The white male uncle tom


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
Probably the worst example of this peculiar species I've ever seen is Father Pfleger:

I've always wanted a (conservative) psychiatrist to decipher for me what motivates these weirdos:

- They go ballistic at the slightest whiff of discrimination against ANYONE but white males, but yawn at the pervasive discrimination directed against white males.

- They screech like stuck pigs upon uncovering the slightest word, thought, reference, or pictorialization that in any way, shape, or form may possibly, at the limits of imagination, be negative toward minorities, but are dumb, deaf, and blind toward the widespread wholesale denigration of white males.

- When confronted with evidence supporting the above, they are sure to pop out some dumbass non-sequitur like "Duh, aren't all the CEOs white males?" or "Duh, yeah, white guys are having a tough time."

- It's my sense that most white male uncle toms can "afford" what would otherwise be self-destroying opinions, because they are in some way shielded from the consequences of the prevalent anti-white male policies/propaganda.

They are well-off, or they are well-connected, or they are a tenured professor, or they are a government bureaucrat, or they actually work in the "diversity" shakedown industry, or they might be one of those "white CEOs" who are ironically the authors of much of the anti-white male garbage (a complexity too difficult for most low-IQ WUTs to grasp).

Other types of WUTs are clueless WUTs - including students who have yet to confront the real world and yet to encounter the consequences of what they support, and liberal WUTs - those who are willing to accept one of the logical albeit irrational consequences of their liberal ideology.

Why would anyone call down destruction upon himself, even if it is only (for the "shielded" WUTs) the destruction of their social identity?

Are they masochists?

Do they have low self-esteem, and use their bizarre attitudes to get attention?

Are they just plain stupid?
I never give them much thought. They have very little effect on me. I do find they attract other crazies and sometimes drive mildly unstable people over the deep end.

truth is they account for so little of the population they may as well be invisible, unless one travels in their circles
I never give them much thought. They have very little effect on me. I do find they attract other crazies and sometimes drive mildly unstable people over the deep end.

truth is they account for so little of the population they may as well be invisible, unless one travels in their circles

It's clear you haven't been around here very long.
That was great....that guy's hilarious can you book him for parties n'stuff!! Do they do Mexican waves at those get togethers!

While I agree on a certain level, the guy's "white privilege" BS, the pseudo-justification for "affirmative action", perpetuates great harm in society, and ultimately to blacks as well, delaying the day when they will finally take full responsibility for their lives and quit living in the long-gone past.
Oh surely no-one takes that wanker seriously though Masher?

All that closed eye starring upwards to the heavens theatrical bollox - I mean if'n dem po' black folks don't be knowing dat they be taken for stupid patsys then they deserve all they get. Anyway they looked like they were enjoying it with all that whoopin and hollaring and "Yeah MAN!!" they were doing.

They looked fairly affluent too! Thus I would guess they were reasonably well educated! Don't worry about them Masher... if these folk are so absolutely friggin stupid as to stand in a room and listen to that cracked in the brain charlatan then bugger them they're welcom to him - simple as that. One can't start telling people who to listen to and who not to listen to, if those idiots want to sit and listen to another idiot then let them.

No intelligent person is going to take that tosser seriously :rolleyes:
Oh surely no-one takes that wanker seriously though Masher?

All that closed eye starring upwards to the heavens theatrical bollox - I mean if'n dem po' black folks don't be knowing dat they be taken for stupid patsys then they deserve all they get. Anyway they looked like they were enjoying it with all that whoopin and hollaring and "Yeah MAN!!" they were doing.

They looked fairly affluent too! Thus I would guess they were reasonably well educated! Don't worry about them Masher... if these folk are so absolutely friggin stupid as to stand in a room and listen to that cracked in the brain charlatan then bugger them they're welcom to him - simple as that. One can't start telling people who to listen to and who not to listen to, if those idiots want to sit and listen to another idiot then let them.

No intelligent person is going to take that tosser seriously :rolleyes:

A person who doesn't live in this country would find it impossible to believe that anyone would accept such garbage as the truth, but hard as it may be for you to believe, many blacks DO. They've taken polls where large percentages of blacks believe such things as that the US government invented AIDS to kill blacks.
...seriously.....oh boy and thought the UK was fuc**d!

Come live in the UK mate......I'll take you down the pub and we'll have a serious beer evening

I haven't been for a long time. Last time, me and the gf had 14 days around christmas. We were in london and made side trips to salisbury, brighton, and edinburgh, on the flying scotsman. UK is absolutely the best.