US deficit is the fault of the poor


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Predictable blaming of the victim :

"..Programs to be cut include not only those targeted by Obama and the Republicans in the current budget debate—home heating assistance, Pell Grants, WIC, Head Start, etc.—but the much larger entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare, which will face cuts later in the budget process.

The social impact will be incalculable. As hundreds of thousands of people face the bitter cold of winter without heat and gas, Obama is proposing halving the grossly inadequate federal assistance that is available. As students graduate with record debt and no job prospects, the administration is proposing significant cuts in government aid. Such gross indifference to social distress is repeated in every sphere.

Significant cuts to Social Security and Medicare—which amount to denying America’s elderly their right to pensions and health care—would have an even broader impact.

Behind the “debate” in Washington and the media over the budget is a massive lie—the claim that the budget deficits are a product of excessive social spending. Obama’s budget director Jacob Lew summed up this grotesque falsification an op-ed column published in the New York Times February 6, under the headline, “The Easy Cuts Are Behind Us.” Lew claimed that the causes of the projected budget deficits were “decisions to make two large tax cuts without offsetting them and to create a Medicare prescription drug benefit without paying for it, combined with the effects of the recession…”

This list is notable for what it leaves out: the cost of two wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, which runs into the trillions; and the bank bailouts, where more trillions in public funds were placed at the disposal of the financial aristocracy, with no questions asked. The military budget by itself accounts for the lion’s share of the ten-year deficit: more than $7 trillion of the projected $10 trillion.

Lew’s more fundamental omission, however, is the grotesque class inequality that pervades American society. The top one percent of the US population owns over one third of the country’s wealth. The greatest wealth, however, is concentrated in an even smaller layer. Indeed, the $1.1 trillion in proposed cuts—which will have a terrible impact on the lives of millions of people—is somewhat less than the combined wealth of only the 400 richest Americans.

Comrade Stalin
Sorry to disagree but that is just playing off of people's fears.

For example no on will lose their heat in the winter because it is illegal for gas companies (regulated by government) to shut of gas during the winter.

There are literally hundreds of places (and whole federal departments) where tons of money could be cut. The budget could be balanced without cutting any entitlement programs, social security or defense spending. But as long as the democrats point their fingers at defense spending and republicans point their fingers at entitlement programs the cuts will never happen. It is a game that is being played but the teams are not dems versus pubs. The teams are congressmen versus citizens and presently we are losing.
The entitlements neeed to be cut - eg, social security could be means tested. The department of homeland security needs to take huge cuts - especially in its obsession with air travel.

There are countless ways in which bad leftwing policy directly or indirectly leads to the deficit and national debt. Examples:

- Inviting millions of illegal aliens in to loot the system.

- Causing millions of people to be on welfare by suppressing work opportunities with hyper-regulation and burdensome taxes.

- Failing to make REAL, RATIONAL reform in the health care system.

- Paying for princely salaries for state and federal employees, along with super lavish benefits and pensions.

- Harming US competiveness with such as the failed government school system and "affirmative action".

- Destroying the nuclear family in many ways big and small.

- Propagating the notion that their constituencies have a "right" to anything they can dream up.
The entitlements neeed to be cut - eg, social security could be means tested. The department of homeland security needs to take huge cuts - especially in its obsession with air travel.

There are countless ways in which bad leftwing policy directly or indirectly leads to the deficit and national debt. Examples:

- Inviting millions of illegal aliens in to loot the system.

- Causing millions of people to be on welfare by suppressing work opportunities with hyper-regulation and burdensome taxes.

- Failing to make REAL, RATIONAL reform in the health care system.

- Paying for princely salaries for state and federal employees, along with super lavish benefits and pensions.

- Harming US competiveness with such as the failed government school system and "affirmative action".

- Destroying the nuclear family in many ways big and small.

- Propagating the notion that their constituencies have a "right" to anything they can dream up.

You don't think that the republicans were complicit in several of those?
You don't think that the republicans were complicit in several of those?

The main driver in all were liberals/leftwingers. And talking about "republicans" in a thread like this is a waste of time - there are ALL KINDS OF REPUBLICANS - flat out liberals, neocons, libertarians, "moderates", RINOs, conservatives. It certainly wasn't conservatives who were responsible.
The main driver in all were liberals/leftwingers. And talking about "republicans" in a thread like this is a waste of time - there are ALL KINDS OF REPUBLICANS - flat out liberals, neocons, libertarians, "moderates", RINOs, conservatives. It certainly wasn't conservatives who were responsible.

Well fiscal conservatives by definition would not vote for those things. I suppose we could examine the voting record of those who claim to be fiscal conservatives to see if they really are.
- Paying for princely salaries for state and federal employees, along with super lavish benefits and pensions.

Some examples would be helpful.

As a matter of interest Rick, what do you do for an income ?

Comrade Stalin
Some examples would be helpful.

As a matter of interest Rick, what do you do for an income ?

Comrade Stalin

No examples are required Uncle Joe. Most know the public sector is now higher paid than the private sector.

But, I am not surprised you do not know this.

And what does Rick's income have to do with anything you silly commie?
Some examples would be helpful.

As a matter of interest Rick, what do you do for an income ?

Comrade Stalin

Haven't figured google out yet, eh? Hokay. (Yaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnnnn)

Several analyses of average wages and benefits in the public and private sectors reveal that state and local government workers earn more than private sector workers. According to the most recent Employer Costs for Employee Compensation survey from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of December 2009, state and local government employees earned total compensation of $39.60 an hour, compared to $27.42 an hour for private industry workers-a difference of over 44 percent. This includes 35 percent higher wages and nearly 69 percent greater benefits.

Data from the U.S. Census Bureau similarly show that in 2007 the average annual salary of a California state government employee was $53,958, nearly 32 percent greater than the average private sector worker ($40,991).
No examples are required Uncle Joe. Most know the public sector is now higher paid than the private sector.

But, I am not surprised you do not know this.

And what does Rick's income have to do with anything you silly commie?

I believe that Rick has enough intelligence and motivation to answer my request.

I wish I could say the same for you.

Comrade Stalin