President Obama recently announced he is rushing additional border agents to the U.S. side of the border with Mexico to prevent the druggies from taking their armed invasion onto U.S. soil.
Thank God for national boundaries and border lines, as without them BHO would not have the authority to protect Americans from this horrific invasion ... and any U.N. resolution or multi-national "treaty" to end national borders needs to be soundly defeated.
It is truly sad that the drug war is so necessary, however.
The money spent on preventing the deadly scourge that so-called "recreational" drugs are could be spent on other projects of need.
But druggies, whether they be growers, manufacturers, pushers, soldiers or users, are engaged in a deadly activity that injures and kills so many of the "non-combatant" people with whom they come in contact, as well as themselves, that such deadly destructive behavior they wrongly inflict simply cannot be allowed to stand in a modern, health-affirming, progressive society of enlightened human beings.
Thus the drug war, defending against the druggie onslaught of multiple-form death, is truly necessary, just as defending against other likewise real terrorist invasions is truly necessary.
It is sad that our defenders sometimes die in the process of defending our country and our people. That is the sadness of war.
Were it not for the fact that so many of the population is susceptible to drug addiction, were it not for the fact that un-recovered drug addiction always results in premature death to self and/or others, were it not for the fact that a drugged society destroys itself from within, causing national worker collapse and bankruptcy, were it not for the fact that drug users behind the wheel kill and injure hundreds of thousands of innocent people annually as well as themselves, were it not for the fact that drug addicted mothers give birth to birth-defected children, were it not for these and so many other reasons, there'd be no need to be concerned about "recreational" drugs, because then there'd simply be no reason to stop the influx of these drugs, an influx that might be non-existent due to lack of demand.
But that simply is not the case.
So-called "recreational" drugs are deadly, and that's not a matter for rational conjecture.
Thus, though it is sad, the drug war is necessary to repulse this deadly invasion of "recreational" drugs ... and President Obama knows it.
There is, therefore, another sadness connected to the drug war: the sadness that some people simply don't realize how necessary this war is.
Indeed, there are essentially two kinds of people in America who erroneously don't get the necessity of the drug war: 1) druggies -- users and pushers of so-called "recreational" drugs, utilitarians mostly, people lacking in ontological self-respect and respect for others, people lacking in epistemological knowledge of the damage they do to themselves and others with drugs in so many ways, and 2) money-lovers -- people who love money more than life itself.
The first class of people are obvious in their opposition to the drug war, and their opposition is void of substantive meaning, simply distilling down to their basic addict's battle cry: "Gimme my drugs!"
The second class of people are sometimes less obvious, but equally misguided. They are the fiscal conservatives and especially the libertarians, who see money as their savior, make procurement and retention of money their foundational goal in life, are opposed to taxation in general because it takes their precious money out of their pockets, forget that the government authorizes and prints the money they use and thus the government has foundational rights on the money itself, they ignore the truth that security is at least equally as important as freedom, and they are often the foundational proponents of intrinsically unhealthy individualism complete with emotional isolation and abdication of societal personal accountability and responsibility.
These two classes of people share a number of characteristics in common, but two of these characteristics stand out from the rest: 1) both are addicts -- the druggies to their drug, the money-lovers to money, and 2) both are predominantly philosophically utilitarians.
Indeed, the greatest threats to the fabric of a healthy, life-affirming, truly progressive society are addicts and utilitarians.
Addict-utilitarians simply lack both the ontological foundation of self-awareness and respect and the epistemological foundation of knowledge of truth, and so they are a continual threat to drag society back into the dark ages of death and ignorance.
So the drug war, in addition to its essential concrete urgency, is also a battle to keep society progressing forward with an increased emphasis on primary ontology and secondary epistemology as the basis for personal philosophy complete with attendant self-awareness, self-respect, and respect for the very lives and security-freedom balance of others.
Addict-utilitarians are philosophically aberrant, an aberrance that originates from dysfunction in their family-of-origin, and it is that un-resolved dysfunction, complete with the un-repaired neuro-psychological damage it caused them, that creates their addict-utilitarian aberrance.
In addition to direct repulse of the druggie invaders, money also needs to be spent on family-of-origin damage recovery so that addict-utilitarians can receive the recovery they so greatly need, which beats throwing them all into prisons, such being the direction they are understandably and justifiably headed without recovery intervention.
Doing the right thing -- fighting the sad drug war -- is necessary.
Thankfully, President Obama realizes this as well, and has not yet succumbed to the pandering temptation to foolishly legalize additional so-called "recreational" drugs.
Indeed, if there's any benefit to having a cigarette-smoker in the White House, it's that no one understands more the imprisoning deadly damage done by drugs ... than an addict himself.
