Uninvited, unwanted US troops still in Iraq and Syria


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Everyone seems to have forgotten about this little imperial adventure.

Iraq parliament voted fr US troops to go.

Yet they are still there.

Why is this. Anything to do with oil ?

Comrade Stalin
Assisting the Syrian people defend socialism
Everyone seems to have forgotten about this little imperial adventure.

Iraq parliament voted fr US troops to go.

Yet they are still there.

Why is this. Anything to do with oil ?

Comrade Stalin
Assisting the Syrian people defend socialism
Was the Iraq war anything to do with anything buy oil.

Of course, there was the GOP devotees who still believe usa gave them freedom but they also thought Trump was god.
Everyone seems to have forgotten about this little imperial adventure.

Iraq parliament voted fr US troops to go.

Yet they are still there.

Why is this. Anything to do with oil ?

Comrade Stalin
Assisting the Syrian people defend socialism
nope if we wanted their oil we would just take it by the way seems there are Russians unwanted and uninvited troop by the thousands mostly dead what 57000 in the Ukraine so far nice to see Putin is sending 300,000 more nothing like a target rich environment, has the motherland of Russia order enough body bags to cover it ?

O yes 2,000 armoured vehicles knocked out, including at least 530 tanks, as well as 60 aircraft better start selling oil and natural gas to replace them lol O wait the ng pipe line was blowen up and sanctions in place on oil lol

Seems things are not going the way Putin planned the little hillbilly nation of Ukraine is actually putting the cowardly Russians in their place as conscripts are leaving the nation as fast as they can get out, deserting and even helping the Ukraine kill Russians.
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Off topic.

With good reason.

The US of A.

The uninvited, unwanted meddlers in half the countries of the world.

Comrade Stalin
Russia fears the USA a lot in a conventional war we would destroy Russia they have second rate eqt basically no real navy and a conscripted poorly trained military, , we have 3 states in America calif Texas and NY with bigger economy's then Russia each, all Russia has that have that makes them important is nukes with out that they are just another 3 rd world want to be
You are out of your depth.

Provide data not bullet points.

Comrade Stalin
You are out of your depth.

Provide data not bullet points.

Comrade Stalin
Lol American has better and more advanced weaponry better trained troops . better military leaders and the ability to resupply and a navy that could wipe out the russian navy . and put blockades on all of sea ports.
That would not happen because after Vietnam, the US has not been in a real fight.

Comrade Stalin
Lol American has better and more advanced weaponry better trained troops . better military leaders and the ability to resupply and a navy that could wipe out the russian navy . and put blockades on all of sea ports.


Puff out your chest..

Russia has enough nukes ti wipe out the US navy, and sea ports and cities and the Pentagon...

Comrade Stalin