What if...

And we find that the organizer of the Cville rally was a leader in the OWS doings in NYC.
And the antifa are a Soros gang.
All a one sided charade till one girl wandered in and got run over.

"Wandered in and got run over"? You really are a fool of the lowest order. I bet you believe she stepped in front of the car on purpose.

Fricking jack ass.
Or one could look at Strom Thurmond, David Duke, and others.

Did the republican party name any of those men as the "conscience" of anything?

Problem with the blind, such as yourself, is that you rely on history, and its propaganda, to deflect from what is happening today.

Alas, it is you and yours who are the blind... It is interesting that you are unable to see that the traction of racism remains strong within the democrat party... Welfare, for example has created generations of black children with no strong male figures in their lives and generational dependence on government hand outs... With the launch of the "great society" program, lyndon johnson told two governors that he would have those n*#%#** voting democrat for 200 years.

More than 22 trillion dollars has been spent on that program and the only visible result is that blacks are even more removed from mainstream society now than they were at the end of the civil war. Welfare has created a situation where academic achievement and success by children is perceived as acting "white". Do you really believe that government, and the democrat party are so inept that even after spending 22 trillion dollars on a series of programs, the result are so staggeringly poor? Far from that, the results are a staggering success. The great society programs produced exactly the result they were looking for. Blacks voting for democrats while being pushed further and further out of mainstream society..

Then there is affirmative action...the most racist policy out of government since jim crow. Imagine, a government policy which states blatantly that blacks aren't good enough to compete with whites, so the standards must be lowered in order for them to have a chance at the American Dream. Democrats here in the 21st century still think that people should be judged by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character... Of course, the great society programs which produced generations of black children with no strong male figures in their lives certainly made sure that there was little chance of the development of anything like character within the general minority population.

Then there is the fact that democrats are big fans of abortion...and which ethnic group is hit hardest by abortion? Grab your phone and pick a city...look up planned parenthood and note where the clinics are located...more than 90% are within walking distance of neighborhoods where minorities are the majority. You believe that is coincidence?

In 2008 harry reid said that obama could win the election because he was light skinned...and doesn't use the typical "negro" dialect. in 2007 biden said “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” A "storybook" man, meaning not your typical black man...and why is he not the typical black man in the US if not for the direct result of decade upon decade of government policy aimed at assuring that the typical american black man was nothing like the typical american white man?

And while the Democratic Party did use the Klan for its political purposes, it is now the Republican Party in the persona of Trump that is relying on the White Supremacists to "take our country back".

Built yourself a good logical fallacy there....and let me guess, you actually believe it. If you want to find race baiters, look to mainstream democrats, not a few powerless back woods throwbacks who are more than likely victims themselves of the great society programs.

Interesting enough, it is the Democrats that grew a conscience, and realized that the hate of the White Nationalists, the Nazi's, the KKK, etc., were wrong. Unfortunately it is the Republicans who are now embracing that philosophy, and defending it just as you now did.

Rewriting history doesn't make it true. Democrats never grew a conscience..The reality is that the Democrats had to change their strategy as blatant racism in the United States was on the decline. With the Democrats strong opposition to equality, there is no way they would have been able to win elections. And one doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to see how blatantly racist the policies they implemented as a result of winning those elections were, and remain today. You like to throw around the term alt.reality but all one need do is compare what what you say, on practically any topic to see who actually lives in the alt.reality.
The Dems did not grow a conscience. LBJ was responsible for a change in marketing strategy. With the "Great Society" LBJ threw tons of welfare dollars at minority groups and reeled them into the Dem party. So long as the dolllars continue to flow these groups wil remain in the Dem bloc. Welfare took a noble cause championed by MLK and others and turned civil rights into an organ grinder with a little tin cup.

Did the republican party name any of those men as the "conscience" of anything?

Why should they? Were they racists, or not? Are they not now supporters of the Republican Party, and are they not working to fulfill the right wing agenda?

Alas, it is you and yours who are the blind... It is interesting that you are unable to see that the traction of racism remains strong within the democrat party...

As it is in the Republican Party.

Welfare, for example has created generations of black children with no strong male figures in their lives and generational dependence on government hand outs... With the launch of the "great society" program, lyndon johnson told two governors that he would have those n*#%#** voting democrat for 200 years.

