the problem of Muslims

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with so many Muslims in the US today, I think it is more dangerous for our security.
How can yo say something like that? this is straightout racism, being Muslim is the same as being Christian or Jewish, it is a religious belief. they are good muslims and bad muslims just like there are good christians and bad christians
How can yo say something like that? this is straightout racism, being Muslim is the same as being Christian or Jewish, it is a religious belief. they are good muslims and bad muslims just like there are good christians and bad christians

Well said!

You can't just judge others because of their race.
Don't be so quick to pull out the racist card. Have an open mind. Historical data of the last 15 years shows that Muslims are more likely to attack the U.S. than any other faction of people.

Further, look at the names of the 21 people caught this past summer planning to blow up planes in the UK and U.S. All Muslims. Now, I'm not advocating banning Muslims from this country, but I do believe that it's perfectly legitimate to be a little more worried when you get on a plane with a Muslim than you do with a Jewish person.

We should listen to sensible Muslims like Abdel Rahman al-Rashed, general manager of the al-Arabiya news channel, who wrote in the Arab News two years ago what our own officials struggle to say:

"It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims. ... We cannot clear our names unless we own up to the shameful fact that terrorism has become an Islamic enterprise; an almost exclusive monopoly, implemented by Muslim men.''
"It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims. ... We cannot clear our names unless we own up to the shameful fact that terrorism has become an Islamic enterprise; an almost exclusive monopoly, implemented by Muslim men.''

Terrorism has not become an islamic enterprise, it has always been an islamic enterprise beginning with its "prophet" and their own holy books say that those who do not engage in jihad against the infidel are lesser in the eyes of allah than those who do.
well, the Muslims countries simply do not have enough fire power to fight face to face against countries like US and Israel when they invade their countries. Take the Palestine-Israel thing as an example, if Palestinians are terrorist, then Israelis are simply state-sponsored terrorists. If teh Israelis are armies, then Palestinians are simply badly equaped, guerrilously warfare army.
well, the Muslims countries simply do not have enough fire power to fight face to face against countries like US and Israel when they invade their countries. Take the Palestine-Israel thing as an example, if Palestinians are terrorist, then Israelis are simply state-sponsored terrorists. If teh Israelis are armies, then Palestinians are simply badly equaped, guerrilously warfare army.

Read some history. Islam is what it is and today it is exactly what it has been since mohammed made it up. If you intend to apologize for them, then I suggest that you take the time to actually learn about them and if you learn about them, apologizing becomes much more difficult.
Read some history. Islam is what it is and today it is exactly what it has been since mohammed made it up. If you intend to apologize for them, then I suggest that you take the time to actually learn about them and if you learn about them, apologizing becomes much more difficult.

But it CAN be done, all the same.
Please join nearly 1500 people who have seen it done, in the thread "Define Conservatism".

But it CAN be done, all the same.
Please join nearly 1500 people who have seen it done, in the thread "Define Conservatism".


Yes, you can apologize for islam. You can also wear a red nose and clown shoes to church, but one looks a bit silly doing it. Apologizing for a group of people who deliberately kill women and children in markets strikes me as very sad.
Yes, you can apologize for islam. You can also wear a red nose and clown shoes to church, but one looks a bit silly doing it.

Umm, what say we just let people read the thread and decide for themselves what looks silly ?

I find it very instructive that you hope to conjure up visuals of red noses and clown shoes to prejudice the reader's view of those who disagree with you.

By contrast, I am content to let the discussion speak for itself.

Apologizing for a group of people who deliberately kill women and children in markets strikes me as very sad.

Muslims as a group do not do that. A few of them do that.
If anything is "very sad" palerider it is your continued insistence upon incriminating such a huge number of people for the misdeeds of only a small segment of them.

I think your posts have illustrated the blind spot on some people's part about why the small segment does these things.

They would not be reduced to fighting for their land with stone-throwing and rockets, if our government were not supplying their enemies so abundantly with cutting edge weapons.
yes, palerider, first of all, i am a history major and i have lived in Middleeast, Israel, and United States for many years. as far as i can see, Muslims committed a lot of atrocities in the past, but so did the Christians and the Jews. I suggest you take off your arrogant american face for a few days and a take tour to the Muslim countries. you should see both sides of a conflict before giving out your opinion
Muslims as a group do not do that. A few of them do that.
If anything is "very sad" palerider it is your continued insistence upon incriminating such a huge number of people for the misdeeds of only a small segment of them.

You keep pointing this out. But the muslims who are in charge, those who are calling the shots are doing it. The ones that aren't are either silent because they approve or are silent because they are scared. Either way, silence implies concent.

I think your posts have illustrated the blind spot on some people's part about why the small segment does these things.

They would not be reduced to fighting for their land with stone-throwing and rockets, if our government were not supplying their enemies so abundantly with cutting edge weapons.

Lilly, this is what they have done as long as they have been in existence and they remain in a 10th century mindset today. It doesn't matter how many muslims are non violent so long as those who are are calling the shots. Of what possible use is a group, however large, of people who don't aprove but remain stone silent?
yes, palerider, first of all, i am a history major and i have lived in Middleeast, Israel, and United States for many years. as far as i can see, Muslims committed a lot of atrocities in the past, but so did the Christians and the Jews. I suggest you take off your arrogant american face for a few days and a take tour to the Muslim countries. you should see both sides of a conflict before giving out your opinion

The past the past the past. I myself used to teach history. Every culture can look back and see things they have done in the past that they aren't particularly proud of. Muslims, however look back on the past and see the present and the future. They are called to fight all of mankind until no one is worshipped except allah and the muslims that are in control and always have been in control fervently believe that.

The large number of muslims who disapprove but remain silent are completely irrelavent.
You keep pointing this out.

That's because you keep making the same unjust accusations.

But the muslims who are in charge, those who are calling the shots are doing it. The ones that aren't are either silent because they approve or are silent because they are scared. Either way, silence implies concent.

You told me in the other thread that you had read "all of" my citations. The one from The Tidings article made it indisputably clear that they neither are consenting nor remaining silent.
Have you managed conveniently to forget you read it, just because it manifests the inaccuracy of your claim ?

Lilly, this is what they have done as long as they have been in existence and they remain in a 10th century mindset today. It doesn't matter how many muslims are non violent so long as those who are are calling the shots. Of what possible use is a group, however large, of people who don't aprove but remain stone silent?

As above.

And I would like also to address something you wrote to southside (but I forget what it is now, let me go check).
Ah, here it is:

. They are called to fight all of mankind until no one is worshipped except allah and the muslims that are in control and always have been in control fervently believe that.

You are mistaken, as I tried patiently to show you by reminding you of the dhimmitude laws.
You cannot continue to claim that "the Muslims who are in control" want to vanquish anyone who does not worship Allah - your claim is plainly contradicted by dhimmi.

The large number of muslims who disapprove but remain silent are completely irrelavent.

So why not whack them right along with the others - is that still your attitude ?
You know,
You oughta really consider southside's suggestion about taking the tour.
I myself am convinced that if you were to actually talk to some Muslims, look them in the eye, hear what their perception of this whole thing is ...that you would revisit this position you have manufactured in whatever chaos of polar night.