USSC Blunder

....habeas corpus....habeas corpus....habeas corpus....habeas corpus....habeas corpus....habeas corpus....habeas corpus....habeas corpus

Yes, yes, yes, Habeas Corpus, SCOTUS screwed up, conservative and real Americans know this, liberals and the "hate America first" crowd love it. Now they get to sit at home, in their underwear, eating cheeto's, and watching Court TV for the next 10 years, wringing their hands and saying "those poor, poor, mistreated Muzzies". Got it. These are the same morons who were glued to the OJ trial, and who think that Sally Jessie Raphael was the neatest thing since sliced bread.
No, I will NOT kidnap cuban people! :mad:

Well OK then, how about a couple of boxes of cigars instead. Tell ya what, if you'll pick up 3 boxes, I'll give one of them to you. Even if you don't smoke, you can turn around and sell 'em for about $20 a stick (without drawing attention to yourself).