I can't disagree with you more, framed. Someone has to have custody of the child, rarely is an equal joint custody given because it just is too difficult to make equal. Most people I know who are divorcing both seek custody. You are tyring to make it sound like it is all or none. That is ridiculous. Just becasue someone doesn't have custody of their child doesn't mean they can't see them every again, that is very rare. There is a huge difference between not getting custody and having no parental rights. If you have your parental rights terminated, it is probably for a good reason and you won't have to pay child support anyway. If the other person won custody (assuming you are referring to full legal and physical custody), it was done for a reason, too and the child is probably better off that way. But, you can still have visiting rights and as your situation changes, you can go to court again and have it changed.
Furthermore, by your way of thinking, all one need to do to get out of payign child support is ask for custody and then make sure they don't get it, that would be very easy to do. There are enough losers who have children and don't support them, we don't need to make it any easier on them. If we went by your view, we would have ven more poor children.
I also believe that people who comit crimes against children should never be allowed anything to do with their children other than paying child support. They shoudln't be around them because it is best for the child but,they still brought the child into the world and owe them certain provisions.