US Navy Ship Fires on Boat off Dubai, Killing 1


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
US Navy Ship Fires on Boat off Dubai, Killing 1

U.S. Navy gunners aboard a refueling ship opened fire on a small boat racing toward them in broad daylight Monday near the Gulf city of Dubai, killing one person and injuring three.
The rare shooting not far from approaches to the Strait of Hormuz comes at a period of heightened tensions between the United States and nearby Iran.
A UAE official said the vessel was a fishing boat. It was unclear why it might have veered so close to an armed American vessel.

Hostile act on t he part of the small boat? Tragic accident due to high tensions? Stay tuned, folks, I'm expecting more on this story.
It's primarily the fishing boat's fault and approaching an American vessel in a menacing manner would automatically trigger an alert and the gunners on the refueling ship are obviously instructed to take necessary action when there is a threat like this.
Actually I am surprised the navy fired...I thought BO like Clinton prevented such defensive actions....o_O

See USS Cole....may those sailors who lost their lives on the USS Cole due to the incompetence of politicians, rest in peace and may their love ones find peace.
This from the list of liberal stereotypes, of course.

Do you have the hardcover, or do you look them up on line?

Another nonsensical post from my favorite STONER!

My how I have missed our wonderful little are you doing? I certainly hope that most lucrative teacher's pension that supports you is not in jeopardy due to the state of California's upcoming bankruptcy...and all thanks to the policies implemented by LIBERALS.

But, back to your goofy post. You being a retired educator might educate yourself prior to posting. Do a little research on the USS Cole and you will find that BJ Bubba's defense department rules of engagement prevented our sailors from firing on the terrorists who blow a hole in the vessel killing 17 American sailors and wounding many more.

Can you explain how my post is a 'liberal stereotype?'
Another nonsensical post from my favorite STONER!

My how I have missed our wonderful little are you doing? I certainly hope that most lucrative teacher's pension that supports you is not in jeopardy due to the state of California's upcoming bankruptcy...and all thanks to the policies implemented by LIBERALS.

But, back to your goofy post. You being a retired educator might educate yourself prior to posting. Do a little research on the USS Cole and you will find that BJ Bubba's defense department rules of engagement prevented our sailors from firing on the terrorists who blow a hole in the vessel killing 17 American sailors and wounding many more.

Can you explain how my post is a 'liberal stereotype?'

Liberals are all the same. They are weak on defense.
As witness: Clinton showed weakness in the Cole incident. He's a Democrat, and so is Obama, therefore, Obama is also weak on defense.
thus demonstrating that all liberals (i.e. Democrats) are the same, and all are weak on defense.

Otherwise, how is Clinton and the Cole incident connected in any way to the incident in the OP?

Clinton, Carter, and Obama are all alike, since they are all Democrats and therefore liberals. They all favor illegal immigration, taking away our Second Amendment rights, creating a big nanny state, socialism, and they all hate the military.

Since I disagree with your posts at least 90% of the time, I'm a huge liberal, and am exactly the same as all of the Democrats in government.

Because I don't want to see drug money supporting gangs and cartels, I must be a stoner. Of course, all of the Democrat presidents are also stoners, being liberals and all.
Liberals are all the same. They are weak on defense.
As witness: Clinton showed weakness in the Cole incident. He's a Democrat, and so is Obama, therefore, Obama is also weak on defense.
thus demonstrating that all liberals (i.e. Democrats) are the same, and all are weak on defense.

Otherwise, how is Clinton and the Cole incident connected in any way to the incident in the OP?

Clinton, Carter, and Obama are all alike, since they are all Democrats and therefore liberals. They all favor illegal immigration, taking away our Second Amendment rights, creating a big nanny state, socialism, and they all hate the military.

Since I disagree with your posts at least 90% of the time, I'm a huge liberal, and am exactly the same as all of the Democrats in government.

Because I don't want to see drug money supporting gangs and cartels, I must be a stoner. Of course, all of the Democrat presidents are also stoners, being liberals and all.

I am so glad we are having such a nice debate again THC. It really makes my day.

You think it stereotypical to say Dems are weak on defense and yet, the Clinton administration was most evidently weak. Jimma there was a hawk...he was really strong on the military.....hahahaha....and during the Cold War what political party was all about appeasing Soviet imperialism??? Who??? Let me clue you my dear pothead, THE DEMS WERE...John F-ing Kerry (who served in Vietnam) and The Swimmer (Fat Teddy) both of whom just happen to be life long...wait for it...DEMOCRATS) were pushing nuclear freeze and committing treason. And now we have Big Ears cutting NASA when the Soviets and Chinese are investing in space research for military purposes....and BO is cutting defense to the bone (which I am okay with as long as it is done right, but it won't be under the Skinny Big Eared Commie).

Apparently calling something what it is, just does not work for you.

It really warms my heart to know you agree with me ONLY 10% of the time. Though I am a bit unsettled by that and me agreeing 1 out 10 times is a bit too much for me. Are you sure that you have that right?

CAN YOU FIND ONE POST WHERE I CALLED YOU A LIBERAL??? I have called you a lot of things, but never a liberal.
I am so glad we are having such a nice debate again THC. It really makes my day.

You think it stereotypical to say Dems are weak on defense and yet, the Clinton administration was most evidently weak. Jimma there was a hawk...he was really strong on the military.....hahahaha....and during the Cold War what political party was all about appeasing Soviet imperialism??? Who??? Let me clue you my dear pothead, THE DEMS WERE...John F-ing Kerry (who served in Vietnam) and The Swimmer (Fat Teddy) both of whom just happen to be life long...wait for it...DEMOCRATS) were pushing nuclear freeze and committing treason. And now we have Big Ears cutting NASA when the Soviets and Chinese are investing in space research for military purposes....and BO is cutting defense to the bone (which I am okay with as long as it is done right, but it won't be under the Skinny Big Eared Commie).

Apparently calling something what it is, just does not work for you.

It really warms my heart to know you agree with me ONLY 10% of the time. Though I am a bit unsettled by that and me agreeing 1 out 10 times is a bit too much for me. Are you sure that you have that right?

CAN YOU FIND ONE POST WHERE I CALLED YOU A LIBERAL??? I have called you a lot of things, but never a liberal.

Maybe not. Pothead, though I've never smoked pot, but maybe not liberal. I was pretty sure you considered me to be a flaming liberal, but perhaps not.

and, of course, according to the liberal stereotype, all of the names you just mentioned are the same.

Do you really consider Obama, being a liberal and all, to be weak on defense? He must be, in order to fit the stereotype.

The 10% figure is just an estimate. It could be high. After all, pigs do fly now and again, Hell has been known to freeze, and there are some Republicans in San Francisco.
Obama learned from Bill Clintons mistake on the USS Cole attack. Obama has ordered the Navy can do whatever it wants for whatever reason. Just like Cops can get away with murder and you cant.