Welfare has done more to enrich the wealthy then it has to assist the poor. Again though, you need to go to the past to justify the present. When was the last time the Republicans did anything to eliminate welfare? Even the 1994 so-called "welfare reform" was a joke. And now we have a homeless problem that ppeople like you continue to ignore, caused by the declining economy, stagnant wages, and increasing housing costs created by the right wing


Then there is affirmative action...the most racist policy out of government since jim crow. Imagine, a government policy which states blatantly that blacks aren't good enough to compete with whites, so the standards must be lowered in order for them to have a chance at the American Dream. Democrats here in the 21st century still think that people should be judged by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character... Of course, the great society programs which produced generations of black children with no strong male figures in their lives certainly made sure that there was little chance of the development of anything like character within the general minority population.

While it was Johnson that first used affirmative action by Executive Order, it was the Republicans, especially Nixon, and Reagan, that really advanced it:


Then there is the fact that democrats are big fans of abortion...and which ethnic group is hit hardest by abortion? Grab your phone and pick a city...look up planned parenthood and note where the clinics are located...more than 90% are within walking distance of neighborhoods where minorities are the majority. You believe that is coincidence?

And even when the Republicans control all three branches of the government, and the courts, they cannot seem to get abortions outlawed. Conincidence?

In 2008 harry reid said that obama could win the election because he was light skinned...and doesn't use the typical "negro" dialect. in 2007 biden said “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” A "storybook" man, meaning not your typical black man...and why is he not the typical black man in the US if not for the direct result of decade upon decade of government policy aimed at assuring that the typical american black man was nothing like the typical american white man?

And yet they worked with Obama, and it was the Republicans that opposed everything he proposed, and said their job was to ?Make him a one term President".

Built yourself a good logical fallacy there....and let me guess, you actually believe it. If you want to find race baiters, look to mainstream democrats, not a few powerless back woods throwbacks who are more than likely victims themselves of the great society programs.

Why not name some of these "race baiters"?


Rewriting history doesn't make it true. Democrats never grew a conscience..The reality is that the Democrats had to change their strategy as blatant racism in the United States was on the decline. With the Democrats strong opposition to equality, there is no way they would have been able to win elections. And one doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to see how blatantly racist the policies they implemented as a result of winning those elections were, and remain today. You like to throw around the term alt.reality but all one need do is compare what what you say, on practically any topic to see who actually lives in the alt.reality.

You are really stuck in the alt-reality created for weak minded fools like you. You live in the past as you try to make it the present, and thus you can ignore what is really going on just to let your hate of any information that does not support your fantasy world. Like Dog, and Waggie, reality is not where you want to live so you create a fantasy world for your own limited intellect.
Why should they? Were they racists, or not? Are they not now supporters of the Republican Party, and are they not working to fulfill the right wing agenda?

And yet, senator byrd who was a grand kleagle in the klan was called the conscience of the senate by the democrat party for decades. I must say, when you put on a pair of blinders, you really pay attention to detail and get a pair that really do the job.

As it is in the Republican Party.

Exactly what racist policy do you see coming out of the republican party?

Welfare has done more to enrich the wealthy then it has to assist the poor. Again though, you need to go to the past to justify the present. When was the last time the Republicans did anything to eliminate welfare? Even the 1994 so-called "welfare reform" was a joke. And now we have a homeless problem that ppeople like you continue to ignore, caused by the declining economy, stagnant wages, and increasing housing costs created by the right wing

It seems that you are the one who needs to go to the past to justify your present views..

While it was Johnson that first used affirmative action by Executive Order, it was the Republicans, especially Nixon, and Reagan, that really advanced it:

You really are deluded..and looking at the sort of sources you go to...on any given topic, it is little wonde

And even when the Republicans control all three branches of the government, and the courts, they cannot seem to get abortions outlawed. Conincidence?

Guess you don't know how the courts work either...not surprising. And I suppose you have failed to note the amount of work that has been done by the republicans toward defunding the practice.

And yet they worked with Obama, and it was the Republicans that opposed everything he proposed, and said their job was to ?Make him a one term President".

And how are the democrats working today to assure that Trump is a two term president? Geez guy, learn something...it is the job of opposing parties to make sure that the oppositions president is a one term president.

Why not name some of these "race baiters"?

Off the top of my head...obama himself was a top shelf race baiter, nancy pelosi, ben jealous, al sharpton, jeremiah wright, harry reid, charlie rangel and the list could go on ad infinitum...it is a testament to your blinders that you would even ask such a question.

What do you know...another opinion piece...seems that practically everything you believe you know is the product of someone else's opinion...interesting that you rarely seek out fact.

