We'll F-ing Destroy You': Tara Reade PUNISHED for Exposing Biden | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 158


You might be ready to consider this.

#WalkAway Brandon Straka: "Why I left the Democrat Party" (6:06)​

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This will be a time studied in the future. His name will be recorded as a real patriot.

Are you aware of the Capitol Police stun grenade attack on the peaceful J6 protesters?

you'll have to prove the police started it.

and no, a single picture without context doesn't prove anything. lol
you'll have to prove the police started it.

and no, a single picture without context doesn't prove anything. lol
I know you are slow to connect the dots, but adding more dots won't help explain the picture before you.

The J6 VIDEOS I posted are unimpeachable.

Dont pretend that all that you saw were still images.

I posted links to text, stills and videos which make the police attack clear to all.

When you decided to become a political activist, you didn't have enough honest information about the issues and you chose the wrong side to defend.

Stop defending the wrong side.

You can stop being such a loser by just walking away.
I know you are slow to connect the dots, but adding more dots won't help explain the picture before you.

The J6 VIDEOS I posted are unimpeachable.

Dont pretend that all that you saw were still images.

I posted links to text, stills and videos which make the police attack clear to all.

When you decided to become a political activist, you didn't have enough honest information about the issues and you chose the wrong side to defend.

Stop defending the wrong side.

You can stop being such a loser by just walking away.

i only saw a single image. post a video link proving it.
The Gateway Pundit

MONSTERS: More Video– Capitol Police Fire Flash Grenades on Peaceful Jan. 6 Protesters including Women (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published June 2, 2021


On Jan. 6 Capitol Police started firing flash grenades and rubber bullets at peaceful protesters with US and MAGA flags.

From the video we released earlier you can see the protesters are NOT on the Capitol steps and were behind barriers.
There were children, veterans and seniors in the crowd.

The protesters were packed tightly together and the Capitol Police started firing on them.

Last week Julie Kelly from American Greatness released a video from Jan. 6 protests in Washington DC. Police started firing on the peaceful protestors on the west side of the Capitol building.

In the video at American Greatness you can see Kash Kelly, a former gang member and founder of the Streetlights Unity Movement and Foundation, a group he launched in 2020 in opposition to Black Lives Matters to help at-risk people in inner-cities, outraged that police were firing on this crowd of patriots with American flags and MAGA gear.

Over the weekend The Gateway Pundit was sent a second video of the Capitol Police firing on the Jan. 6 crowd of men, women, children and seniors.

In this video you can see in slow motion the flash grenade fired out over the crowd and into the crowd.

The Trump supporters had nowhere to move to and many had NO IDEA what was about to hit them!

The flash grenade then EXPLODES into the crowd of men, women, children, and seniors!
Flash bang grenades in close range can cause hearing loss, eye damage, and other injuries.

This is your government Declaring War on its people!

And now we have more video of Capitol Police firing flash grenades on the peaceful crowd of Trump supporters.

In this latest video you can clearly see Trump supporters, including several women, knocked down and injured in the police attack.
For some reason this never made any headlines in the fake-news mainstream media.

Jim Hoft
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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud
no i mean like him. he broke the law and was caught and punished. duh.
Odd how blm and antifa rioters were not tracked down by congress isnt it. They were able to murder dozens loot stores commit arson attack local state and federal building take over neighbor hoods assault thousand of cops and citizens and do billions in damages yet were never help responsible . Amazing.
Odd how blm and antifa rioters were not tracked down by congress isnt it. They were able to murder dozens loot stores commit arson attack local state and federal building take over neighbor hoods assault thousand of cops and citizens and do billions in damages yet were never help responsible . Amazing.

did antifa and blm storm congress and try to stop the peaceful transfer of federal power? no.

not very odd at all that it was a state level problem, *****. lol