There were so many wonderful achievements: Whitewater, Cattle Futuregate, Travelgate, Gennifer Flowersgate, Filegate, Vince Fostergate, Whitewater Billing Recordsgate, Paula Jonesgate, Federal Building Campaign Phone Callsgate, Lincoln Bedroom Gate, Donations from Convicted Drug and Weapons Dealersgate, Buddhist Templegate, Lippogate, Chinagate, Lewinsky Affair, Perjury and Jobs for Lewinskygate, Willeygate, Web Hubbell Prison Phone Callgate, Selling Military Technology to the Chinesegate, Wag the Doggate, Juanita, Broaddrick Gate, Vandalgate, Lootergate, and Pardongate. And there is that long list of staff that either committed suicide, were murdered, or mysteriously died.
Mexico for amnesty, Israel for military protection, China for military secrets, lobbies for corrupt contracts; all desperately need the Neo-Lib Puppet Princess Hillary for president; but what the American People desperately need is strict Constitutional Law, and the Reagan Republicans and Kennedy Democrats fighting shoulder-to-shoulder against the Neo-Cons/Neo-Libs (Neo-Marxists) that have infiltrated the Republican and Democrat parties, and have ideologically corrupted the traditional American culture.
Google References: Mark Penn Hillary; Hsu Hillary; Mearsheimer “Israeli Lobby and US Foreign Policy”; and, Stricherz “Why the Democrats are Blue”
There were so many wonderful achievements: Whitewater, Cattle Futuregate, Travelgate, Gennifer Flowersgate, Filegate, Vince Fostergate, Whitewater Billing Recordsgate, Paula Jonesgate, Federal Building Campaign Phone Callsgate, Lincoln Bedroom Gate, Donations from Convicted Drug and Weapons Dealersgate, Buddhist Templegate, Lippogate, Chinagate, Lewinsky Affair, Perjury and Jobs for Lewinskygate, Willeygate, Web Hubbell Prison Phone Callgate, Selling Military Technology to the Chinesegate, Wag the Doggate, Juanita, Broaddrick Gate, Vandalgate, Lootergate, and Pardongate. And there is that long list of staff that either committed suicide, were murdered, or mysteriously died.
Mexico for amnesty, Israel for military protection, China for military secrets, lobbies for corrupt contracts; all desperately need the Neo-Lib Puppet Princess Hillary for president; but what the American People desperately need is strict Constitutional Law, and the Reagan Republicans and Kennedy Democrats fighting shoulder-to-shoulder against the Neo-Cons/Neo-Libs (Neo-Marxists) that have infiltrated the Republican and Democrat parties, and have ideologically corrupted the traditional American culture.
Google References: Mark Penn Hillary; Hsu Hillary; Mearsheimer “Israeli Lobby and US Foreign Policy”; and, Stricherz “Why the Democrats are Blue”