What is the worship of Islam based on, but the life of the Prophet Mohammed?Which country on Earth is truer to Islam than Iran?

Sleeper Cell clip (4:22)

This helps illustrate two factions within Islam, iinm.

Those who follow Mohammed's early peaceful teachings before he and 150 followers fled Mecca and settled in Medina.

There, the Prophet Mohammed created the violent practice of Jihad and totally conquered the massive Arabian peninsula and converted hundreds of thousands or millions.


well the "massive" arabian peninsula was full of sand and camels, i guess that's an achievement to conquer sand and camels? lol

islam has their own set of "proof" that they are the "one true religion".
like every other religion.

except they support holy wars against non believers . All non believers must submit or die
Yeah.....you'd think....if they were the one, true religion....they could come-up with something original!!!