These are the people who want to take your guns away while authorizing themselves the use of deadly force if you resist.

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Raid on Mar-a-Lago to retrieve papers without asking politely.

Government kidnapping of 6-year-old Elian.

Armed troop arrest of David Koresh resulting in the deaths of more than 6 dozen innocent victims at the compound but, thankfully, no deaths in town where the agents could have arrested Koresh almost any day of the week.



Arrest of Mark Houck at gunpoint in front of his family, with agents pointing their loaded assault rifles at the kids.

Raid on Mar-a-Lago to retrieve papers without asking politely.
View attachment 13904

Government kidnapping of 6-year-old Elian.
View attachment 13905

Armed troop arrest of David Koresh resulting in the deaths of more than 6 dozen innocent victims at the compound but, thankfully, no deaths in town where the agents could have arrested Koresh almost any day of the week.
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Arrest of Mark Houck at gunpoint in front of his family, with agents pointing their loaded assault rifles at the kids.

Armed agents with the same "shoot to kill" authorization used in the mar-a-Lago raid shot and killed Bryan Malinowski when arresting him in the dark morning hours with a massive army of heavily armed ATF agents for possibly violating a gun sales rule.

Democrats are transforming the US into a 3rd world communist state ruled by brutal fascist tyrants.

Former Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport executive director Bryan Malinowski posthumously awarded bonus​


Mark Houck was right in the video. If he had happened to had had a turkey carving knife in his hand when he opened his door to the army of swat police at his door that he did not know were swat police, he could have also been shot down like Bryan Malinowski was without ever realizing what was going on.

Law enforcement officers under the direction of incompetent trigger-happy leftist boobs are a threat to all Americans for similar reasons.
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you are a morons. people have the right to deadly force if they are threatened in a lethal way, just like always, *****.
no, they aren't authorized deadly force just for resisting.
you are a legal *****.
you are a morons. people have the right to deadly force if they are threatened in a lethal way, just like always, *****.
no, they aren't authorized deadly force just for resisting.
you are a legal *****.
I don't think many blacks agree with you about cops shooting black suspects who actually threaten their lives, instead of raiding a private residence with guns drawn in case an unarmed maid gets out of line.

Hypothetical radio transmissions:

Squawk: Be careful there men, this 6-year-old boy is an escapee from a dangerous country run by a wicked fascist tyrant.
Squawk: What if he fires on us?
Squawk: You are authorized to use lethal force, as is standard in all of these political cases.

I don't think many blacks agree with you about cops shooting black suspects who actually threaten their lives, instead of raiding a private residence with guns drawn in case an unarmed maid gets out of line.

Hypothetical radio transmissions:

Squawk: Be careful there men, this 6-year-old boy is an escapee from a dangerous country run by a wicked fascist tyrant.
Squawk: What if he fires on us?
Squawk: You are authorized to use lethal force, as is standard in all of these political cases.

View attachment 13914
Hypothetical? Lol
Lies in other word, lying *****
Hypothetical? Lol
Lies in other word, lying *****
Why did democrat officials send a squad of heavily armed swat officers to kidnap Elian Gonzales, a 6-year-old boy, and why did Merrick Garland say the authorization to use lethal force was common in such actions?


Imagine an army of heavily armed swat police breaking into a black home to take a 6-year-old boy from black caretakers the government did not approve of. Especially with the standing order: Shoot to kill if necessary."
Why did democrat officials send a squad of heavily armed swat officers to kidnap Elian Gonzales, a 6-year-old boy, and why did Merrick Garland say the authorization to use lethal force was common in such actions?

View attachment 13945

Imagine an army of heavily armed swat police breaking into a black home to take a 6-year-old boy from black caretakers the government did not approve of. Especially with the standing order: Shoot to kill if necessary."
nothing to do with you making up hypothetical lies. lol.

btw - every LEO has the "standing order" to "shoot to kill if necessary", *****. its called..self defense, *****.
you clearly are a ***** about well, everything. lol
nothing to do with you making up hypothetical lies. lol.

btw - every LEO has the "standing order" to "shoot to kill if necessary", *****. its called..self defense, *****.
you clearly are a ***** about well, everything. lol
Cop: Chief, the suspect is going for something in his glove box, possibly a gun.
Chief: Shoot his butt.
Cop: But he is black.
Chief: I don't give a damn. LEO has standing orders to shoot to kill if necessary.
Cop: Chief, the suspect is going for something in his glove box, possibly a gun.
Chief: Shoot his butt.
Cop: But he is black.
Chief: I don't give a damn. LEO has standing orders to shoot to kill if necessary.
Yes self defense is always allowed, legal *****
Yes self defense is always allowed, legal *****
Of course. That's why Lt. Michael Byrd was authorized to shoot and kill and unarmed white woman from the back of a mob of police officers while falsely claiming he was under withering fire of the sort Hillary claimed she endured in Bosnia. He was protecting the lives of his officers in front of him who were protecting him from danger. He no doubt thought the unarmed woman might do something hurtful to his burly police officers so he shot her dead to keep her from doing anything bad. Never mind that Ashli, a decorated US military veteran, was fighting the mob that was pushing her through a broken window at the time Brown shot her dead with his authorized use of deadly force.
Of course. That's why Lt. Michael Byrd was authorized to shoot and kill and unarmed white woman from the back of a mob of police officers while falsely claiming he was under withering fire of the sort Hillary claimed she endured in Bosnia. He was protecting the lives of his officers in front of him who were protecting him from danger. He no doubt thought the unarmed woman might do something hurtful to his burly police officers so he shot her dead to keep her from doing anything bad. Never mind that Ashli, a decorated US military veteran, was fighting the mob that was pushing her through a broken window at the time Brown shot her dead with his authorized use of deadly force.
Right wing blather