You are really stuck in the alt-reality created for weak minded fools like you. You live in the past as you try to make it the present, and thus you can ignore what is really going on just to let your hate of any information that does not support your fantasy world. Like Dog, and Waggie, reality is not where you want to live so you create a fantasy world for your own limited intellect.

I am interested to see what passes for present republican racism in your mind...we will see exactly who is living in the real world. It is clear that in your alt.reality, you don't even operate on the actual definition of racist...a racist is one who believes his race is superior to another...the examples of racism coming from the democrats are blatant...lets see what passes for racism in your alt.reality...
And yet, senator byrd who was a grand kleagle in the klan was called the conscience of the senate by the democrat party for decades. I must say, when you put on a pair of blinders, you really pay attention to detail and get a pair that really do the job.

Sorry if you think living in the present is putting blinders on unlike you who seem to think the past is what matters. If you used the quote you lie so much (Those who ignore the past are bound to repeat it) properly you would know it was intended to teach others to LEARN from the past, not live in it.

Exactly what racist policy do you see coming out of the republican party?

Educate yourself. The Courts have determined that voter suppression by the Republicans in their gerrymandering procedures, and in the voting rules, is racist.

It seems that you are the one who needs to go to the past to justify your present views..

You really are the fool, and think all others should be as stupid as you. Welfare reform is the "past"? Homelessness is th e"past"?

You really are deluded..and looking at the sort of sources you go to...on any given topic, it is little wonde

And yet you don't prove them wrong, you just go to your widdle minded sites for their biased views.

Guess you don't know how the courts work either...not surprising. And I suppose you have failed to note the amount of work that has been done by the republicans toward defunding the practice.

And yet when they control all three be=ranches of government, and the Courts, they can't get the job done. Kind of like their failure to defund Obamacare now, or to even get a budget passed.

And how are the democrats working today to assure that Trump is a two term president? Geez guy, learn something...it is the job of opposing parties to make sure that the oppositions president is a one term president.

First off, Trump is a mentally ill child supported by the mentally ill, and racists. He has no support from the common person as Obama did. He lies consistently, and will get us into more wars, more good men will die, not cowards like Trump and most of his supporters, and his proposed budget will add more debt then Obama did with his Republican controlled House, and Senate.

It is the job of the Parties to do what is good for the country, not to oppose a new President who won the popular vote BEFORE he even took the oath of office. Of course, Washington, andothers, warned of the dangers of the two party system which fools have chosen to ignore.

Off the top of my head...obama himself was a top shelf race baiter, nancy pelosi, ben jealous, al sharpton, jeremiah wright, harry reid, charlie rangel and the list could go on ad infinitum...it is a testament to your blinders that you would even ask such a question.

No, it is testimony to your reliance on your own ignorance that you would think such was true save for Jeremiah Wright who is not a politician.

What do you know...another opinion piece...seems that practically everything you believe you know is the product of someone else's opinion...interesting that you rarely seek out fact.

Opinions supported by FACT, and TRUTH, two things that you have nothing in common with as can be shown by your constant spewing of *********, and lies.

I am interested to see what passes for present republican racism in your mind...we will see exactly who is living in the real world. It is clear that in your alt.reality, you don't even operate on the actual definition of racist...a racist is one who believes his race is superior to another...the examples of racism coming from the democrats are blatant...lets see what passes for racism in your alt.reality...

Already answered that question twice with examples. Too bad your own racist attitude prevents you from seeing the truth.

Better hurry or you will be late for your next cross burning.
Sorry if you think living in the present is putting blinders on unlike you who seem to think the past is what matters. If you used the quote you lie so much (Those who ignore the past are bound to repeat it) properly you would know it was intended to teach others to LEARN from the past, not live in it.

You really think the democrat party has changed?...Look at who they just put up for president..

Educate yourself. The Courts have determined that voter suppression by the Republicans in their gerrymandering procedures, and in the voting rules, is racist.

Educate yourself trapper...democrats invented gerrymandering and now they claim to call it racist...what a joke you are...democrats invented the tactic when the jim crow laws were overturned...and have made judicious use of the process until this very day. As soon as democrats get into power, they start moving the district borders...claiming that it is something to blame the republicans on is either a blatant, bald faced lie, or abject ignorance on parade.

You know what liberals are best at?...and it is a bit of old nazi wisdom...accuse your adversary of the very thing that you are doing...democrats have been doing it for decades and they still do it, as evidenced by your claim that conservatives are racist.

And yet you don't prove them wrong, you just go to your widdle minded sites for their biased views.

