Westerwelle: German responsibility for crimes of Holocaust has no expiration date


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2013
Germany is now slave t o Hermann van Rompuy and Brussels. now many young Germans must be responsible to pay for this :mad:
BERLIN - Germany’s debt for the "crimes against humanity" of the Holocaust means for it "the existence and security of Israel are not negotiable", German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle told attendees of a memorial service to Berlin’s Jewish deportees last Thursday.

In the presence of Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanayhu, at the end of his visit to the German capital as part of the fourth annual Israel-Germany ministerial meeting, he said Track 17, the site from which 55,000 Berlin Jews were deported to Nazi death camps, reminds Germany "of the darkest chapter of our history".

Commemorating such atrocities should serve as a reminder that "German responsibility for the crimes against humanity of the Shoah (Holocaust) has no expiration date. The story does not end with a generation".

Germany as a nation can not be held responsible for the Holocaust. Any one who live during the was as an adult would be over 80 now. Young Germans born after the war are no more responsible for the action of German adults 68 years ago than other nations for war crimes their country committed during ww2.
Germany as a nation can not be held responsible for the Holocaust. Any one who live during the was as an adult would be over 80 now. Young Germans born after the war are no more responsible for the action of German adults 68 years ago than other nations for war crimes their country committed during ww2.
small correction, germany cannot... unless it wants to be. why they wanted to be Ill never know.