Thank God for national boundaries and border lines, as without them BHO would not have the authority to protect Americans from this horrific invasion ... and any U.N. resolution or multi-national "treaty" to end national borders needs to be soundly defeated.
It is truly sad that the drug war is so necessary, however.
The money spent on preventing the deadly scourge that so-called "recreational" drugs are could be spent on other projects of need.
But druggies, whether they be growers, manufacturers, pushers, soldiers or users, are engaged in a deadly activity that injures and kills so many of the "non-combatant" people with whom they come in contact, as well as themselves, that such deadly destructive behavior they wrongly inflict simply cannot be allowed to stand in a modern, health-affirming, progressive society of enlightened human beings.
Thus the drug war, defending against the druggie onslaught of multiple-form death, is truly necessary, just as defending against other likewise real terrorist invasions is truly necessary.
It is sad that our defenders sometimes die in the process of defending our country and our people. That is the sadness of war.
Were it not for the fact that so many of the population is susceptible to drug addiction, were it not for the fact that un-recovered drug addiction always results in premature death to self and/or others, were it not for the fact that a drugged society destroys itself from within, causing national worker collapse and bankruptcy, were it not for the fact that drug users behind the wheel kill and injure hundreds of thousands of innocent people annually as well as themselves, were it not for the fact that drug addicted mothers give birth to birth-defected children, were it not for these and so many other reasons, there'd be no need to be concerned about "recreational" drugs, because then there'd simply be no reason to stop the influx of these drugs, an influx that might be non-existent due to lack of demand.
But that simply is not the case.
So-called "recreational" drugs are deadly, and that's not a matter for rational conjecture.
Thus, though it is sad, the drug war is necessary to repulse this deadly invasion of "recreational" drugs ... and President Obama knows it.
There is, therefore, another sadness connected to the drug war: the sadness that some people simply don't realize how necessary this war is.
Indeed, there are essentially two kinds of people in America who erroneously don't get the necessity of the drug war: 1) druggies -- users and pushers of so-called "recreational" drugs, utilitarians mostly, people lacking in ontological self-respect and respect for others, people lacking in epistemological knowledge of the damage they do to themselves and others with drugs in so many ways, and 2) money-lovers -- people who love money more than life itself.
The first class of people are obvious in their opposition to the drug war, and their opposition is void of substantive meaning, simply distilling down to their basic addict's battle cry: "Gimme my drugs!"
The second class of people are sometimes less obvious, but equally misguided. They are the fiscal conservatives and especially the libertarians, who see money as their savior, make procurement and retention of money their foundational goal in life, are opposed to taxation in general because it takes their precious money out of their pockets, forget that the government authorizes and prints the money they use and thus the government has foundational rights on the money itself, they ignore the truth that security is at least equally as important as freedom, and they are often the foundational proponents of intrinsically unhealthy individualism complete with emotional isolation and abdication of societal personal accountability and responsibility.
These two classes of people share a number of characteristics in common, but two of these characteristics stand out from the rest: 1) both are addicts -- the druggies to their drug, the money-lovers to money, and 2) both are predominantly philosophically utilitarians.
Indeed, the greatest threats to the fabric of a healthy, life-affirming, truly progressive society are addicts and utilitarians.
Addict-utilitarians simply lack both the ontological foundation of self-awareness and respect and the epistemological foundation of knowledge of truth, and so they are a continual threat to drag society back into the dark ages of death and ignorance.
So the drug war, in addition to its essential concrete urgency, is also a battle to keep society progressing forward with an increased emphasis on primary ontology and secondary epistemology as the basis for personal philosophy complete with attendant self-awareness, self-respect, and respect for the very lives and security-freedom balance of others.
Addict-utilitarians are philosophically aberrant, an aberrance that originates from dysfunction in their family-of-origin, and it is that un-resolved dysfunction, complete with the un-repaired neuro-psychological damage it caused them, that creates their addict-utilitarian aberrance.
In addition to direct repulse of the druggie invaders, money also needs to be spent on family-of-origin damage recovery so that addict-utilitarians can receive the recovery they so greatly need, which beats throwing them all into prisons, such being the direction they are understandably and justifiably headed without recovery intervention.
Doing the right thing -- fighting the sad drug war -- is necessary.
Thankfully, President Obama realizes this as well, and has not yet succumbed to the pandering temptation to foolishly legalize additional so-called "recreational" drugs.
Indeed, if there's any benefit to having a cigarette-smoker in the White House, it's that no one understands more the imprisoning deadly damage done by drugs ... than an addict himself.