vertical farming failing world wide , another liberal ideal that did not think ahead of what can happen. .

You have no clue who invested in Solyndra, how much they invested, and who made or lost money from it. You read stupid propaganda, and eat it up. You believe in anything that slurs Democrats and worship everything that is pro Trump.
One thing is clear, though. When a Democrat is in the White House, investors have almost always done better than when a Republican is there. Republicans tend to side with the manipulators behind the scene, people who rig the market to their own advantage. Republicans tend to see to it that regulators are cronies of the fatcats and enforcement of the rules is more lax.
If there is one thing above all others that interests crooked politicians and motivates their self-serving policies, it is money. You are right. I have read rumors of political insiders trading in Solyndra and other companies, particularly green energy companies receiving billions of American taxpayer dollars in risky speculations. Solyndra turned out to be a failure, but there was a group of investors who did not share in the losses, and that group included assorted venture capital firms with secured investments in the failed venture, who received their expected profits while the government and other investors suffered losses. Politicians have long been known to invest in safe venture capitalist firms with guaranteed returns on investments.

Hillary, for example, netted $100,000 on a $1,000 investment in 1994 by having friends in the mutual fund steer all winnings to her in violation of the law and the rights of other investors.

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You have no clue who invested in Solyndra, how much they invested, and who made or lost money from it. You read stupid propaganda, and eat it up. You believe in anything that slurs Democrats and worship everything that is pro Trump.

Investors are seldom motivated by politics when they decide what stocks and bonds to buy or sell. Wise investors study the actual finances of a company. At any given moment, there are always many wannabe advisors telling people to sell sell sell because the end is coming, and others telling them to buy buy buy the next fad because they can make 1000% in a week. Only dummies pay any attention to them.

One thing is clear, though. When a Democrat is in the White House, investors have almost always done better than when a Republican is there. Republicans tend to side with the manipulators behind the scene, people who rig the market to their own advantage. Republicans tend to see to it that regulators are cronies of the fatcats and enforcement of the rules is more lax.

They prefer to see the vampires in charge of the bloodbanks.
The smart money investing in failed Democrat startups is always invested by companies who secure those investments so that they and their stockholders will be guaranteed to make a profit no matter how many others, including the US government, may lose money in the venture. Crooked politicians are known for their selfishness and greed and those politicians who invested in Solyndra did so by investing in venture capitalist firms that secured their guaranteed profit before investing.

Hillary made $100,000 off a $1,000 investment in 1994 because she invested in a mutual fund that had managers guarantee her a profit.

The smart money investing in failed Democrat startups is always invested by companies who secure those investments so that they and their stockholders will be guaranteed to make a profit no matter how many others, including the US government, may lose money in the venture. Crooked politicians are known for their selfishness and greed and those politicians who invested in Solyndra did so by investing in venture capitalist firms that secured their guaranteed profit before investing.

Hillary made $100,000 off a $1,000 investment in 1994 because she invested in a mutual fund that had managers guarantee her a profit.

No mutual fund managers ever guarantee anyone a profit. They must always say that there is a possibility of loss.
Solyndra was a company, NOT a mutual fund. You cannot even name the mutual fund you claim Hillary invested in.
All you do is constantly regurgitate lies and nonsense. With every post you make a fool of yourself.
No mutual fund managers ever guarantee anyone a profit. They must always say that there is a possibility of loss.
Solyndra was a company, NOT a mutual fund. You cannot even name the mutual fund you claim Hillary invested in.
All you do is constantly regurgitate lies and nonsense. With every post you make a fool of yourself.
Solyndra was not a mutual fund but these investors did include among them mutual fund institutions:

The major investors that have poured money into Solyndra so far include Virgin Green Fund, Rockport Capital, Argonaut Ventures, RedPoint Ventures, CMEA Ventures, US Venture Partners and the Masdar Clean Tech Fund. Finally, there’s Madrone Capital, the Walton family fund that also funded First Solar, the thin-film solar industry’s biggest success to date.

Americans invested in Solyndra did so through one of these mutual funds invested in Solyndra. There were two types of private loans provided to Solyndra: secured and non-secured. Big venture capital companies provided secured loans, meaning that their investments would be repaid in the event of a collapse, before other investors and before the government were repaid for their loans.
Again, you cannot even name the mutual fund. Mutual funds are limited to invest more than a certain amount in a single company. never over 20%. You are ignorant of the facts and keep making up nonsense. The funds you mention are NOT mutual funds, they are venture capital funds.

I have been investing in funds for forty years, and never heard of Solyndra until it went broke. It was a highly speculative investment.
Again, you cannot even name the mutual fund. Mutual funds are limited to invest more than a certain amount in a single company. never over 20%. You are ignorant of the facts and keep making up nonsense. The funds you mention are NOT mutual funds, they are venture capital funds.

