This is the platform of not just Trump, but McVeigh as well

Timmy McVeigh and Bill Ayers both bombed federal buildings but Bill Ayers bombed more buildings than McVeigh did. Nevertheless, McVeigh was responsible for more innocent deaths, and he had remorse for what he did, whereas Ayers was responsible for fewer deaths and yet he never repented for his part in those innocent deaths.
McVeigh never said he was sorry, he thought he was doing the Lord's work. Ayers killed no one and was convicted of nothing.
McVeigh never said he was sorry, he thought he was doing the Lord's work. Ayers killed no one and was convicted of nothing.
Ayers did not kill anyone himself, but he was an accessory to the murders committed by his organization the Weather Underground, a violent leftist seditionist organization that promoted the destruction of the US. Bill Ayers and his wicked wife Bernadine Dorn have never apologized for their seditionist violence and anti-American radical ideology.

Obama was hand-picked and groomed by leftists who also supported Ayers and the rest of the radical domestic terrorists of the 1960s that never repented of their erroneous ways. These are not good people with wholesome ideologies and ideals.

Weather Underground involvement[edit]​

Further information: List of Weatherman actions
The Weather Underground was a radical left militant organization responsible for bombings of the United States Capitol, the Pentagon, and several police stations in New York, as well as the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion that killed three of its members.[15]

Dohrn was a principal signatory on the Weather Underground's "Declaration of a State of War" in May 1970 that formally declared "war" on the U.S. Government, and completed the group's transformation from political advocacy to violent action. She recorded the declaration and sent a transcript of a tape recording to The New York Times. Dohrn also co-wrote (with Bill Ayers) and published the subversive manifesto Prairie Fire in 1974 and participated in the covertly filmed Underground in 1976. In late 1975, the Weather Underground put out an issue of a magazine, Osawatamie, which carried an article by Dohrn entitled "Our Class Struggle"; the article was described as a speech given to the organization's cadres on September 2 of that year. In the article, Dohrn clearly stated support for communist ideology:[16]

We are building a communist organization to be part of the forces which build a revolutionary communist party to lead the working class to seize power and build socialism. ... We must further the study of Marxism-Leninism within the WUO [Weather Underground Organization]. The struggle for Marxism-Leninism is the most significant development in our recent history. ... We discovered thru our own experiences what revolutionaries all over the world have found — that Marxism-Leninism is the science of revolution, the revolutionary ideology of the working class, our guide to the struggle ...
According to a 1974 FBI study of the group, Dohrn's article signaled a developing commitment to Marxism-Leninism that had not been clear in the group's previous statements, despite their trips to Cuba and contact with Vietnamese communists there.[16]

Statements about Tate-LaBianca murders[edit]

Dohrn was criticized for comments she made about the murders of actress Sharon Tate and retail store owners Leno and Rosemary LaBianca by the Charles Manson clan. In a speech during the December 1969 "War Council" meeting organized by the Weathermen, attended by about 400 people in Flint, Michigan, Dohrn said, "First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into the pig Tate's stomach! Wild!"[17][18][19] In greeting each other, delegates to the war council often spread their fingers to signify the fork.[7]
The main issue of protests in the 1960's was the totally stupid and useless and inhumane Vietnam War.
Over 50,000 Americans died defending a puppet government in a country that posed zero threat to the US. But of course, that was little compared to the deaths of Vietnamese fighting on both sides.
The main issue of protests in the 1960's was the totally stupid and useless and inhumane Vietnam War.
Over 50,000 Americans died defending a puppet government in a country that posed zero threat to the US. But of course, that was little compared to the deaths of Vietnamese fighting on both sides.
Lefties don't understand why wars are fought. They be like, "Why can't everyone just love one another?" Sadly, humans cannot 'just love one another' because of sin inherited from Adam.
Lefties don't understand why wars are fought. They be like, "Why can't everyone just love one another?" Sadly, humans cannot 'just love one another' because of sin inherited from Adam.
Yeah, Adam and Eve took bad culinary advice from a talking snake and that is why we cannot do what the Biblical character known as "God" wanted: to live eternally buck naked in a wonderful garden where the lions, tigers, wolves and such were all vegetarians.

Of course, this "God" guy was omniscient and knew the future, so he KNEW from the git-go what was gonna happen.
Makes perfect sense, sure it does, to punish descendants not yet born for faulty judgement of the paterfamilias.
Lefties don't understand why wars are fought. They be like, "Why can't everyone just love one another?" Sadly, humans cannot 'just love one another' because of sin inherited from Adam.
Political persuasions is irrelevant.
Look at the godbothering republicans who believe the shyt you belch. Original sin??? What a load of rubbish.
Original Sin is necessary to maximize church attendance and to pay for cathedrals,popes, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests, nuns. monks, ministers, reverends and church choirs.

Christianity uses both the carrot and the stick.

Heaven is the carrot, Hell and Original Sin are the stick.