi government that is totally inept. If Maliki had any balls when he took office some of this mess probably could have been avoided. Before anyone starts in on the fact they are a puppet regime I will agree with them. But at the same time, Al-Maliki has time and time shown his true colors in not being interested in putting an end to the violence that rips his country apart.
One major flaw the US made from the outset of the war was to give huge rebuilding contracts to American countries and have US and western contractors over there making a ton of money doing jobs the Iraqi people could have been. For instance someone such as an American who drives a truck can make $90k a year in Iraq. Meanwhile the Iraqis who could just as easily do the job are left to look at being police force members which is highly dangerous for them, being a militia member, and at the same time we could have saved a boatload of money giving the Iraqis jobs for much more reasonable money than the inflated wages westerners are getting for working in a dangerous area. Bottom line is that the only thing that will end the violence is economic development and opportunities available to the average Iraqi for a fair wage and working conditions. When one has a job, they dont want to fight.
Hello... It's a CIVIL WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: That's what happens in CIVIL WARS... especially if you deny there even is one.

As no one has even mentioned civil war, afraid I dont know what you are ranting about now or what it is that "happens in CIVIL WARS". MARK
Um yeah a bunch of people have refered to the situation in Iraq as civil war, including Colin Powell among others. The President hasnt referred to that, mostly because I think he sits there with Bose noise cancelling headphones on, with Cheney tapped into them whispering that the situation on the ground is better than expected, it is just the media bias, and your approval rating is going up.