I have been investing in funds for forty years, and never heard of Solyndra until it went broke. It was a highly speculative investment.
You are right. I don't really care who succeeds and who doesn't succeed in investments catering to the corrupt and greedy.
You are right. I don't really care who succeeds and who doesn't succeed in investments catering to the corrupt and greedy.
Nearly all decisions by investors are based on greed to make a profit or fear of losing capital. That is not corruption, that is the way it works. For centuries, Christians banned lending money at interest, and progress did not exist. Jews were banned from lending money to other Jews (because the Bible banned it) but they could lend money to Gentiles, and that was how Europe eventually developed industry.

Islam bans lending money at interest, and a bunch of clever ruses are used so they can develop, but Muslim nations are far less developed as a result, except for several countries with huge resources and small populations.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all opposed to capitalism, based on prohibitions about lending money.
If there is one thing above all others that interests crooked politicians and motivates their self-serving policies, it is money. You are right. I have read rumors of political insiders trading in Solyndra and other companies, particularly green energy companies receiving billions of American taxpayer dollars in risky speculations. Solyndra turned out to be a failure, but there was a group of investors who did not share in the losses, and that group included assorted venture capital firms with secured investments in the failed venture, who received their expected profits while the government and other investors suffered losses. Politicians have long been known to invest in safe venture capitalist firms with guaranteed returns on investments.

Hillary, for example, netted $100,000 on a $1,000 investment in 1994 by having friends in the mutual fund steer all winnings to her in violation of the law and the rights of other investors.

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as you can see Solyndra was owned by a capital investment firm owned by Barry O bung hole .and they got huge tax credits from it . So yes mark is right it was demo rat investors and you do not know what you're talking about .
And do you realy think had he not been a friend of Obung holes he would of got the loan? That is corruption at its finest.
You are stupid, Obama did not own Solyndra stock at all.
You are stupid, Obama did not own Solyndra stock at all.
Your the pone who is stupid I never implied or said bend over barry o bung hole owned stock and you claim to have been a teacher.
I clearly stated Solyndra was owned my a venture capital investment group run by his buddy and a fellow democrat.
And as president it looks really bad and can Easly be considered corruption by giving him that amount od money .

Get you act together just like you claimed there is no combustion with out oxygen I happen to know better and have proven you wrong on that and you claim to have been a teacher and have a PhD a hillbilly with a Ged and I know your full of shat and do not know what your talking about . What's it feel like to know a hillbilly from Kentucky who grew up on a pig and tobacco farm keeps making you look stupid . LOL you and lug nut are one of a kind.

Nearly all decisions by investors are based on greed to make a profit or fear of losing capital. That is not corruption, that is the way it works. For centuries, Christians banned lending money at interest, and progress did not exist. Jews were banned from lending money to other Jews (because the Bible banned it) but they could lend money to Gentiles, and that was how Europe eventually developed industry.

Islam bans lending money at interest, and a bunch of clever ruses are used so they can develop, but Muslim nations are far less developed as a result, except for several countries with huge resources and small populations.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all opposed to capitalism, based on prohibitions about lending money.
I support the type of Christianity that promotes human labor to gain wealth and human laws to protect that wealth from thieves and robbers.
Nearly all decisions by investors are based on greed to make a profit or fear of losing capital. That is not corruption, that is the way it works. For centuries, Christians banned lending money at interest, and progress did not exist. Jews were banned from lending money to other Jews (because the Bible banned it) but they could lend money to Gentiles, and that was how Europe eventually developed industry.

Islam bans lending money at interest, and a bunch of clever ruses are used so they can develop, but Muslim nations are far less developed as a result, except for several countries with huge resources and small populations.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all opposed to capitalism, based on prohibitions about lending money.
When you are in control of who gets the money and your buddy's get contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars it sure can be considered corrupt.
Any time you are in government and you give your buddy's or family contracts it's wrong .
When you are in control of who gets the money and your buddy's get contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars it sure can be considered corrupt.
Any time you are in government and you give your buddy's or family contracts it's wrong .
James Biden's corrupt Americore corporation is under investigation for allegedly scamming the US government Medicate program out of tens of millions of dollars. That is what greedy politically connected crooks do when they think they can get away with it.

James Biden's bids to finance US ventures with 'sham' loans probed by feds in Florida ( 3-26-24
James Biden’s bids to finance US ventures with ‘sham’ loans probed by feds in Florida

Federal investigators in South Florida have scrutinized transactions linked to first brother James Biden as part of an ongoing criminal probe linked to a now-bankrupt rural hospital chain.

The Sunshine State investigation, two people familiar with the matter told Politico, examined efforts by President Biden’s younger sibling and his partners to woo investment in the chain — Americore Health — as well as other ventures from the Middle East.

James Biden’s efforts on behalf of Americore helped yield a $200,000 payment to his brother Joe — the circumstances of which are now part of a House impeachment inquiry into the president.

Meanwhile, federal prosecutors in a Medicare fraud case out of Pennsylvania sought information about James Biden’s activities as recently as last year, according to a third Politico source. That case involves an Americore hospital netting tens of millions of dollars in unlawful Medicare repayments.