vertical farming failing world wide , another liberal ideal that did not think ahead of what can happen. .

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
I saw where standard grown lettuce heads were selling for about 2.60 a head in the store and is sold in bulk for well under a dollar it cost over 5 bucks to grown a head in vertical farming add on spoilage shipping store costs and other costs and you you end up with a head od lettuce approaching 8 bucks .
Liberals forgot to add in energy costs and labor while energy costs were a bit high the real cost was labor and you need some skilled and unskilled labor to handle the science of it. and labor costs were by far the biggest expense. . Companys around the world have gone bankrupt and cost investors billions .
Solar could go the sae way if idiots are in charge .
this is a liberal idea? is everything new a liberal airplanes were, computers, etc? lol
This was and it failed much like solar can if it's rushed. You miss the point completely.

so how was it a "liberal idea", did "liberals" vote on it or something?
i didn't miss the point. new technologies fail all the time, some forever, some come back.
so how was it a "liberal idea", did "liberals" vote on it or something?
i didn't miss the point. new technologies fail all the time, some forever, some come back.
It was a green energy dream for liberals . It will work for people in places like Alaska and Iceland where frowning crops is impossible naturally .No they do0 make self contained 40 foot shipping containers that are used for growing of rye it only takes a few days to to be big enough for cattle feed and they eat the root and all as its hydroponically grown from mostly automated and provides great feed for cattle pigs chickens most farm animals .that is sustainable.
It was a green energy dream for liberals . It will work for people in places like Alaska and Iceland where frowning crops is impossible naturally .No they do0 make self contained 40 foot shipping containers that are used for growing of rye it only takes a few days to to be big enough for cattle feed and they eat the root and all as its hydroponically grown from mostly automated and provides great feed for cattle pigs chickens most farm animals .that is sustainable.
so its not another crazy idea since it will be useful in some cases.
so its not another crazy idea since it will be useful in some cases.
Live stock feed is not vertical farming dumb ass your talking about something totally different .
Its done on a much small level and most unskilled labor can care for it and it only requires a fraction of the labor 1 person can care for a couple units and only put in about 3 hours a day vertical farming for for livestock feed is much different. and its very cost effective.
They are usuallyshippedas 40 ft containers you put on a pad and they are fairly well self automated and can run off solar. if you have a good batter storage system set up.
You just put rye seeds on a pull out shelf and spread it around and just a few days after that you have cattle feed.
so its not another crazy idea since it will be useful in some cases.
frowning fodder compared to food is totally different lug nut different but you would not know that or understand as i doubt you have any farming experience.Most vertical farms are in building and require a huge investment in eqt and labor and operation funds .
Foodder containers are designed for a farmer with limited land and or poor feed quality . IT a a man job
Any new technology will need to adapt itself to unforeseen circumstances. Airline travel took forty years to become reliable and affordable. The first jet passenger liners had a tendency to plummet, and that took several years to make safe. I think you will find that vertical farming is working rather well in the Netherlands.

It is a little known fact that most years, the Netherlands, a tiny and heavily populated country usually is second in food exports after the US.
frowning fodder compared to food is totally different lug nut different but you would not know that or understand as i doubt you have any farming experience.Most vertical farms are in building and require a huge investment in eqt and labor and operation funds .
Foodder containers are designed for a farmer with limited land and or poor feed quality . IT a a man job
You already said it dan be useful lugnut
I saw where standard grown lettuce heads were selling for about 2.60 a head in the store and is sold in bulk for well under a dollar it cost over 5 bucks to grown a head in vertical farming add on spoilage shipping store costs and other costs and you you end up with a head od lettuce approaching 8 bucks .
Liberals forgot to add in energy costs and labor while energy costs were a bit high the real cost was labor and you need some skilled and unskilled labor to handle the science of it. and labor costs were by far the biggest expense. . Companys around the world have gone bankrupt and cost investors billions .
Solar could go the sae way if idiots are in charge .
Solyndra was just one of thousands of failed Democrat attempts to create prosperous businesses by government involvement rather than by free market demands.
Quite a few Democrats also invested money in Solyndra, made huge profits, and then sold their shares before the gov'mnt money ran out.
You have no clue who invested in Solyndra, how much they invested, and who made or lost money from it. You read stupid propaganda, and eat it up. You believe in anything that slurs Democrats and worship everything that is pro Trump.

Investors are seldom motivated by politics when they decide what stocks and bonds to buy or sell. Wise investors study the actual finances of a company. At any given moment, there are always many wannabe advisors telling people to sell sell sell because the end is coming, and others telling them to buy buy buy the next fad because they can make 1000% in a week. Only dummies pay any attention to them.

One thing is clear, though. When a Democrat is in the White House, investors have almost always done better than when a Republican is there. Republicans tend to side with the manipulators behind the scene, people who rig the market to their own advantage. Republicans tend to see to it that regulators are cronies of the fatcats and enforcement of the rules is more lax.

They prefer to see the vampires in charge of the bloodbanks.
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