Reality proves them wrong...what else do I need?

And yet when they control all three be=ranches of government, and the Courts, they can't get the job done. Kind of like their failure to defund Obamacare now, or to even get a budget passed.[/'quote]

And still you don't appear to know how the courts work.

First off, Trump is a mentally ill child supported by the mentally ill, and racists.

Name calling? I asked you what the democrats are doing that is different from the republicans insofar as having their candidate elected..and you call names...unsupportable, unsubstantiable names. You really are typical..

Opinions supported by FACT, and TRUTH, two things that you have nothing in common with as can be shown by your constant spewing of *********, and lies.

You think there is fact there? Where might it be beyond getting the date right. It is nothing more than the false outrage of a snowflake....seems to be typical of your sources.

Already answered that question twice with examples. Too bad your own racist attitude prevents you from seeing the truth.

No...you didn't. Like your arguments considering the climate...you provide opinion and assume it is fact. Thus far, you have provide no example of republican policy that is racist...perhaps it could be because you don't know the meaning of the word and accept the opinion of people who also don't know.

Better hurry or you will be late for your next cross burning.

You really are full of shit and don't have the first clue....Like all liberals, name calling and logical fallacy is your stock in trade. I would have voted for Alan Keys or Ben Carson in a heartbeat. Unlike you, I am not a racist. You, as evidenced by your politics believe that color is important..you believe skin color is relevant to what a person can achieve. I don't hold such a misguided world view.
You really think the democrat party has changed?...If that is true, then you are as stupid as you are uninformed....Look at who they just put up for president..

In 1974, after Bill Clinton lost his bid for a Senate seat, Hillary lashed out at campaign manager Paul Fray calling him a, “f*cking Jew bastard!”

As First Lady, Hillary called young black men “super-predators” indicating that she thought all young black males were violent criminals. She also said, “We have to bring them to heel,” like young blacks are the same as dogs

And the list could go on ad nauseum...of course she is a racist, what else could she be? she is liberal, democrat, and believes the color of her skin makes her superior...just like anyone who ever favored affirmative action.

Educate yourself trapper...democrats invented gerrymandering and now they claim to call it racist...what a joke you are...democrats invented the tactic when the jim crow laws were overturned...and have made judicious use of the process until this very day. As soon as democrats get into power, they start moving the district borders...claiming that it is something to blame the republicans on is either a blatant, bald faced lie, or abject ignorance on parade.

You know what liberals are best at?...and it is a bit of old nazi wisdom...accuse your adversary of the very thing that you are doing...democrats have been doing it for decades and they still do it, as evidenced by your claim that conservatives are racist.

Reality proves them wrong...what else do I need?

Funny! It seems that it is actually REPUBLICANS who, historically, have benefited from gerrymander"

" What may be the first use of the term to describe the redistricting in another state (Maryland) occurred in the Federal Republican (Georgetown, Washington, DC) on 12 October 1812. There are at least 80 known citations of the word from March through December 1812 in American newspapers.[3]

The practice of gerrymandering the borders of new states continued past the Civil War and into the late 19th century. The Republican Party used its control of Congress to secure the admission of more states in territories friendly to their party. A notable example is the admission of Dakota Territory as two states instead of one. By the rules for representation in the Electoral College, each new state carried at least three electoral votes, regardless of its population.

The ability to gerrymander can create strange bedfellows interested in securing re-election; in some states, Republicans have cut deals with opposing black Democratic state legislators to create majority-black districts. By packing black Democratic voters into a single district, they can essentially ensure the election of a black Congressman or re-election of a black state legislator due to the packed concentration of Democratic voters. However, the surrounding districts are more safely Republican in areas like the South, where white conservatives have increasingly shifted from the Democratic to the Republican Party in national elections in the last four decades.

In Pennsylvania, the Republican-dominated state legislature used gerrymandering to help defeat Democratic representative Frank Mascara. Mascara was elected to Congress in 1994. In 2002, the Republican Party altered the boundaries of his original district so much that he was pitted against fellow Democratic candidate John Murtha in the election. The shape of Mascara's newly drawn district formed a finger that stopped at his street, encompassing his house, but not the spot where he parked his car. Murtha won the election in the newly formed district.[4]

State legislatures have used gerrymandering along racial or ethnic lines both to decrease and increase minority representation in state governments and congressional delegations. In the state of Ohio, a conversation between Republican officials was recorded that demonstrated that redistricting was being done to aid their political candidates. Furthermore, the discussions assessed race of voters as a factor in redistricting, because African-Americans had backed Democratic candidates. Republicans apparently removed approximately 13,000 African-American voters from the district of Jim Raussen, a Republican candidate for the House of Representatives, in an attempt to tip the scales in what was once a competitive district for Democratic candidates.[5]

Funny! It seems that it is actually REPUBLICANS who, historically, have benefited from gerrymander"

No actually republicans have benefitted from democrat candidates and policy.

