The wit and wisdom of Pat Robertson.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2021

Another thread was created way back in 2007 about this great man.:unsure: It did not go anywhere but there it is. Pat being a moron.

Of course the sage, the master passed away this summer. So let us remember his greatness with his teachings on life's great complicated issues.

Pat Robertson is an interesting study to me because he was generally viewed going back to the 80s as a more tolerant and mainstream moderate evangelical. As you will see there is no such thing.

Pat on homosexuality:
Pat Robertson on infectious disease:
You can get HI from towels!
Pat Robertson on Haiti:
They deserve to be destroyed by an earthquake!
Pat Robertson on marital fidelity:
It's ok for the man!
More to come.
"gays are going to make you in favor of oral sex". lol.


i'm pretty sure that was true long before gays came out of the closet
Pat did change his views on oral sex. He would later say that it was ok for married people to do it. At first he was against it because that is what gays do.

I'm sure his wife Adelia appreciated that. :oops: A 90 year old prune man with his pants down telling his wife it is now ok because he said so.