The practice of gerrymandering the borders of new states continued past the Civil War and into the late 19th century. The Republican Party used its control of Congress to secure the admission of more states in territories friendly to their party.

Actually, it was to prevent the democrats from getting enough power to start another civil war in an effort to bring back slavery...but believe whatever you like...that is what wackos do.

By the way...anyone who depends on wiki for information is a top shelf idiot.
Why should they? Were they racists, or not? Are they not now supporters of the Republican Party, and are they not working to fulfill the right wing agenda?
You really think the democrat party has changed?...Look at who they just put up for president..

Look at who the Republicans put up. One who will not disavow racists unless forced to. One who appoints a racist as AG, and then instructs that AG to pursue racist policies. Why not answer the question? Who are the racists supporting today, not 100 years ago?


Educate yourself trapper...democrats invented gerrymandering and now they claim to call it racist...what a joke you are...democrats invented the tactic when the jim crow laws were overturned...and have made judicious use of the process until this very day. As soon as democrats get into power, they start moving the district borders...claiming that it is something to blame the republicans on is either a blatant, bald faced lie, or abject ignorance on parade.

More of your lies, and ignoring of truth. You know the old joke, the "joke is in your hand", and you certainly prove it to be so.


But it really doesn't matter who invented it, it is the GOP that is now using it to keep Democrats out of office, and to skew elections in their favor. And the courts have declared it unconstitutional:


Now we will wait to see what SCOTUS says:


You know what liberals are best at?...and it is a bit of old nazi wisdom...accuse your adversary of the very thing that you are doing...democrats have been doing it for decades and they still do it, as evidenced by your claim that conservatives are racist.

It seems that is a tactic that Trump uses quite well, and fools like you support him doing so. It was Goebbels who said "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty" a tactic you use quite often, and Trump has mastered:


I could give you many more but you would only do your usual, and stick your head up Trumps ass, and breathe deeply:


Reality proves them wrong...what else do I need?

What "reality"? You haven't posted anything representing reality, or even coming close to it.
No actually republicans have benefitted from democrat candidates and policy.

More ignorance from the fool:


Actually, it was to prevent the democrats from getting enough power to start another civil war in an effort to bring back slavery...but believe whatever you like...that is what wackos do.

Prove it liar.

By the way...anyone who depends on wiki for information is a top shelf idiot.

One relies on many sources, you rely on your own feeble grasp of child like intellect.
Re : gerrymandering. Many moons ago I saw a sign for Corrine Brown in Midway that said "Corrine brings home the bacon". Corrine's district was second only to Barnie Frank's district in gerrymandering. Her district was 200 miles North to south and, in places, lest than 5 miles wide. Shaped like a piece of mutated spaghetti.
Barnie Frank's district was so gerrymandered that individual city blocks were split to separate registered Dems and Reps.
Florida outlawed gerrymandering a few years back. I don't think much changed.
The original intent of gerrymandered districts was to permit minorities to get elected.
Re : gerrymandering. Many moons ago I saw a sign for Corrine Brown in Midway that said "Corrine brings home the bacon". Corrine's district was second only to Barnie Frank's district in gerrymandering. Her district was 200 miles North to south and, in places, lest than 5 miles wide. Shaped like a piece of mutated spaghetti.
Barnie Frank's district was so gerrymandered that individual city blocks were split to separate registered Dems and Reps.
Florida outlawed gerrymandering a few years back. I don't think much changed.
The original intent of gerrymandered districts was to permit minorities to get elected.

Try reading the article I posted on the history of gerrymandering, and then admit you are an ignorant fool.
No actually republicans have benefitted from democrat candidates and policy.

Actually, it was to prevent the democrats from getting enough power to start another civil war in an effort to bring back slavery...but believe whatever you like...that is what wackos do.

By the way...anyone who depends on wiki for information is a top shelf idiot.

Another delusional extremist Right!

So sad! I am pretty sure you prefer to depend on Breibard, Limbaugh and RightsAlerts! :rolleyes::D:D:D